スカイウォーカー(Sky Walker) のギャラリー
スカイウォーカー(Sky Walker) のギャラリー
スカイウォーカー(Sky Walker) のギャラリー
スカイウォーカー(Sky Walker) のギャラリー

スカイウォーカー(Sky Walker)

スカイウォーカー(Sky Walker) video list


Information on スカイウォーカー(Sky Walker)

Authorization issued by Okinawa Prefectural Public Safety Commission Pleasure Boat Provider
Insurance information Daido Fire and Marine Insurance Co., Ltd. (Facility liability insurance, yacht motorboat insurance, passenger injury liability insurance)
License and Qualifications Small vessel maneuvering license, special, specific, diver, water rescue worker
Number of staff 15persons
Selling points regarding safety The captain has acquired a high level of safety knowledge under the guidance of an authentic Australian parasailing instructor. In addition to daily inspections, we make time for maintenance of equipment, etc. within the company. We guarantee world-class safe parasailing.

スカイウォーカー(Sky Walker) - operating hours

764 Uchidomari, Ginowan City, Okinawa Prefecture
Operating hours 8: 00-17: 00
Regular holidays Open daily

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