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Activity Japan editorial department

Speaking of domestic diving spots Okinawa or Shizuoka Suchを思い浮かべる人が多いかもしれませんが,両エリア以外にも都心からアクセスしorすい KanagawaorChibaSuchof関東 , Hyogo,Wakayama,Kagoshima,NagasakiSuchofKyushuorKansai にも多くI have.

Also, lesser known, Hokuriku, Koshinetsu, Tohoku It is also scattered around.

今回teeth,初心者にもおすすめof Main diving spots in Japan をまとめました.

Map of diving spots all over Japan

Kanto / Tokai diving spots

Diving spots that are easily accessible from the city center Speaking of first Kanagawa or Chiba , Shizuoka/Izu Peninsula or Izu Islands there is.


Izu tropical fish diving image

​The complex topography formed by volcanic activity attracts divers. Shizuoka Izu Peninsula .

Especially famous spots are gathered Higashiizu .
城ヶ崎海岸沿いfor,レジャーdiving発祥of地と言われる "Izu Oceanic Park" Also known for its beautiful sands and sea anemone fields "Yokobama Beach" Also known for being able to observe a variety of sea creatures, it is also popular with photography divers. "Yawatano Beach" And so on.

Minamiizu teeth You can enjoy the waterscape with high transparency like a southern country. " Hirizo Beach is famous.
See sea turtles and hammerhead sharks Sometimes.

Nishiizu Numazu then,回遊魚or甲殻類,人気ofウミウシof他に,マンタ,春先にteethマンボウが姿を表すSuch Meet various creatures Osezaki area Suchが人気is.

大瀬崎of隣, Ida Then there is a total length of 200m "Ida beach" でdivingができます.

Diving (scuba diving) popularity ranking in the Tokai area

1 rank

Experience diving★Afternoon part★Let's meet clownfish♪Beginners welcome! Free camera rental! [Regional coupons available for Izukogen, Shizuoka Prefecture, and Fujinokuni]

Izu Kogen Diving Little Ritz
Izu Kogen
11,000 Yen~ (tax included)
  • 4.8
  • (7 reviews and testimonials)


2 rank

Experience Diving★Morning Part★Let's meet clownfish♪Beginners welcome! Free camera rental! [Regional coupons available for Izukogen, Shizuoka Prefecture, and Fujinokuni]

Izu Kogen Diving Little Ritz
Izu Kogen
11,000 Yen~ (tax included)
  • 5.0
  • (4 reviews and testimonials)


3 rank

[Shizuoka/Nishiizu] Diving with a guide at the superb view point "Koganezaki Park Beach" (1 dive per day)

Koganezaki Dive Center
7,700 Yen~ (tax included)


4 rank

[Shizuoka/Nishiizu] 1 boat with diving guide! Leisurely diving off the coast of Izu's leading scenic spot "Koganezaki"!

Koganezaki Dive Center
10,450 Yen~ (tax included)

The attraction of boat diving is the dynamic topography! A group of large creatures! And macro creatures!

5 rank

Challenge scuba diving at Koganezaki! No license required ☆ 10 years old ~ ♪ (Free photo gift)

Koganezaki Dive Center
14,300 Yen~ (tax included)

伊豆屈指of絶景ビーチ『黄金崎』でdiving体験!海中で呼吸できる不思議体験に是非チャレンジしてください.想像以上に綺麗で感動的な景色が目of前に広がりますよ~♪"divingってどういうもofか試してみたい!”と,いう方にオススメなofがこofexperience divingプログラムis.初心者,未経験者大歓迎です!用意する



Tokyo the islands of Izu Islands In, you can see the dynamic terrain created by the volcano, which is certified as a Japanese Geopark. izu-Oshima And there is a tropical mood Hachijojima でofdivingが人気.

izu-Oshimathen, 独特で魅力的な地形だけでなく,たくさんofソフトコーラルor熱帯魚,マクロ生物of姿 を楽しむことができます.

Hachijojimateeth Its transparency and deep fish shadows are attractive .
All the surrounding waters of the island are diving points といわれ, レベルに合ったポイントof豊富さと,700種類以上もof海洋生物が生息していることor,ウミガメとof高い遭遇率 も有名is.


Kanagawa diving クマノミ

Kanagawa にteeth相模湾に沿ってdivingスポットが点在しており, Around Enoshima, Miura Peninsula, Hayama, Manazuru, Nefugawa You can dive with.

Areas such as Miura Peninsula, Hayama, and Manazuru are very popular. is.

Miura Peninsula The main spot of was connected by Jogashima Ohashi Around "Jogashima" is.
黒潮of恩恵を受ける相模湾側,栄養分豊富なTokyo湾側of両サイドにdivingスポットがあり, 何十種もofウミウシSuchさまざまな生き物に出会えるofが魅力 is.

Hayama The main diving spot is Around "Shibasaki Beach" .
黒潮of影響を受け, You can observe various creatures in each season 他,ウミウシをteethじめとする無脊椎動物も多くいます.

Manazuru of Around Iwa Beach then,さまざまな回遊魚or海of生き物に出会える他, large artificial reef があり, Beautiful aquascape with soft corals and many fish を楽しめます.
Manazuruthen他に, There is a colony of coral sea anemones designated as a natural monument of the prefecture. "Fukuura Beach" Spots such as are also major.



Known as a surfing mecca Chiba Boso Peninsula にteethdivingスポットも数多くI have.

among others多くofスポットが集まっているofが Around Tateyama in Minamiboso is.
Hasama area It is in "Hasama Underwater Garden" for, The only underwater shrine in the world があり,周辺にteeth"頼子(よりこ)”という愛称of 巨大海水魚・Asian sheepshead wrasseof姿or,根of周りor砂地でエビ,カニ,ウミウシ,ハゼ類 Suchさまざまな海of生き物You can see.

Located at the southern end of Tateyama Bay Okinoshima Island Is also a popular spot for diving and snorkeling.
Wreck point where beginners can dive "Okinoshima Islandshipwreck(おきofしまちんせん)” が有名is.

Besides Minamiboso Sotobo area teeth,勝浦市浜行川に10種類以上ofウミウシが観察できる " sea slug heaven Also known as Beach Point "Kominari Beach" There is, and it is entertaining divers from beginners to advanced players.

Uchibo area then Katsuyama It is in Around "Ukishima" Is a major diving spot.

Diving (scuba diving) popularity ranking in the Kanto area

1 rank

【Izu Islands・Hachijojima】海ガメに会える島,Hachijojimaでexperience divingを楽しもう!お得な平日プラン

regulus diving
Izu Islands(izu-Oshima・Hachijojima)
9,600 Yen~ (tax included)
  • 4.8
  • (5 reviews and testimonials)

海ガメに会える島,Hachijojimaでexperience divingにチャレンジしてみませんか!experience divingteeth,divingライセンスをお持ちでない方を対象に,ちょっと海of中を潜ってもらおうというプランis.インストラクターが一人ひとりをサポートできるofで,初心者of方も安心してご参加いただけます.ぜひ一度,ご体験ください. 水

2 rank

[Tokyo/ Izu Oshima] With underwater photos! Experience diving♪

Izu Oshima Mr. Dolphin Diving Service
Izu Islands(izu-Oshima・Hachijojima)
12,000 Yen~ (tax included)
  • 4.7
  • (8 reviews and testimonials)


3 rank

【Tokyo・Hachijojima】素敵なポイントへ!fun diving(2ビーチダイブ)

Hisaichi Diver's Club
Izu Islands(izu-Oshima・Hachijojima)
14,670 Yen~ (tax included)
  • 5.0
  • (1 review and testimonial)

現在thenおおよそビーチとボートとで半々程度利用されているHachijojima.しかしながらコンディションが許せばバリエーション豊かなビーチポイントを利用される方がほとんどis.アオウミガメof遭遇率ももofすごく高く,アーチorドロップオフSuchもビーチポイントで楽しめちゃいます.【 レンタル器材teeth含まれておりません 】

4 rank


Katsuura Diving Service
12,900 Yen~ (tax included)


5 rank


dive shop laguna
Yugawara, Manazuru, Odawara
11,500 Yen~ (tax included)
  • 5.0
  • (4 reviews and testimonials)


Related article

Kansai diving spot

Kansai Speaking of popular diving areas in Wakayama .
especially 紀伊半島ofsouthと東部にdivingスポットが点在 しており, among others人気there isofが, Kushimoto, Shirahama area is.

Kyoto of京丹後市,Hyogoof豊岡市・香美町・新温泉町,鳥取of岩美町・鳥取市of Approximately 120km from east to west San'in Kaigan Geopark .. Diving spots are also scattered along the Sea of Japan.
透明度も高く, From summer to autumn, you can see creatures and colorful fish unique to the Sea of Japan. を楽しめます.
among others Takeno in Hyogo is a popular diving spot is.



Wakayama ・紀伊半島of南端It is in Kushimoto teeth,黒潮of影響で An area where tropical and temperate creatures coexist is.

Kushimoto海中公園It is in "Glass World" teeth, 南of島さながらofカラフルな魚たちに出会え,写真派ダイバーにも人気 ofdivingポイントis.

Kushimotoと橋で繋がっている Around Kii Oshima にも多くofdivingスポットが点在しており,こちらthen explore underwater caves cave diving も楽しめます.

パンダで有名なアドベンチャーワールド,美しいビーチorShirahama温泉Suchで知られる" Shirahama ”も多くofダイバーが訪れるエリア.
ダイナミックな地形or人気ofウミウシSuch豊富な生き物が魅力 で初心者から上級者まで多くofダイバーが訪れています.
Fun even for beginners Shipwreck point with a total length of 28 m Is also popular.



Facing the sea from north to south Hyogo .

それぞれにdivingスポットが点在していますが, major is north・山陰海岸 Located in Toyooka City within the Geopark Takeno Town is.
Top 100 beaches in Japan has been selected for "Takenohama Beach" or narrow terrain "Nekozaki Peninsula" of周辺Suchでdivingを楽しめます.

The point of popularity is "Yodo Cave" .

Diving (scuba diving) popularity ranking in the Kansai area

1 rank

【Wakayama・Kushimoto】カップルorグループにオススメ☆濡れないスーツで快適にexperience diving!

ARK Diving Shop Kushimoto店
11,000 Yen~ (tax included)
  • 5.0
  • (1 review and testimonial)


2 rank

【大阪発・Wakayama】最短4日間!追加費用一切ナシ! 安心コミコミ料金でDiving license acquisitionコース!(オンラインで講習OK!)

Shinsaibashi, Namba, Yotsubashi
76,780 circle 49,800 Yen~ (tax included)
Discount campaign in progress!

スキューバdivingof初級ライセンスが取得できるコースです〇講習of流れ1 学科講習(240分)〇SORA DIVE SHOPにて開催します ※オンラインで開催できます(ご予約of際"備考”欄に"オンライン希望”とご記入ください)●divingof基礎知識●器材of使い方Such↓2 プール実習(約1時間)〇

3 rank

[Osaka Shin-Osaka / Esaka] Diver's plan with a blank after a long time 2 days edition [Diving suburban tour]

diving school ・g-scuba
Shin-Osaka, Juso, Yodogawa
38,500 Yen~ (tax included)

最近潜ってないダイバーさん!不安があって!と思ってるダイバーさん達に2日間でdivingを満喫して頂けるプラン!1日目teethウオーミングUPで2ビーチdiving!2日目teeth応用編で2boat diving!参加にあたり,心身of健康が求められます.そof為,指定ofメディカルチェックシートをご確認が必要is.また持病of

4 rank


ARK Diving Shop Kushimoto店
13,500 Yen~ (tax included)

☆初心者・ブランクダイバー大歓迎☆KushimototeethKansaiofdivingofメッカ!本州最南端of海teeth透明度teeth高くたくさんofカラフルな熱帯魚Such南国of海とも引けを取りません.せっかくdivingを始めたんだからここで潜らないともったいない!そう思わせてくれる海がここにteethI have.さらに地球上で最北端It is in広大なサンゴ礁teeth

5 rank

[Early discount or group discount plan deals ♪] To the underwater world for the first time! Feel free to experience the excitement

Miss Ocean Diving Service
11,000 circle 9,900 Yen~ (tax included)
Discount campaign in progress!
  • 4.7
  • (6 reviews and testimonials)

一度teethdivingをしてみたい.海of中をofぞいて魚をみてみたい.でも自分にできるかちょっぴり不安・・と考えている人にteethこofexperience divingプログラム"PADI ディスカバー・スクーバ・diving(DSD)”がオススメis.

Diving spots in Sanin and Sanyo

Sanin/Sanyo area of海teeth対馬暖流of影響を受けるため, 透明度が高く,日本海ならthenof生き物orカラフルな魚たちof姿 を楽しめます.

Kansai地方ofKyoto・Hyogoから鳥取にまたがる San'in Kaigan Geopark or, Yamaguchi of相島or見島Suchofremote island,日本海に面する Shimane of大田市, Okinoshima Island Suchofダイビンングスポットthere is.



Shimane floating off the peninsula Consists of 4 inhabited islands and over 180 uninhabited islands "Okinoshima" teeth, Intricate coastline and strangely shaped rocks Suchが有名で,divingでもダイナミックな地形を楽しめます.

対馬海流of恵みを受け,島周辺にteeth 回遊魚が群泳しており,ブリof群れ に高確率で出会えます.
offshore Dolphins may appear !

Diving (scuba diving) popularity ranking in the Sanin / Sanyo area

1 rank

[Hiroshima/Fukuyama] Experience diving (half-day course)

EiEi Diving Shop
Onomichi, Fukuyama, Tomonoura
12,100 Yen~ (tax included)
  • 4.9
  • (5 reviews and testimonials)

ビーチexperience divingthen足が着く浅場でまずteeth水に慣れてからofスタート.ボートexperience divingでもスノーケル初心者teethウェットスーツを着て,海に浮かびながら慣れていくところから始めます.インストラクターofわかりorすい説明で水中でof手順を一緒に確認していきます.そしてインストラクターとマンツーマンで安心なダ

2 rank

[Hiroshima/Fukuyama] Safe in the pool! Trial scuba diving

EiEi Diving Shop
Onomichi, Fukuyama, Tomonoura
20,790 Yen~ (tax included)

ライセンスを取りたいけど,experience divingteeth物足りない?自分に出来るかな?合ってるかな?そんな方に利用してほしいと思い企画しました.本格的なスキューバdivingof基本を学び自分に合うか?判断of目安に活用して下さい.

3 rank

[Hiroshima/Fukuyama] First experience diving in the pool

EiEi Diving Shop
Onomichi, Fukuyama, Tomonoura
6,600 Yen~ (tax included)

最初ofdivingを経験をするなら,安心して経験できる温水プールteeth最適と思い企画しました.余裕を持って,あッ!ほんとに呼吸できる!を体感して下さい.楽しかったらexperience divingツアーもお楽しみ下さい.

4 rank

[Beginners welcome] Very popular with children! Enjoy Omijima blue and experience diving [2 hour course]

Omijima Diving Center
9,900 Yen~ (tax included)
  • 5.0
  • (2 reviews and testimonials)


5 rank

【四国・日帰りexperience diving】『広島駅発』珊瑚と熱帯魚of四国of海で,じっくり2本diving

Diving Shop Umiasobi Hiroshima
31,460 Yen~ (tax included)


Shikoku diving spot

Shikoku area of海then, Due to the influence of the Kuroshio Current, you can enjoy the table coral and the tropical waterscape.
Abundant sea creatures でカメラ派ofダイバーにIs also popular.



Kochi The diving spot of Dotted in the southwest しています.

whale watching but famous Otsuki Town of海teethdivingスポットとしても知られており,陸続きof Around Kashiwajima is the main spot .
1000 kinds of creatures inhabit していると言われ, One of the largest colonies of table coral in Japan も見ることができます.

Otsuki Townof隣,古くから港町として栄えた Tosashimizu City It is in "Cape Ashizuri" teeth The place where the Kuroshio current first visits in the Japanese archipelago と言われ, Migratory fish and colorful tropical fish を観察できます.

Otsuki Townof西部, Sukumo Bay floating about 23 km off the coast of "Ugujima" or,鵜来島of南にrank置する "Okinoshima Island” Suchof海域も, A diving spot with a reputation for its high transparency and deep shadows of fish is.

Shikoku Area Diving (Scuba Diving) Popularity Ranking

1 rank

[Shikoku/Tokushima] Underwater photos of everyone who participates in the paradise of tropical fish are also presented! Experience diving at Pokkori Kojima

undersea boy
Anan and Kaiyo
17,600 circle 13,750 Yen~ (tax included)
Discount campaign in progress!

ボートで無人島へ!無人島of背of立つ浅瀬でレクチャーを受け,熱帯魚of群れに囲まれて夢ofような時間を過ごせます♪熱帯魚orサンゴが多い徳島海陽町teeth全国ofダイバーからも人気ofスポットです☆午前of部 平日teeth,朝10時~ 土日祝日teeth,朝9時~ experience diving終了teeth13時~14時前後となります.午後of部 13時3

2 rank

【Kochi・志和】レベルアップ(PADI アドヴァンスド・オープン・ウォーター・ダイバーコース)

Shimanto Dive (SHIMANTO DIVE)
55,000 Yen~ (tax included)


3 rank

【Kochi・柏島】柏島of海でダイバーデビュー!初心者も安心ofexperience diving

Kashiwajima Diving Service Fin house
16,000 Yen~ (tax included)

お客様ofスケジュールorご要望を考えて,divingが楽しめるコースをご提案.初めてof方でも安心して,柏島of海を楽しんで頂けるよう,全力でサポートします. 重いdiving器材teethボートに乗せて移動するofで,体力に自信がない方でもdivingをお楽しみいただけます!

4 rank

【Kochi・柏島】魅力あふれる柏島of海を楽しむ!fun diving

Kashiwajima Diving Service Fin house
8,000 Yen~ (tax included)

お客様ofdivingスケジュールに合わせて,1~3ダイブまでご用意. 神秘的な夜of海を堪能したい方teethnight divingもお楽しみ頂けます. 中級者からベテランダイバーまで幅広く,柏島of海of魅力をゆっくり満喫できます.※divingライセンスをお持ちof方がご参加いただけます.

5 rank

【Kochi・志和】ライセンス不要/ダイバーへof入り口【experience diving】

Shimanto Dive (SHIMANTO DIVE)
18,000 Yen~ (tax included)

"とにかく一度潜ってみたい” "ライセンスを取る前に自分に出来るかどうか試してみたい”そんなあなたに最適なofが"experience divingプログラム”.手軽に始められ,必要なもofteeth水着とタオルだけ!経験豊富なインストラクターがdivingof基本的なルールor注意点,器材of使い方,水中of楽しみ方Such,潜る前にあなたof

Kyushu diving spot

surrounded by the sea Kyushu teeth,本土of沿線or周りof島々にdivingスポットが点在しており, Especially abundant in the northwest and southwest しています.

島々でofdivingof人気も高く,最北teeth対馬暖流が流れ込む Fukuoka of Iki Island or Genkai Sea area から,西teeth Goto Islands ,南teeth Kagoshima of Amami Oshima までさまざまな環境があり, サンゴor地形,大物からマクロまでof豊富な生き物 が多くofダイバーを魅了しています.



Kyushu diving spotofamong others,活火山ofSakurajimaSuch特殊な環境or地形が特徴of Kagoshima .
地形を楽しめるだけでなく, 南国らしい海of青さor熱帯魚Such,多くof魅力 there is.

At the southern tip of Kyushu "Bozu" teethKagoshimaof定番ofdivingスポット .
Highest transparency in Kyushu とも言われ, There are many rare creatures, so it is recommended for camera people and divers who like macro creatures. is.

そof他に, 独特of生物or地形が楽しめるofが,Kagoshimaofシンボル・ Sakurajima ,マクロから大物までさまざまな生物が生息しています.

in the winter whale watching can also enjoy Amami Oshima or,ウミガメに出会えることも多い Yakushima teeth,南国ムード漂う海を楽しめるため人気ofスポットis.

さらにYakushimathen, Point where you can see fighter planes that crashed during the war "Zero Battle" も有名.



Nagasaki ・Nagasaki市周辺teeth黒潮of恩恵を受けるため, サンゴorソフトコーラル,南方系of魚から大きなもofまで多種多様な生き物に出会えます .

Nagasaki市から西へ約100kmにrank置する, More than 130 large and small islands are connected "Goto Islands" is famous as a spot .
海浜,海蝕崖,火山景観 Such,ありofままof自然が多く残されています.

Intermediate and above ですが, もっとも有名なポイントが, "Korai Sone" .
Because the Kuroshio Current hits directly 透明度が高く,魚影が濃い ofが魅力.
A large group of striped beakfish gathering for spawning from late May to early June You can see.
サメorマダラトビエイ,アオウミガメ Suchof大物にも出会えるポイントis.

A ship over 105m is sunk. shipwreck も中級以上ofダイバーに人気is.

others 屋根尾島,サザエ島,前ノ島 Suchにteeth初級者向けofスポットも多く I have.

Kyushu area diving (scuba diving) popularity ranking

1 rank

[Yakushima Experience Diving] Let's meet the longing sea turtle! A special 1 dive course that increases the chance of encountering sea turtles by diving longer! (Regional coupon available)

Yakushima Nature Guide
12,000 Yen~ (tax included)
  • 4.9
  • (24 reviews and testimonials)

ウミガメ遭遇率80%以上of海で楽しむexperience divingツアー通常ofexperience divingよりも長い時間潜ることでより沖に出れるため,ウミガメ遭遇率teeth格段と上がります.divingに慣れたあとof後半teethひたすらウミガメを探します!(注:間違いなく通常ofexperience divingよりもウミガメと出会う可能性teeth高くなりますが絶対保証

2 rank

【Kagoshima・奄美】水中カメラ無料レンタル!fun diving(ボートダイブ)

Marine Sports Amami
Amami Oshima Islands/Okinoerabu Island
9,900 Yen~ (tax included)

Marine Sports Amamiteeth,divingボートを2隻所有しているおり,Chubuとsouthに係留しているofで,奄美north・Chubu・southofポイントを潜ることofできるAmami Oshima唯一ofお店なofで,大物orマクロ,そして地形スポットまでお客様ofリクエストに合わせたポイントを潜ることができます.

3 rank

[Nagasaki/Sasebo/Saikai/Off Oseto] Night diving (for license holders)

Aqua Face Diving School (Diving School Aqua Faith)
12,000 Yen~ (tax included)

ライセンス所持者向けofnight divingプランです◎光発光する生物を観察することができる,フローdivingor海底を撮影することもできますよ◎昼とteeth違う,Nagasakiof海of景色を覗いてみませんか.夜of海でもインストラクターが付き添いますofで安心してご参加ください.

4 rank

【Kagoshima・Amami Oshima・初めてof水中体験!】安心ofexperience diving!!

DiveService BlueGate
Amami Oshima Islands/Okinoerabu Island
12,000 Yen~ (tax included)
  • 5.0
  • (11 reviews and testimonials)


5 rank

[Southern Miyazaki / Nichinan Kaigan] Try Scuba (Experience Diving) [Participation is OK with one swimsuit! ]

Greet Divers
Aya Miyazaki
14,500 Yen~ (tax included)
  • 4.0
  • (1 review and testimonial)


Okinawa diving spot

日本最南端,大小あわせ約160of島々から成る Okinawa .
Popular spot for diving で,島々teeth大きく分けて Main island of Okinawa と,そof周辺of remote island であるKerama Islands, Kumejima ,Miyakojima,Ishigaki Island,八重山諸島Such があり,それぞれに多くofdivingスポットが点在しています.​

透明度が高く青い海,美しいサンゴ礁,ダイナミックな地形,熱帯魚orマンタ・ウミガメSuchof海of生き物 が多くofダイバーを魅了しています.​

Main island of Okinawa

Main island of Okinawa

Tokyoから飛行機で約2時間半, The gateway to Okinawa Main island of Okinawa にもdivingスポットteeth数多くI have.

Most popular on the main island snorkeling ・Diving spot "Blue Grotto" there is Onna Village Area is famous.

In addition, beach spots are scattered along the breakwater Chatan area , Located at the southernmost tip of Okinawa, you can enjoy diving all year round Itoman area , Peninsulas and remote islands are dotted with diving spots Headquarters (Motobu) area Such, You can dive in various areas .

Kerama Islands

Kerama Islands ケラマブルー diving

Kerama Islands teeth ,那覇市から西に40kmほどof場所 にあり, Tokashiki Island, Zamami Island, Aka Island, Geruma Island of4つof有人島と無人島,大小20余りから成る島々 .
"Kerama Blue" と称される透明度of高い海とサンゴ礁が魅力で, Designated as a national park in 2014 されています.

The diving spot is Tokashiki Island, Zamami Island, Aka Island centered on .
Go to the point by boat and enter the sea boat diving がメインで, 美しいサンゴ礁,魚影of濃さ,透明度of高い海 を楽しめます.

Because there are many points where the water depth is shallow, no license is required. experience diving から, fun diving Fun even for beginnersポイント,ダイナミックな地形を楽しめる上級者向けofポイントまで幅広く,そof数も豊富.

どof島も娯楽施設or大型リゾートホテルteethないため, Recommended for those who want to enjoy untouched nature and activities is.

Ishigaki Island

Ishigaki Island

The gateway to the Yaeyama Islands Ishigaki Island にteeth島内に多くofdivingスポットが点在しています.

Untouched nature remains north , Boasting one of the world's leading encounter rates with manta rays "Manta ray scramble" Known for diving points such as Chubu , Close to the city south と3つに分けられ, Taketomi Island and Kuroshima Suchof島々でも潜ることができます.



Miyakojima of東南for, South coast from around Higashi Hennazaki に沿ってdivingポイントが点在しています.
ダイナミックな地形,熱帯魚of群れor回遊魚of群れ まで見ることができるofが特徴is.

"Panari Kise Inner Leaf" is one of the leading coral colony points .
島of南側,七又海岸of沖It is in "Nanamata Arch" Suchof地形スポットも有名 is.

Okinawa area diving (scuba diving) popularity ranking

1 rank

Local coupon OK [Blue Cave Private Beach Experience Diving] GoPro free photo video immediately transferred to smartphone ♪ Free towel sandals ♪ Same day reservation Beginners welcome

Blue Cave/Onna Village
8,800 circle 3,980 Yen~ (tax included)
Discount campaign in progress!
  • 4.8
  • (1031 reviews and testimonials)

☆Corona countermeasure store ☆Okinawa blue cave beach experience diving★Please take a look at the five-star high-rated reviews♪The messages we receive from many customers are our treasures! Proud! ! Photos and videos taken underwater will be transferred to your smartphone immediately after diving! The state-of-the-art GOPRO video has already exceeded the ability of human eyes

2 rank

1 group charter ☆ Blue cave experience diving in Okinawa Prefecture! Reservation on the day OK! GoPro photo image & free feeding! Free towels and sandals!

Blue Cave/Onna Village
8,100 circle 3,980 Yen~ (tax included)
Discount campaign in progress!
  • 4.8
  • (465 reviews and testimonials)

-Corona infection countermeasures-* Sterilize the equipment used with alcohol and hypochlorite. Please contact me

3 rank

Popular No. 1 set course !! [Okinawa Blue Cave Diving & Parasailing] Underwater photography with GoPro is also available for free and at a super special price !! [Onna Village Chatan]

Diving shop Mensore (Okinawa diving mensore)
Blue Cave/Onna Village
18,600 circle 9,980 Yen~ (tax included)
Discount campaign in progress!
  • 4.5
  • (189 reviews and testimonials)


4 rank

当日予約大歓迎!【青of洞窟】experience diving!ツアー中of写真&無料プレゼント,餌付け体験つき,別途マリンとofセットもお勧め!

Okinawa Diving Shop Seamall
Blue Cave/Onna Village
10,000 circle 3,800 Yen~ (tax included)
Discount campaign in progress!
  • 4.9
  • (705 reviews and testimonials)

マリンアクティビティと青of洞窟ツアーofセットプランもございます.→ https://activityjapan.com/publish/plan/36922◆GO TO 地域共通クーポン取扱店◆【当社ofコロナウイルス対策】お客様に安心してご参加頂けるよう当社が行っているコロナウイルス対策ofご案内!!

5 rank

[Regional coupon correspondence] 1 group charter guide! [Okinawa Blue Cave Diving + Petit Boat Cruising] Exclusive photographer accompanying plan

Diving Shop Lei
Blue Cave/Onna Village
12,000 circle 4,980 Yen~ (tax included)
Discount campaign in progress!
  • 4.9
  • (340 reviews and testimonials)

◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆乗るだけでも楽しいボートツアー◆◇ ◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆@私たちがおすすめする,boat divingについて@      ※ ↓↓↓ ※■皆様にとってofメリット① 青of洞窟に高確率でご案内できるofがボートツアーです真栄田岬ofビーチエントリー口teeth

Related article

Diving spots in Koushinetsu, Hokuriku and Tohoku

divingスポットといえば,Okinawaor伊豆,southIt is inremote islandSuchがメジャーですが,意外にも Koushinetsu Hokuriku Tohoku area にもdivingスポットが点在しています.

Koushinetsu Hokuriku of海teeth暖流と寒流が入り混じるため, 日本海固有of魚or生き物と南方系of魚or生き物が現れる,独特of水景を楽しめるofが魅力 is.
Ishikawa of Noto Island , Fukui of Echizen , Niigata of Sado Island Such で潜ることができます.

Tohoku of海で潜るにteeth寒さが厳しいイメージがありますが, The water temperature is over 20 degrees from summer to autumn. になるofで, ホヤor海藻類Suchof水景 がダイバーを楽しませています.
Miyagi of Tsugawa or Onagawa , Yamagata of Shonai Such が人気ofスポットとして知られています.



Niigata of中央部of海岸線It is in Kashiwazaki teeth,日本でof海水浴場発祥of地.
among others, " 100 Best Beaches has been selected as "Banjin beach" teeth広い砂浜と浅瀬It is in岩場もあり, Popular beach for families で,晴れた日にteeth Sado Island を望めます.
護岸を降りて数十秒でエントリー可能で,Fun even for beginnersdivingスポット is.

最大水深teeth10m程.砂地から岩礁地帯が広がり, Various landscapes and creatures depending on the four seasons を楽しむことができます.
especially from spring to early summer teeth海藻が生い茂り,透明度が高く,魚たちof数も種類も増え 稚魚or根魚Suchを多く観察 できます.

また, Niigataofdivingエリアといえば Sado Island .

Diving is 水温,透明度も高くなる Recommended in August .
The legendary boss "Benkei" reigned Asian sheepshead wrasse you can see the harem of "Akaiwa" というポイントが有名で, night diving もでき, Squid spawning from January to March You can see.



Miyagi Off Sanriku teeth One of the world's leading fishing grounds and one of the world's three largest fishing grounds とも呼ばれています.

You can see fish from cold regions to tropical fish that grew up on coral reefs in the south. ofが三陸沿岸of特徴.

divingスポットとして知られるofteeth, Rias coast で多様な自然環境が広がり, A wide variety of creatures live Shizugawa area or, There are points that are characterized by rare macro-type fish and seaweed Onagawa area Such.
これらofスポットteeth,Tohoku areaof交通拠点of一つである It is also attractive to be able to make a day trip from Sendai is.

Diving (scuba diving) popularity ranking in the Tohoku area

1 rank

【Miyagi/Onagawa】仙台から手ぶらでexperience diving(器材代,レクチャー込)

High Bridge
Ishinomaki and Kesennuma
12,960 Yen~ (tax included)

海of中で長時間呼吸が出来ることによって,これまで経験したことofない世界が目of前に広がります.安心・安全第一をモットー指導していきますofで,ハイブリッジでexperience divingをしてみませんか?1ビーチもしくteeth1ボートofexperience divingが楽しめます.

2 rank


High Bridge
Ishinomaki and Kesennuma
62,640 Yen~ (tax included)


3 rank


High Bridge
Ishinomaki and Kesennuma
62,640 Yen~ (tax included)

アドバンス講習で実施するdiving★ピーク・パフォーマンス・ボイヤンシー ★アンダーウォーター・ナビゲーション★ディープ・diving ★サーチ&リカバリー★AWARE-魚of見分け方 ★ナチュラリストSuch※機材レンタルteeth別途料金が掛かります.

4 rank

【Miyagi/石巻】自然あふれる石巻,Onagawa Tohokuof海に楽しむ!

High Bridge
Ishinomaki and Kesennuma
12,960 Yen~ (tax included)


5 rank

【Miyagi/石巻】仙台から日帰りで久しぶりofdivingでも安心! リフレッシュdiving

High Bridge
Ishinomaki and Kesennuma
21,600 Yen~ (tax included)

"久しぶりofdivingで心配な方,少人数でofんびりスキルアップしたい方,半年以上ブランクthere is方, 何年も潜ってなくて不安な方,潜るofが年間10本以下of方”こofような不安or心配を抱えているダイバーof方が安心してdivingできるようにスタッフがゆっくり丁寧に,セッティング,準備から一緒に基本マンツーマ

Let's enjoy diving (scuba diving) all over the country!



国内ofThe diving spot isOkinawaor伊豆以外にも多くI have.

Fan diving (license required) ofプランteethもちろん,divingライセンス不要で気軽に楽しめる Experience diving (beginner OK) ofプランであっても,美しい海of世界を満喫できるofでおすすめis.



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Popular Scuba Diving Spots in Japan Frequently Asked Questions

Q Where can I enjoy scuba diving in Japan?

A When it comes to diving (scuba diving) spots in Japan, many people think of "Okinawa" first. It is true that "Okinawa" is a well-known diving sanctuary, but there are many recommended diving spots all over Japan. You can enjoy diving even in places where you can make a day trip from the urban areas of "Kanto" and "Kansai".

Q Recommended diving spots around Okinawa

A The water temperature around Okinawa is high throughout the year, and many hands-on diving tours are held even in autumn and winter, so it can be said to be a recommended diving spot for beginners. There are many famous diving areas such as Kerama Islands, Ishigaki Island, and Miyako Island as well as the main island of Okinawa, and it can be said that it is one of the best diving sacred places in Japan that attracts many divers.

Q Recommended diving spots in eastern Japan

A In the Kanto region, many famous diving spots are gathered in the Izu Peninsula in Shizuoka Prefecture and the Boso Peninsula in Chiba Prefecture. If you are in the sea around Enoshima and Hayama in Kanagawa prefecture, you can experience diving on a day trip from the city center. In addition, you can enjoy diving in the northern seas such as Sado Island in Niigata Prefecture, which floats in the Sea of Japan, and Sanriku Coast in Miyagi Prefecture, which is famous for its ria coast.

Q Recommended diving spots in western Japan

A The most popular diving area in Kansai is the sea in Wakayama prefecture, Kii Peninsula, which faces the Pacific Ocean. Diving spots are also scattered in the "San'in Kaigan Geopark" that stretches along the coast of the Sea of Japan in the Sanin region, and you can see the creatures unique to the Sea of Japan. Shikoku and Kyushu, which have a tropical view under the sea, have been highly evaluated by advanced divers in recent years.

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