A thorough introduction to the popular Kerama diving rankings and recommended tours!

A thorough introduction to the popular Kerama diving rankings and recommended tours!

このページでは、Okinawa・ Diving in the Kerama Islands (scuba diving) Special feature on experience tours!

Popular rankings and recommended day trip tours departing from Naha We will also provide a thorough introduction to information that will be useful for making reservations, such as the season, water temperature, and average prices.

In addition, A diving spot where you can enjoy the Kerama Blue Check out the information on recommended diving shops and more.

Kerama Diving Experience Tour Popularity Ranking

First of all, based on the latest reservation data from Activity Japan, Kerama Diving Experience Tour Popularity Ranking I will introduce.

Naha etc. Okinawa本島を拠点に日帰りでダイビングを楽しめるRecommended Tours が上Rankにランクインdoing.

Tour contents and fees (prices), Check out the reviews and testimonials Please use this to help you compare plans.

Many reservations and inquiries are expected for each plan during long holiday seasons such as Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, Golden Week, summer vacation, and Silver Week. We recommend that you check the availability of the schedule and make early reservations.
1 Rank

【慶良間ボートExperience diving2本/本島中部 宜野湾発】自社船開催☆写真無料プレゼント☆送迎OK☆3本目OK☆お一人様OK

アルファダイブOkinawa(Alpha Dive Okinawa)
Kerama Islands (Tokashiki Island, Zamami Island, Naganu Island)
16,000 Yen ~ (tax included)
  • 5.0
  • (12 reviews and testimonials)

■Experience divingでも最初から2ダイブできる■┗【初めてで不安な方には】ゆっくり練習時間を作る┗【経験者の方には】たっぷり潜れる┗当日に追加の1ダイブで、【最大3ダイブ】できる!┗慶良間で人気のウミガメに出会える確率も大幅UP!?■プレゼント写真は無料なのにハイクオリティ■┗海の世界が綺麗に撮れる、プ

2 Rank

スプリングセール実施中!海ガメに逢える!?カメラレンタル付!国立指定公園、慶良間諸島半日Experience diving!(ダイビング2回)

M.a.r.i.n.e Factory
Kerama Islands (Tokashiki Island, Zamami Island, Naganu Island)
17,000 circle 7,000 Yen ~ (tax included)
Discount campaign in progress!
  • 3.7
  • (54 reviews and experiences)

It is a plan that you can enjoy experience diving in the Kerama Islands, which boasts one of the most transparent islands in the world. Get used to the underwater world in the first experience diving, and leave for the second time to search for sea turtles! Since you dive twice, the encounter rate with sea turtles will increase dramatically. When there are sea turtles on the rocks, you can take a commemorative photo alongside the sea turtles! !! Fascinate the world

3 Rank

【座間味☆Experience diving】初心者向けです♪ ライセンス不要・手ぶら日帰りOK!

Kerama Islands (Tokashiki Island, Zamami Island, Naganu Island)
13,200 Yen ~ (tax included)
  • 4.8
  • (3 reviews / experiences)

こんにちは*Okinawa県座間味島のダイビングショップpieceです☆こちらではExperience divingツアーをおこなっています.※4名以上でご参加を希望の場合、メッセージまたはお電話にてご相談ください※ダイビングを一度も体験したことのない方、是非一度pieceに遊びにきてみてください♪旅の思い出に、時間をわすれてのんびり海

4 Rank

慶良間ボートExperience diving2本&シュノーケル【那覇発・1日・撮影データ無料プレゼント♪・Naha City内送迎付】

Marine Service Famiyu
Kerama Islands (Tokashiki Island, Zamami Island, Naganu Island)
15,000 Yen ~ (tax included)
  • 3.8
  • (2 reviews / experiences)

~Naha Cityステイの方必見、ダイバーが恋した慶良間(ケラマ)諸島へ~当店では・・★なんといっても!数少ないOkinawa最大級、快適ダイビングボートを所有しているお店です★初めての方、ご不安な方歓迎!今なら!1グループにつきインストラクターを貸切でご案内中★ダイビング中の思い出動画データプレゼント(^^♪お客様と

5 Rank

《全国旅行支援クーポン対象》那覇発★写真動画無料・3か所周遊 本物の慶良間Experience diving&スノーケリング+January~MarchWhale watching付

Kerama Islands (Tokashiki Island, Zamami Island, Naganu Island)
9,800 Yen ~ (tax included)
  • 4.4
  • (20 reviews and experiences)

(注意) 半日で行くチービシ諸島ではなく渡嘉敷、座間味、阿嘉島(国立公園指定されている島々)などの一日3ダイビングポイントを移動するツアーis.ジョイクリエイトOkinawaでは、座間味、渡嘉敷、阿嘉島など一日の内に魚の多い場所を2〜3箇所をご案内!他の観光やアトラクションでは、味わえない感動と感覚をお楽しみ

6 Rank

[From Naha / Kerama / 1 day] ◆ Satisfaction Guarantee ◆ \ Limited price / Fan diving (2 dives) | ◆ There are many free benefits ◆ [Free equipment rental & underwater photos & videos]

Diving shop cheers
Kerama Islands (Tokashiki Island, Zamami Island, Naganu Island)
18,000 circle 17,500 Yen ~ (tax included)
Discount campaign in progress!
  • 4.3
  • (10 reviews and testimonials)

* This is a course for customers who have obtained a license. ◆ Held in the Kerama Islands area of the national park ◆ ・ A relaxing one-day plan to tour 3 diving points in a paradise boasting the beauty of Kerama blue ♪ ・ Underwater tour holding with a small number of people For one guide A safety guide for up to 4 people to lead ♪ (Please guide even beginners. Customers

7 Rank

スプリングセール実施中!器材レンタル無料!海ガメに逢える!?国立指定公園慶良間諸島2ボートfun diving

M.a.r.i.n.e Factory
Kerama Islands (Tokashiki Island, Zamami Island, Naganu Island)
10,000 circle 5,000 Yen ~ (tax included)
Discount campaign in progress!
  • 4.2
  • (35 reviews and experiences)

初心者&ブランクダイバーの方でもご安心下さい!ショップスタッフが完全サポート!また当店のfun divingはレンタルが無料!手ぶらでご参加いただけます.ポイントも初心者用のポイントなので、ダイビングを始めたばっかりの方、ブランクダイバーの方にはもってこいです!初心者用といっても、サンゴもバッチリありま

8 Rank

団体割◆4名様以上参加で【那覇発・ケラマ開催】ケラマ1日ボートExperience diving+スノーケリング 2DIVEプラン

Kerama Islands (Tokashiki Island, Zamami Island, Naganu Island)
17,000 circle 16,000 Yen ~ (tax included)
Discount campaign in progress!

◆◆◆Group Discount◆◆◆Discount for groups of 4 or more!!! We want many people to enjoy the beautiful ocean of Kerama! Come with your family, friends, co-workers, company trips, etc. and have fun together at a great price♪ Enjoy a full day of diving and snorkeling at the world-famous Kerama Point! Experience the charm of Kerama with our 2 DIVE plan.

9 Rank

Spring sale now on! [Even a hammer can do it!] Half-day skin diving with photography (for experienced people)

M.a.r.i.n.e Factory
Kerama Islands (Tokashiki Island, Zamami Island, Naganu Island)
10,000 circle 3,500 Yen ~ (tax included)
Discount campaign in progress!
  • 4.3
  • (6 reviews and testimonials)

Mermaid Line, which is also the name of our shop that fulfills the dream of becoming a mermaid, means "a silhouette like a mermaid". All of our skin diving courses come with photography. Your silhouette is exactly Merameid when you shoot it in the cobalt blue water with the tropical sun shining in the background. Such a fantastic

10 Rank

スプリングセール実施中!海ガメに逢える!?グループ割!4名様以上限定!カメラレンタル無料!国立指定公園慶良間諸島Experience diving

M.a.r.i.n.e Factory
Kerama Islands (Tokashiki Island, Zamami Island, Naganu Island)
10,000 circle 3,300 Yen ~ (tax included)
Discount campaign in progress!
  • 3.1
  • (4 reviews / experiences)

Don't worry if you can't swim! Full support from shop staff! We will carry out experience diving at the depth where the coral can be seen most beautifully. At first, practice on the surface of the water and then go into the water, so you can enjoy diving with confidence! You can snorkel in your spare time, or play marine sports as an option! "Kera" that fascinates the world

Kerama Diving Experience Tour Recommended Plan

Okinawa旅行滞在中に楽しむアクティビティとして屈指の人気を誇る Diving in the Kerama Islands Experience tour.

" Which tour is best for diving in Kerama? I think many people are having trouble choosing an experience tour plan to book, such as "

ここからは、Activity Japan editorial departmentが厳選した" Kerama Diving Experience Tour Recommended Plan We will introduce each course separately.

Experience diving

Experience divingとは、 ダイビングライセンスnoneで参加できる 初心者向けダイビングツアーのことis.

Recommended Tours

スプリングセール実施中!海ガメに逢える!?カメラレンタル付!初心者でも安心のExperience diving(国立指定公園慶良間諸島コース)

M.a.r.i.n.e Factory
Kerama Islands (Tokashiki Island, Zamami Island, Naganu Island)
10,000 circle 3,500 Yen ~ (tax included)
Discount campaign in progress!
  • 4.3
  • (50 reviews and experiences)

Don't worry if you can't swim! Full support from shop staff! We will carry out experience diving at the depth where the coral can be seen most beautifully. At first, practice on the surface of the water and then go into the water, so you can enjoy diving with confidence! You can snorkel in your spare time, or play marine sports as an option! "Kera" that fascinates the world

【慶良間ボートExperience diving2本/本島中部 宜野湾発】自社船開催☆写真無料プレゼント☆送迎OK☆3本目OK☆お一人様OK

アルファダイブOkinawa(Alpha Dive Okinawa)
Kerama Islands (Tokashiki Island, Zamami Island, Naganu Island)
16,000 Yen ~ (tax included)
  • 5.0
  • (12 reviews and testimonials)

■Experience divingでも最初から2ダイブできる■┗【初めてで不安な方には】ゆっくり練習時間を作る┗【経験者の方には】たっぷり潜れる┗当日に追加の1ダイブで、【最大3ダイブ】できる!┗慶良間で人気のウミガメに出会える確率も大幅UP!?■プレゼント写真は無料なのにハイクオリティ■┗海の世界が綺麗に撮れる、プ

《全国旅行支援クーポン対象》那覇発★写真動画無料・3か所周遊 本物の慶良間Experience diving&スノーケリング+January~MarchWhale watching付

Kerama Islands (Tokashiki Island, Zamami Island, Naganu Island)
9,800 Yen ~ (tax included)
  • 4.4
  • (20 reviews and experiences)

(注意) 半日で行くチービシ諸島ではなく渡嘉敷、座間味、阿嘉島(国立公園指定されている島々)などの一日3ダイビングポイントを移動するツアーis.ジョイクリエイトOkinawaでは、座間味、渡嘉敷、阿嘉島など一日の内に魚の多い場所を2〜3箇所をご案内!他の観光やアトラクションでは、味わえない感動と感覚をお楽しみ

fun diving

fun divingとは、 Experienced and licensed diving 向けダイビングツアーのことis.

Recommended Tours

スプリングセール実施中!器材レンタル無料!海ガメに逢える!?国立指定公園慶良間諸島2ボートfun diving

M.a.r.i.n.e Factory
Kerama Islands (Tokashiki Island, Zamami Island, Naganu Island)
10,000 circle 5,000 Yen ~ (tax included)
Discount campaign in progress!
  • 4.2
  • (35 reviews and experiences)

初心者&ブランクダイバーの方でもご安心下さい!ショップスタッフが完全サポート!また当店のfun divingはレンタルが無料!手ぶらでご参加いただけます.ポイントも初心者用のポイントなので、ダイビングを始めたばっかりの方、ブランクダイバーの方にはもってこいです!初心者用といっても、サンゴもバッチリありま

Special price for first-time customers! [Kerama Boat FUN Diving 2 dives / Departing from Ginowan, central main island] Owned boat ☆ Free photo gift ☆ Single person OK ☆ 3rd dive OK ☆ Pick-up OK

アルファダイブOkinawa(Alpha Dive Okinawa)
Kerama Islands (Tokashiki Island, Zamami Island, Naganu Island)
13,200 Yen ~ (tax included)
  • 5.0
  • (4 reviews / experiences)


[From Naha / Kerama / 1 day] ◆ Satisfaction Guarantee ◆ \ Limited price / Fan diving (2 dives) | ◆ There are many free benefits ◆ [Free equipment rental & underwater photos & videos]

Diving shop cheers
Kerama Islands (Tokashiki Island, Zamami Island, Naganu Island)
18,000 circle 17,500 Yen ~ (tax included)
Discount campaign in progress!
  • 4.3
  • (10 reviews and testimonials)

* This is a course for customers who have obtained a license. ◆ Held in the Kerama Islands area of the national park ◆ ・ A relaxing one-day plan to tour 3 diving points in a paradise boasting the beauty of Kerama blue ♪ ・ Underwater tour holding with a small number of people For one guide A safety guide for up to 4 people to lead ♪ (Please guide even beginners. Customers

Obtaining a diving license講習

Obtaining a diving license講習とは、PADIやNAUIなど Course to obtain a diving license (C card) is.

Recommended Tours

[Okinawa / Naha] Obtained a diving open water license! 2-day plan

Anella Diving Service
Kerama Islands (Tokashiki Island, Zamami Island, Naganu Island)
9,900 Yen ~ (tax included)

Diving license 2-day plan ❗️ This is the first step to freely swim and enjoy the water. At Anella Diving Service, we will carefully lecture from the beginning according to the speed of the customer. Let's have a fun class while watching the beautiful coral and sea turtles crossing during the class unique to the sea of Okinawa!

OkinawaObtaining a diving license★2日間【那覇・PADIオープンウォーターダイバーコース・撮影データ&Naha City内送迎付】

Marine Service Famiyu
Kerama Islands (Tokashiki Island, Zamami Island, Naganu Island)
40,000 Yen ~ (tax included)

ダイビング専用のSHOPなのでお客様満足度NO.1♪・ライセンス認定数3000名を超えるSHOP・学科ルーム、シャワールーム、トイレ、パウダールーム完備・ダイビング器材無料レンタル・絶対安心!完全少人数制(1名~4名)・Open all year round毎日開催!Naha City内送迎付き・ダイビング中の思い出動画データプレゼント◆ラ

【Okinawa県・慶良間諸島】最終日は慶良間諸島で乗船料無料で開催!PADIオープンウォーターコース※January~MarchはWhale watching付き

Kerama Islands (Tokashiki Island, Zamami Island, Naganu Island)
27,800 Yen ~ (tax included)

It was developed to meet the needs of people who are busy with work and can't find a schedule, or who want to study at their own pace. The PADI Open Water Diver course consists of 1. Knowledge Development 2. Limited Water Area Training 3. Ocean Training. ●We are giving away a gift set of sweets to children under 12 years old! ●We are offering shaved ice in August and September.

One-day Kerama Diving Experience Tour from Naha

Okinawa本島を拠点に帆帰りでKerama Diving I think there are many people who would like to enjoy this.

Diving experience tours held in the Kerama Islands are available in Naha and other areas. Okinawa本島各地からボートでポイントを目指すプランが主流 is.

Below,一番人気の Day trips from Naha Kerama Diving Recommended experience tour plans We will introduce you to the following:

《全国旅行支援クーポン対象》那覇発★写真動画無料・3か所周遊 本物の慶良間Experience diving&スノーケリング+January~MarchWhale watching付

Kerama Islands (Tokashiki Island, Zamami Island, Naganu Island)
9,800 Yen ~ (tax included)
  • 4.4
  • (20 reviews and experiences)

(注意) 半日で行くチービシ諸島ではなく渡嘉敷、座間味、阿嘉島(国立公園指定されている島々)などの一日3ダイビングポイントを移動するツアーis.ジョイクリエイトOkinawaでは、座間味、渡嘉敷、阿嘉島など一日の内に魚の多い場所を2〜3箇所をご案内!他の観光やアトラクションでは、味わえない感動と感覚をお楽しみ

[From Naha / Kerama / 1 day] ◆ Satisfaction Guarantee ◆ \ Limited price / Fan diving (2 dives) | ◆ There are many free benefits ◆ [Free equipment rental & underwater photos & videos]

Diving shop cheers
Kerama Islands (Tokashiki Island, Zamami Island, Naganu Island)
18,000 circle 17,500 Yen ~ (tax included)
Discount campaign in progress!
  • 4.3
  • (10 reviews and testimonials)

* This is a course for customers who have obtained a license. ◆ Held in the Kerama Islands area of the national park ◆ ・ A relaxing one-day plan to tour 3 diving points in a paradise boasting the beauty of Kerama blue ♪ ・ Underwater tour holding with a small number of people For one guide A safety guide for up to 4 people to lead ♪ (Please guide even beginners. Customers

[From Naha / Kerama / 1 day] Experience diving + snorkeling + uninhabited island landing or whale watching

Kerama Islands (Tokashiki Island, Zamami Island, Naganu Island)
14,000 circle 11,000 Yen ~ (tax included)
Discount campaign in progress!
  • 4.6
  • (78 reviews and experiences)

[Recommended POINT of the plan! ] ・ Guidance on uninhabited island landing by service (April-December) ・ Winter only! !! You can also whale watching! (January-March) ・ Up to 2 guests per instructor. We will guide you underwater by chartering a group ♪ ・ Full face masks are available.・ High sea turtle encounter rate!・ Free feeding experience service!・ Large or high

スプリングセール実施中【那覇発/慶良間諸島1日Experience diving】初めての方も安心の専属ガイド☆お得で楽しい水中貸切2ダイブ☆水中動画&送迎無料

Auri Dive Okinawa
Kerama Islands (Tokashiki Island, Zamami Island, Naganu Island)
20,000 circle 16,000 Yen ~ (tax included)
Discount campaign in progress!
  • 4.9
  • (17 reviews / experiences)

那覇発!国立指定公園にも認定された世界でも有名な慶良間諸島で思う存分遊びましょう☆┗ ウミガメ遭遇率の高い慶良間諸島でExperience diving!!Experience divingは健康な方でしたら、資格も何もいらずに参加できます!!一度Experience divingをしてからライセンス講習に挑戦するのも一つの手かも??ウミガメ見たいからダイビ

【那覇発・慶良間開催】Experience diving(1ダイブor2ダイブ)&Snorkeling!(半日コース)

Kerama Islands (Tokashiki Island, Zamami Island, Naganu Island)
11,000 Yen ~ (tax included)
  • 5.0
  • (1 review / experience)

★半日なので午前でも、午後でもOK!★運が良ければウミガメに出会えることも!?★慶良間諸島の無人島でのダイビング【1】シーズン割引  (January~June・October~December)は  通常価格より1,000circleOFF!!【2】2ダイブコース選択頂くと、通常料金より1000circleオトク!【3】当日撮影させて頂いた、お客様

Kerama Diving Season

Kerama Diving Many of our experience tours are available all year round. Open all year round It has been.

The most The most popular seasons are July, August, and September, which include the peak seasons of summer vacation and Silver Week. .

In summer, both air and water temperatures are high. Enjoy diving in comfort 絶好のシーズンis.

on the other hand, Even in winter (January and February), the water temperature does not drop below 20°C, so you can enjoy a different underwater world than in summer. That is what is attractive about it.

Wetsuits and drysuits can be rented, 冬季限定開催されるWhale watchingと合わせて楽しめる おすすめのシーズンis.

Average annual water temperature around the Kerama Islands

Month Water temperature guideline
January About 21℃
February About 21℃
March About 22℃
April About 22℃
May About 23℃
June About 25℃
July About 28℃
August About 29℃
September About 28℃
October About 25℃
November About 24℃
December 23℃
*According to Activity Japan

Price range for Kerama Diving Experience Tour

" How much does it cost to dive in Kerama? "I'm sure there are many people out there researching the costs.

Below,Experience diving・fun diving・Obtaining a diving license講習のそれぞれに Lowest price and average price We have summarized the following.

Experience diving

参加者一人あたり3,300circle(税込)〜 参加者一人あたり 4,000circle(税込)〜10,000circle(税込)程度

fun diving

参加者一人あたり3,000circle(税込)〜 参加者一人あたり5,000circle(税込)〜15,000circle(税込)程度

*Prices vary depending on conditions such as the number of dives.

Obtaining a diving license講習

参加者一人あたり9,900circle(税込)〜 参加者一人あたり15,000circle(税込)〜40,000circle(税込)程度

Kerama Diving Experience Tours Ranked by Cheapest

1 Rank

Departing from Naha★Kerama Islands FUN Diving 1DIVE guide fee★Free rental, free underwater photos, free pick-up and drop-off★

Kerama Islands (Tokashiki Island, Zamami Island, Naganu Island)
3,000 Yen ~ (tax included)


2 Rank

スプリングセール実施中!海ガメに逢える!?グループ割!4名様以上限定!カメラレンタル無料!国立指定公園慶良間諸島Experience diving

M.a.r.i.n.e Factory
Kerama Islands (Tokashiki Island, Zamami Island, Naganu Island)
10,000 circle 3,300 Yen ~ (tax included)
Discount campaign in progress!
  • 3.1
  • (4 reviews / experiences)

Don't worry if you can't swim! Full support from shop staff! We will carry out experience diving at the depth where the coral can be seen most beautifully. At first, practice on the surface of the water and then go into the water, so you can enjoy diving with confidence! You can snorkel in your spare time, or play marine sports as an option! "Kera" that fascinates the world

3 Rank

スプリングセール実施中!海ガメに逢える!?カメラレンタル付!初心者でも安心のExperience diving(国立指定公園慶良間諸島コース)

M.a.r.i.n.e Factory
Kerama Islands (Tokashiki Island, Zamami Island, Naganu Island)
10,000 circle 3,500 Yen ~ (tax included)
Discount campaign in progress!
  • 4.3
  • (50 reviews and experiences)

Don't worry if you can't swim! Full support from shop staff! We will carry out experience diving at the depth where the coral can be seen most beautifully. At first, practice on the surface of the water and then go into the water, so you can enjoy diving with confidence! You can snorkel in your spare time, or play marine sports as an option! "Kera" that fascinates the world

Diving points in Kerama

Kerama Islands Experience Diving│Thorough introduction of recommended beginner scuba diving tours from Naha and Chatan!

One of the most popular scuba diving spots in Okinawa Known as Kerama.

In the Kerama Islands, ケラマブルーと称される海に南国・Okinawaならではの海洋生物を見られる ダイビングポイントが数多く点在doing.

Below, Kerama's most famous scuba diving spots The names of the islands are grouped by the nearest island.

Diving points around Tokashiki Island

Jitsuru / Gishippu Nishi / Kamigu / Sand Triangle / Nozaki / Alligator / Alligator South / Kamigsk / Nagasaki / Arari / Unse

Diving points around Zamami Island

Otokoiwa / Satoshi / Uchakashi / Rokubanzaki / Seventh Saki / Eider Eider / Eider / Dragon Lady

Diving points around Akajima, Gerumajima, and Fukajishima

Tom Moya / Secret Cave

Diving points around Yakabi Island


Diving points around Kubajima

Kuba North / Kuba West / Kuba East / Kuba South / Konse / Shimosone

Kerama Diving During the trial tour, you can choose from a variety of diving points depending on the weather, sea conditions, and the level of the participants. Select the best point and guide Will do it.

また、fun divingツアーの場合は、 Even if you can request the point you want to dive Please contact the holding shop when making a reservation.

Kerama Diving Experience Tour Recommended Shops

Below,現在アクティビティジャパンでオンライン予約を受け付けている" Kerama Diving Experience tour recommended shops I will introduce.

ショップ所在地やbusiness hours・Regular holidayをはじめ、取り扱いアクティビティ体験ツアー一覧は以下のショップリンクよりご確認いただけます.

All outdoor activities carry the risk of accidents and injuries. Please be sure to enjoy the experience through the shop guided by a licensed instructor and paying close attention to safety.

M.a.r.i.n.e Factory

  • 4.2
  • (778 reviews)
  • Okinawa
  • Okinawa (main island)
  • Urasoe City/Ginowan City
  • Snorkeling
  • Banana boat towing tube
  • Experience diving (beginner OK)

The biggest attraction of Okinawa is the clear blue sea! Kaiya will support you to play safely and enjoyably in the sea. Since our establishment in 2004, we have consistently been a beginner specialty store, so the points and courses for beginners are the best points of Kaiya. We will deliver a full of adventurous spirit within the range where safety is not shaken. If you stay on the boat all day long and get seasick, you won't be on the boat all day long. Please join us with confidence.

business hours 8:00~Until I run out of energy
Regular holiday Open all year round


  • 4.9
  • (14 reviews)
  • Okinawa
  • Okinawa (remote island)
  • Kerama Islands (Tokashiki Island, Zamami Island, Aka Island)
  • Snorkeling
  • Experience diving (beginner OK)
  • Obtaining a diving license

business hours 8: 00-18: 00
Regular holiday Irregular holidays
  • 4.1
  • (55 reviews)
  • Okinawa
  • Okinawa (main island)
  • Naha City
  • Snorkeling
  • Whale watching
  • Experience diving (beginner OK)

ジョイクリエイトOkinawaティーダは、お客様からのご紹介が最も多いショップis. ・Okinawaダイビング(fun diving) ・OkinawaObtaining a diving license ・OkinawaWhale watching 上記サービスを提供するPADIダイブセンター認定店、Okinawaスキューバーダイビング安全対策優良店is.各種保険ならびに酸素吸入器やAED(自動体外式除細動器)を常備しております.スタッフすべてが国家資格の潜水士を取得しております.Okinawaダイビングスクールティーダでは季節に合わせたOkinawaダイビングイベントも実施しております.

business hours 9:00~19:00
Regular holiday Open daily

Marine Service Famiyu

  • 3.8
  • (2 reviews)
  • Okinawa
  • Okinawa (main island)
  • Naha City
  • Experience diving (beginner OK)
  • Obtaining a diving license
  • Fun diving (license required)

Famiyu opened in 2009 with the theme of "safety + comfort + coziness." We have issued diving license C cards to over 1,000 people, and our diving services are used by a wide range of divers, from first-time divers to advanced divers. ダイビングツアーはOpen all year roundで開催し、ダイビングの楽しさ、海の魅力を一緒に感じ、共有できる時間を大切にdoing. It's 15 minutes from Naha Airport, 10 minutes from Kokusai Street and hotels in Naha city, so it's very accessible and the shop was made for divers, so it's comfortable and satisfying!! ダイビング指導団体PADIからもダイブセンターとして認定It has been.

business hours 9: 00-18: 00
Regular holiday Open all year round
  • 5.0
  • (20 reviews)
  • Okinawa
  • Okinawa (main island)
  • Yomitan Village (Zanpa Cape), Kadena City, Chatan Town
  • Experience diving (beginner OK)
  • Fun diving (license required)
  • Domestic online experience tour

数あるダイビングショップの中から、アルファダイブOkinawaのページをご覧いただきありがとうございます. アルファダイブOkinawaは、自社船を所有&ショップ前が人気ビーチダイビングエリアにある本島では数少ないショップis. ダイビング専門店として、慶良間諸島を中心にOkinawa本島から行く美しい海を堪能できるダイビングショップis. Even first-time customers can enjoy diving with peace of mind thanks to our solid support. リクエストベースで、Okinawaの海を知り尽くしたガイドがその日のベストポイントへとご案内します. Why not encounter vibrant marine life in one of the most beautiful oceans in the world?

business hours 8:00-20:00
Regular holiday Irregular holidays
  • 4.4
  • (25 reviews)
  • Okinawa
  • Okinawa (main island)
  • Naha City
  • others
  • SUP (SUP) stand-up paddle board
  • Snorkeling

[Okinawa Diving License Freestyle] is mainly active in diving on the main island of Okinawa. We hold various courses such as experience diving, fan diving, license acquisition, night diving, and underwater macro diving. We are also developing secret points that other shops do not go to, and we are constantly finding something new and moving every day. Even after the course is over, we will flexibly respond to your requests such as petite sightseeing tours! If you wish, we will have a barbecue at the shop! All the staff will do their utmost to support the customers who come to Okinawa! Let's make the best memories together!

business hours 24hours
Regular holiday Irregular holidays


  • 4.8
  • (8 reviews)
  • Okinawa
  • Okinawa (main island)
  • Naha City
  • Snorkeling
  • Experience diving (beginner OK)
  • Obtaining a diving license

<< Regional common coupons can be used >> We are taking measures to prevent corona infection by the Diving Association. We try to make the boat slow, easy to use and clean with a large diving cruiser so that everyone can have a comfortable and enjoyable time. We hold tours mainly in the sea of Kerama, which cannot be overlooked when traveling to Okinawa. We try to do hands-on diving so that even beginners can feel how to enjoy diving. Experienced people also choose the best points of the day so that they can introduce how to enjoy Kerama and various scenery and creatures of the sea. Please experience the world's No. 1 transparency Kerama point, the beauty of the sea in Okinawa, and how to enjoy diving ☆

business hours 9:00-18:00
Regular holiday Open all year round

Diving shop cheers

  • 4.5
  • (13 reviews)
  • Okinawa
  • Okinawa (main island)
  • Urasoe City/Ginowan City
  • Snorkeling
  • Experience diving (beginner OK)
  • Obtaining a diving license

business hours 8: 00-19: 00
Regular holiday none

Fish 'n Bubbles

  • 4.7
  • (3 reviews)
  • Okinawa
  • Okinawa (main island)
  • Urasoe City/Ginowan City
  • Experience diving (beginner OK)
  • Obtaining a diving license
  • Fun diving (license required)

ハイシーズンでも1チーム4名様までの少人数制is. To avoid mixing beginners and advanced users, or mixing completely different requests. We are thorough. Please feel free to request anything you like.

business hours 6:00-21:00
Regular holiday Irregular holidays
  • 5.0
  • (3 reviews)
  • Okinawa
  • Okinawa (main island)
  • Naha City
  • Snorkeling
  • Whale watching
  • Experience diving (beginner OK)

A member of the diving organization "PADI", our veteran instructors with over 10 years of experience both in Japan and overseas will guide you safely and enjoyably underwater! A fulfilling two-dive experience that you can't get in one! 1回目はゆっくり水に慣れることができ、2回目は大満足!1名のインストラクターに2名様までの対応で安心!世界から見ても綺麗なOkinawaの美ら海を堪能してください.

business hours 09:00-19:00
Regular holiday


  • 4.6
  • (46 reviews)
  • Okinawa
  • Okinawa (main island)
  • Naha City
  • Snorkeling
  • Experience diving (beginner OK)
  • Obtaining a diving license

オーシャンズセブンはOkinawaの初心者専門ダイビングショップis. Okinawaの海をのんびり楽しんでいただきたく、少人数制でダイビングを開催doing. Even if you are not good with water or do not have a diving license, we will help you create lifelong memories through the ocean.

business hours 9:00-18:00
Regular holiday
  • 5.0
  • (20 reviews)
  • Okinawa
  • Okinawa (main island)
  • Yomitan Village (Zanpa Cape), Kadena City, Chatan Town
  • Experience diving (beginner OK)
  • Fun diving (license required)
  • Domestic online experience tour

数あるダイビングショップの中から、アルファダイブOkinawaのページをご覧いただきありがとうございます. アルファダイブOkinawaは、自社船を所有&ショップ前が人気ビーチダイビングエリアにある本島では数少ないショップis. ダイビング専門店として、慶良間諸島を中心にOkinawa本島から行く美しい海を堪能できるダイビングショップis. Even first-time customers can enjoy diving with peace of mind thanks to our solid support. リクエストベースで、Okinawaの海を知り尽くしたガイドがその日のベストポイントへとご案内します. Why not encounter vibrant marine life in one of the most beautiful oceans in the world?

business hours 8:00-20:00
Regular holiday Irregular holidays

What is Kerama?

Approximately 30 large and small islands such as Tokashiki Island, Zamami Island, Aka Island, Geruma Island, Fukaji Island, Yakabi Island, and Kuba Island Kerama Islands (Kerama Islands) ".

The waters around the Kerama Islands, which float about 40km west of Naha on the main island of Okinawa, are known for their beauty. Highly transparent sea called "Kerama Blue" Has spread and was designated as a national park in 2014.

In the surrounding area, there are people with no scuba diving experience or beginners, as well as intermediate and advanced scuba divers with C cards (diving licenses). Dotted with many scenic diving points that captivate divers from all over the world doing.

In addition to scuba diving, snorkeling, parasailing, whale watching (whale watching) held only in winter, etc. Various activity experience tours are held and popular It is a spot to collect


Kerama Islands (Kerama Islands) Frequently Asked Questions for Diving

Q Where are the diving spots in the Kerama Islands?

A The Kerama Islands are located about 40km west of Naha City and consist of about 20 large and small islands. One of the attractions is the highly transparent sea called "Kerama Blue", which has captivated divers all over the world. Recommended diving points include Jitsuru and Gishippu Nishi on the north side of Tokashiki Island, Secret Cape on Aka Island, and Uchakashi on Zamami Island.

Q What is the recommended season to experience diving in the Kerama Islands?

A In warm Okinawa, diving can be enjoyed all year round. Summer (around June to September) is the top season, but the scenery under the sea and the creatures you can see change depending on the season. In spring, marine life such as coral spawns, and in summer, fish move around actively. In autumn and winter, you are more likely to encounter rare creatures such as manta rays and humpback whale herds.

Q What are the attractions and highlights of Kerama Islands x diving?

A Diving in the Kerama Islands. Its greatest attraction is the beautiful, highly transparent sea, which is known as "Kerama Blue". It is a diving spot that is attracting worldwide attention as it is also a colony of coral and isobana and has a high encounter rate with sea turtles and manta rays. One of the attractions of Kerama is that it is easily accessible and you can easily visit it by ferry.

Q Can you meet manta rays and sea turtles during a diving experience in the Kerama Islands?

A Since it is a natural creature, it cannot be said that we can meet it. However, since the Kerama Islands have many feeding grounds and spawning grounds, it is a diving spot where you can meet sea creatures with high probability! In both cases, the encounter rate is said to increase from early summer to autumn. If you apply for an experience diving tour at a shop that knows the local area, the encounter rate may increase further. !! It may be.

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