When is the best time to visit Hokkaido? Thorough commentary by season and purpose!

is admired by many,
Popular domestic destinations
This time,
Recommended time to travel to Hokkaido
I will explain.
Depending on the purpose, such as climate, gourmet food, travel expenses to worry about Introducing the best season so Hokkaido If you're wondering when to go, it's a must-see. Please refer to the article and find the best season for your trip to Hokkaido!
table of contents
Recommended time to travel to Hokkaido
First of all, for each season (month), climate and attractions, Recommended activities And so on!
Hokkaido Travel: Spring (April-May)

the cold is severe
Until around May every year
the rest of the snow
winter sports
There are places where you can experience in early spring,
River with increased water volume due to melting snow
enjoy in
Also recommended!
family with small children
Manufacturing experience
is also popular.
said to be short
Hokkaido spring
Don't miss out and enjoy!
Related article
Hokkaido Travel: Summer (June to August)

during the summer
can enjoy!
cold image
Hokkaido is a strong country, but by all means
sea activities
Please enjoy.
mountain stream fishing
water sports
perfect for summer.
seasonal experience
Must check
you know!
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Hokkaido Travel: Autumn (September to November)

In the season when the mountains change color
Trekking tour
Would you like to join us?
A superb view awaits
maybe. Also, in autumn
empty activity
Also the best season.
hot air balloon
aboard the
autumn scenery
It is also recommended to enjoy!
It seems
Deepening autumn and winter footsteps
Do you want to feel the
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Hokkaido Travel: Winter (December to March)

If you want to enjoy the uniqueness, straight away,
winter is recommended
. various kinds of
snow activity
is waiting!
sightseeing taxi
Sightseeing tour
is easy to move without knowing the cold. Besides,
Smelt fishing on ice
Only in cold regions
experience is also recommended.
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Enjoy food on your trip to Hokkaido
Local gourmet food is one of the real pleasures of traveling! Hokkaido We will introduce gourmet recommendations by season!
Hokkaido Travel: Recommended Food in Spring (April to May)

Asparagus is
Seasonal material that announces spring! Fresh asparagus can be eaten raw.
In addition, hairy crabs that are produced in different places depending on the season. spring is
Eastern Hokkaido
Around Abashiri
Okhotsk Sea Hairy Crab is in season. Atka mackerel and ascetic garlic are also representative ingredients of Hokkaido in spring!
Hokkaido Travel: Recommended Gourmet in Summer (June to August)

Although sea urchin can be harvested all year round, it is said to be the most delicious in the summer.
Rishiri Island and Rebun Island
is a famous sea urchin production area. Hanasaki crab is also in season in summer! Summer fruits such as melons and watermelons are also good to eat.
Central Hokkaido
A large-scale beer garden is held in Odori Park in summer every year. Be sure to try the Hokkaido limited beer!
Hokkaido Travel: Recommended Food in Autumn (September to November)

Autumn is the gourmet season!
Many ingredients are in season, from fatty salmon and Pacific saury to agricultural crops such as potatoes and grapes.
Central Hokkaido
Hidaka area
Autumn is also the season for shishamo, a local specialty of Mukawa Town. Due to the short fishing season and limited production areas, it is not available outside of Hokkaido in large numbers. If you have the chance, please try it.
Hokkaido Travel: Recommended Food in Winter (December to March)

Even in the cold winter
gourmet is hot! Magaki oysters and cod, which are popular ingredients for hot pot dishes, are said to be most delicious in winter.
Donan area
Uchiura Bay (also known as Funka Bay) scallops are in season in winter! Because it is a place where warm currents and cold currents intersect, scallops with a strong sweetness grow thick and thick. Try it with sushi, sashimi, or grilled with butter!
Travel expenses for traveling to Hokkaido

Next, I would like to tell you about the trend of traveling expenses in Hokkaido.
During the summer vacation period, which is the peak season for domestic travel, trips to Hokkaido are also available throughout the year. most expensive to travel It's time. For travel during the period, make good use of early bird discounts and make reservations.
is a popular tourist destination even in the cold season. The reason why there are so many tourists in winter is that Hokkaido has many sightseeing spots unique to the northern country.
snow activities
and so on.
especially in February,
Central Hokkaido
During the Sapporo Snow Festival,
Soaring travel costs
To do. Not only does it cost more, but it also makes it harder to book flights and hotels, so be careful.
If you are planning to attend the Sapporo Snow Festival, it is essential to plan your trip early!
Recommended dates are weekdays after the year-end and New Year holidays and autumn, when travel costs can be reduced and congestion can be avoided. A slightly different itinerary and relax Hokkaido Why don't you enjoy it?
Ranking of recommended activities for traveling in Hokkaido
- 4.9
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【Hokkaido・Sapporo近郊】1組1テント催行確約・密を避けて楽しむワカサギ釣り+more 1日体験2023~24
- 5.0
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Sapporo市内中心部から約50分,石狩川水系の池沼or河跡湖enjoy inワカサギ釣り体験です。ウィズコロナの時代に,相席で1坪程度のテントに密になる釣りの方法は避け,新・Hokkaidoガイドラインor,Go Toトラベルをトレースしながら,同時に冬の愉しみを心置きなく提供する必要がございます。そこand,お客様と一緒に氷上に
- 4.8
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- 4.8
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【Hokkaido・南富良野】金山湖で冬の風物詩でSmelt fishing on ice~釣った後の天ぷら付き!6才からOK
- 4.6
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【Hokkaido・Sapporoスノーシュー】ウィンターセール実施!雪の妖精シマエナガorエゾリスが潜む粉雪の森 or 日本三大夜景「煌めく宝石箱」を臨む雪の丘
- 4.5
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==================================■ 昼と夜,お好きなプランをお選びいただけます!■ ふわふわな雪の上を楽に歩ける「スノーシューセット」無料レンタル有り!■(昼)シマエナガorエゾリスSuch,小動物たちが生息する森で開催!■(夜)日本三大夜景を一望できる雪の丘で開催!■
- 3.8
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さお・えさ一式セットをご用意しており,釣り放題でお楽しみいただけます。手ぶらでお越しくださいませ。駅から徒歩5分とアクセスも良好です。釣れたワカサギは天ぷらで美味しく調理!出来立ての天ぷらは格別you know!※一皿600circle(15匹前後)で天ぷら調理いたします!(現地払い)
【Hokkaido・富良野】Smelt fishing on iceinかなorま湖(半日コース)
【Hokkaido・富良野】hot air balloonフリーフライト(20分コース/30分コース)
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Traveling to Hokkaido has fun in every season!

The recommended time to travel to Hokkaido, Commentary by season Did! Were there any points you were interested in?
For more information, Hokkaido recommendations for Articles summarized by month But since I am introducing Please refer to it !