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[Fielder × ACTIVITY JAPAN series project] Edible weed picture book

[Fielder x ACTIVITY JAPAN series project] Edible weed picture book Plantain Weeds growing all over the place. Young leaves in early spring are recommended for eating. There is no bitterness or harshness, and it is characterized by a refreshing taste. It can be eaten simply with tempura or ohitashi. It has long been known as a herbal medicine.


[Fielder x ACTIVITY JAPAN series project] Weed Heaven

[Fielder x ACTIVITY JAPAN series project] Weed heaven It's a loss if you don't try when the opportunity is rolling in front of you. Weeds are the prime example of wild food. Since it's just a leaf, it doesn't have the same impact as crawfish, barnacles, and grasshoppers, but in terms of familiarity, this one is probably better. Certainly, there are many things that have a smell, a bitter taste, and a texture. Still, if you think of this as part of your individuality, the world will soon become a food paradise.

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