冬のFurano / Biei / Tomamu観光のおすすめアクティビティ体験ツアー特集

冬のFurano / Biei / Tomamu観光のおすすめアクティビティ体験ツアー特集
Activity Japan editorial department

このページでは、Hokkaido旅行の人気観光スポット "Furano / Biei / Tomamu」の冬のアクティビティ・レジャー・体験・遊び A big feature!

氷上Smelt fishing、hot air balloon、Snowshoes and snow trekking、Snowmobileなど、 Furano / Biei / Tomamuは冬のHokkaidoならではの体験ツアー が豊富なエリアis.

Scenic spots where snow and nature interweave, gourmet, activities, etc... Recommended for families with children, couples, and solo travellers. なFurano / Biei / Tomamuの冬を大満喫しましょう..

Furano / Biei / Tomamuってどんなところ?

Hokkaidoのほぼ中央に位置する富良野市(中富良野町・南富良野町・上富良野町)と北側の美瑛町、南側のトマムで構成される" Furano / Biei / Tomamu 」..

Daisetsuzan (Japan's largest national park, Daisetsuzan National Park) consisting of 2,000m-class mountains such as Asahidake and Tokachidake rises to the east, and rivers such as the Sorachi River and the Furano River flow through it. An area with abundant nature is.

Furano / Biei / Tomamuには、ラベンダー畑で有名な" Farm Tomita ” led by ” blue pond "or" Shirahige Falls 」などの絶景観光スポットが点在します..

In addition, including winter sports such as skiing and snowboarding, Enjoy a variety of outdoor activities throughout the year ことが魅力..

Furano / Biei / Tomamuは、老若男女年齢を問わず、またアクティブ派からゆったり派まで 幅広い層からの指示を獲得するHokkaidoを代表する旅行観光地 is.

冬のFurano / Biei / Tomamuの魅力

冬のFurano / Biei / Tomamu観光のおすすめアクティビティ体験ツアー特集

冬のFurano / Biei / Tomamuの一番の魅力は、 Outdoor activities where you can enjoy the superb view created by the falling snow and the powder snow の体験ツアー..

Many of the popular sightseeing spots in the area are Hokkaidoの冬ならではの景観 で観光客を出迎えてくれます..

以下では、冬のFurano / Biei / Tomamuを満喫する上で欠かすことのできない Introducing how to enjoy sightseeing spots in winter していきます..

Farm Tomita

冬のFurano / Biei / Tomamu観光のおすすめアクティビティ体験ツアー特集

In the summer, the lavender blooms beautifully, and the whole field is dyed in purple, which is famous for the " Farm Tomita 」..

積雪が始まる冬場(December下旬頃)からは、 Snow piles up on the lavender bushes, creating a rugged landscape that looks like waves hitting the ground へと変貌を遂げます..

With the surrounding trees covered in hoarfrost and the majestic Tokachi Mountains covered in snow in the background A view that can only be seen in winter Please enjoy!

〒071-0703  Hokkaido空知郡中富良野町字中富良野基線北15号 9:00-17:00

blue pond

冬のFurano / Biei / Tomamu観光のおすすめアクティビティ体験ツアー特集

" blue pond 」..

In winter, the shore covered with hoarfrost カラマツやシラカバとHokkaidoの広い空と雲が水面に映し出され て幻想的な景色を作り出します..

A light-up event is held at night され、冬季のFurano / Biei / Tomamu観光の代名詞的として多くの観光客に楽しまれています..

〒071-0235 Hokkaido上川郡美瑛町白金 24hours

Sapporo発着!おすすめBus tour

【Hokkaido・旭川/美瑛】人気の旭山動物園と冬しか味わうことの出来ない幻想的なライトアップしたblue pond散策とShirahige Falls鑑賞の内容盛り沢山Bus tour

Air Choice Co., Ltd.
Asahikawa/Sounkyo Gorge
5,700 Yen ~ (tax included)

愛らしい動物のありのままの姿をまじかで感じる事ができ、行動展示で一躍有名になった旭山動物園を満喫..1Januaryからライトアップされる幻想的なblue pondも魅力的!美瑛のもうひとつの景勝地"Shirahige Falls」も散策する欲張りプラン♪      〜スケジュール〜                              

Shirahige Falls

冬のFurano / Biei / Tomamu観光のおすすめアクティビティ体験ツアー特集

It got its name from the fact that the underground water of the Tokachi Federation flows down into the Biei River like a white beard from cracks in the rock walls. Shirahige Falls 」..

The "Senryubaku", also known as BIEI BLUE, has a drop of 30 meters. One of the rare waterfalls in Japan として数えられています..

the aforementioned Similar to the Blue Pond, a light-up event is held only in winter され、その2箇所を巡るツアーが人気を集めています..

〒071-0235 Hokkaido上川郡美瑛町白金 24hours

Seven Star Tree / Ken and Mary Tree

冬のFurano / Biei / Tomamu観光のおすすめアクティビティ体験ツアー特集

Adopted for the package of cigarette brand Seven Star seven star tree ” and was used as a location for Nissan Motor TV commercials ” Ken and Mary tree 」..

The mystical scenery of a lone tree standing dignified on top of a vast hill dyed in silver, Furano / Biei / Tomamuの中でも屈指のフォトスポット として人気を集めています..

それらFurano / Biei / Tomamuの代名詞とも言える木々は、 If you're lucky, you'll see a divine appearance covered in hoarfrost. を見ることができます..

seven star tree 〒071-0224 Hokkaido上川郡美瑛町北瑛
Ken and Mary tree 〒071-0216 Hokkaido上川郡美瑛町大久保協生 24hours

冬のFurano / Biei / Tomamuの気温

冬のFurano / Biei / Tomamu観光のおすすめアクティビティ体験ツアー特集

Furano / Biei / Tomamuは、 Hokkaido内でも冬場の寒さが厳しい地域 として知られています..

For that reason, some people who visit for the first time say " What is the lowest temperature in Furano in winter? 」など寒さに関する情報を調べている方も多いのではないでしょうか..

The following is based on data from previous years 富良野周辺の冬のAverage maximum temperatureとAverage minimum temperature をまとめています..

Temperature around Furano in winter

Month Average maximum temperature Average minimum temperature
December -2 ℃ -8 ℃
January -5 ℃ -12 ℃
February -4 ℃ -11 ℃
March 1 ℃ -5 ℃

冬季のFurano / Biei / Tomamuは、 The minimum temperature drops below -10°C, and even the highest temperature during the day often falls below 0°C. 地域is.

When enjoying outdoor sightseeing, Thorough protection against the cold を準備することはもちろん防風や防水性を兼ね備えた雪遊びに適した服装でお楽しみください..

Furano / Biei / Tomamuの雪はいつから降る?

冬のFurano / Biei / Tomamuを訪れるのならば Best time to visit is when snow is observed is.

" When does it start snowing around Furano? Isn't there a lot of people who have doubts?

Falls in Furano city every year 初雪は10Month下旬から1January上旬ころ のシーズンis.

Therefore, the surrounding スキー場・ゲレンデも毎年1January上旬ころからオープン となり本格的なウインタースポーツシーズンを迎えます..

Clothing suitable for Furano, Biei, and Tomamu in winter

冬のFurano / Biei / Tomamu観光のおすすめアクティビティ体験ツアー特集

As mentioned above, the minimum temperature is 氷点下10℃以下にまで下がる真冬の"Furano / Biei / Tomamu」 ..

In order to comfortably enjoy outdoor sightseeing, activities, leisure, experiences, and play, Thorough protection against the cold is essential It will be.

Fleece or knit under a thick outerwear like a down jacket 保温性の高いものを着込むことが必須..

Also, wear thick tights or leggings under your trousers or pants. It is recommended to prepare warm clothes as much as possible Will be done.

The feet are suitable for snow and frozen roads Non-slip snow boots (some can be retrofitted), etc. 雪道を歩くことを想定した靴選びを心がけましょう..

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冬のFurano / Biei / Tomamu人気アクティビティ・レジャー・体験・遊び

冬のFurano / Biei / Tomamu観光のおすすめアクティビティ体験ツアー特集

" 冬のFurano / Biei / Tomamuでは何ができる? "or" 冬のFurano / Biei / Tomamuのおすすめのアクティビティは? 」と冬の富良野・美瑛を満喫できる遊びをお探しの方も多いと思います..

Furano / Biei / Tomamuは、スキーやスノーボードなどのウインタースポーツだけではなく、 冬のHokkaidoならではのアクティビティ・レジャー・体験・遊びが楽しめるスポット is.

ここからは、冬のFurano / Biei / Tomamuで開催される Activity/Leisure/Experience/Play Reservation Popularity Ranking をご紹介していきます..

冬のFurano / Biei / Tomamu人気アクティビティランキング

Smelt fishing / ice smelt fishing
Snowshoes and snow trekking
Motor paraglider
hot air balloon
Snow towing
Sightseeing taxi hire
Dog sledding
Night tour

南富良野のかなやま湖は氷上Smelt fishingの名所!

冬のFurano / Biei / Tomamu観光のおすすめアクティビティ体験ツアー特集

南富良野町にある"かなやま湖(金山ダム)」は、Hokkaido内のみならず 日本全国の中でも有数のSmelt fishingスポット として知られています..

かなやま湖Smelt fishingの魅力は、なんと言っても凍結した湖面に穴を開けて "氷上Smelt fishing」を楽しめる ことにあります..

Smelt fishingを楽しんだ後は、釣れたて新鮮の獲物を Can be eaten as tempura or deep-fried こともおすすめのポイントis.

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Snow activity to enjoy powder snow!

冬のFurano / Biei / Tomamu観光のおすすめアクティビティ体験ツアー特集

冬のHokkaido富良野・美瑛旅行を満喫する上で絶対に欠かせないのが Snow activities to enjoy the finest snow quality の数々is.

In the winter season " Snowmobile "or" Snowshoes and snow trekking 」など大人気種目の体験ツアーが開催され人気を集めています..

また、雪国であるHokkaidoでも珍しい" Dog sledding 」を体験できることも富良野・美瑛の醍醐味と言えます..

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大雪原を上空から見下ろすhot air balloon体験がおすすめ!

冬のFurano / Biei / Tomamu観光のおすすめアクティビティ体験ツアー特集

壮大な大自然と広大なアウトドアフィールドを持つHokkaidoは" hot air balloon 」の名所としても有名なスポットis.

In Furano and Biei in winter, An aerial view of the silver snowfields, the Tokachidake mountain range, and the Furano Basin できるhot air balloonフライト体験が人気is.

富良野・美瑛のhot air balloon体験は、自由に空を浮遊する" free flight ", and " mountain stream flight 」から選択可能is.

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冬のFurano / Biei / Tomamu人気体験ツアーランキング

Finally, based on Activity Japan's latest reservation data " 冬のFurano / Biei / Tomamu人気体験ツアーランキング I will introduce.

Including the content and fee (price) of the experience tour, Reputation based on reviews and testimonials を参考にプラン選びの比較検討にお役立てください..

土日祝日や冬休み・正Month休み期間などの長期休暇シーズンは各プラン多くの予約・お問い合わせが予想Will be done.スケジュールの空き状況をご確認の上早めの予約手配をおすすめします..

[Hokkaido / Minamifurano / Tomamu] Fishing for smelt on ice as a winter tradition at Lake Kanayama-with tempura after fishing! OK from 6 years old

FUN outdoor activities
Furano / Biei / Tomamu
5,500 Yen ~ (tax included)
  • 4.4
  • (6 reviews / experiences)

Make a hole in the frozen lake and set a gimmick! With just this, all you have to do is pull the thread when you eat. Let the guide handle the troublesome drilling, feeding, and setting of gimmicks! If you learn a little trick, both beginners and children can feel free to experience it! After fishing, fry it on the spot and make it into tempura! Freshly fried hot and fresh on the spot you caught is exceptional!

[Minamifurano] Ice fishing half-day tour "Michi-no-Eki Minamifurano" gathering ☆ Limited to those who come by car・Tent rental for each group・Smelt tempura tasting included ☆

Guidelines Outdoor Club
Furano / Biei / Tomamu
5,500 circle 5,000 Yen ~ (tax included)
Discount campaign in progress!
  • 5.0
  • (1 review / experience)

Experience unique to winter ☆ Challenge smelt fishing on the frozen Kanayama Lake! ! Tent reserved for each group! A half-day tour that you can easily experience is recommended! ! Smelt fishing involves inserting a rig (hook) into a hole in the ice and moving the rod frequently to attract bites. All tents and fishing equipment are available here. Surprisingly difficult tent setup, drilling holes, and feeding are guides

[Hokkaido / Furano] Snowmobile experience! !! ★ 10km course ★

Leisure guide Playhouse Furano
Furano / Biei / Tomamu
8,400 Yen ~ (tax included)
  • 5.0
  • (1 review / experience)

Does snowmobile seem difficult? Looks scary? That's not true! The guide will give a thorough lecture before leading, so even those who are uneasy about driving or women can participate with confidence. Why don't you try a trip to the silver world that no one knows, such as forest roads, mountains, and snow fields that can only be reached by snowmobiles?

[Hokkaido / Furano] Hot-air balloon free flight (20-minute course / 30-minute course)

Leisure guide Playhouse Furano
Furano / Biei / Tomamu
18,000 Yen ~ (tax included)

An aerial walk overlooking the heavy snow of white silver, the Tokachidake mountain range, and the Furano basin. Overlooking the vast snowfields and miniature cityscape, spend a time as if you were part of Furano's wilderness.

[Furano / Tomamu] Lake Kanayama Smelt fishing on ice & exhilarating snowmobile free test drive experience ♪ Warm with heating!

River trip Hokkaido
Furano / Biei / Tomamu
5,400 Yen ~ (tax included)
  • 4.5
  • (1 review / experience)

You can enjoy smelt fishing on ice at Kanayama Lake in Minamifurano Town, which is covered with thick ice ♪ You can also make tempura on the spot and enjoy it deliciously ♪ Snow that can only be done in winter in Hokkaido You can also experience a mobile test drive! Enjoy smelt fishing and snowmobiles on ice, which is a winter tradition, greedily ♪

[Hokkaido / Furano] Smelt fishing on ice in Lake Kanayama (half-day course)

White Koala Rental Ski
Furano / Biei / Tomamu
5,000 Yen ~ (tax included)
  • 1.0
  • (1 review / experience)

It's OK empty-handed! Rental is also available! Wakasagi fishing half-day course ♪♪ Why do not you have a good time in a tent dedicated to smelt fishing on a completely frozen lake? Even if you are new to fishing, the guide will teach you how to use the rod and how to feed it, so you can enjoy it with confidence ♪♪ The smelt in the beautiful water is best fried in tempura on the spot.

[Hokkaido Furano] One group complete private tour with pets! Snow picnic charter half-day plan!

Furano / Biei / Tomamu
5,500 Yen ~ (tax included)
  • 4.8
  • (2 reviews / experiences)

A half-day snow picnic tour at Daisetsuzan National Park.

[Minami Furano] Smelt fishing on ice half-day tour with free transfer from Furano city ☆ 1 tent for each group! Smelt tempura tasting included! ☆

Guidelines Outdoor Club
Furano / Biei / Tomamu
5,500 circle 5,000 Yen ~ (tax included)
Discount campaign in progress!

Experience unique to winter ☆ Challenge smelt fishing on the frozen Kanayama Lake! ! A free transfer from Furano city is included, so you can feel at ease☆Rent a tent for each group! A half-day tour that you can easily experience is recommended! ! Smelt fishing involves inserting a rig (hook) into a hole in the ice and moving the rod frequently to attract bites. All tents and fishing equipment are available here. intention

[Hokkaido / Furano] Snowmobile ★ 3km circuit course ★

Leisure guide Playhouse Furano
Furano / Biei / Tomamu
2,800 Yen ~ (tax included)
  • 4.8
  • (2 reviews / experiences)

Does snowmobile seem difficult? Looks scary? That's not true. The guide will give a thorough lecture before leading, so even those who are uneasy about driving or women can participate with confidence. Why don't you try a trip to the silver world that no one knows, such as forest roads, mountains, and snow fields that can only be reached by snowmobiles?

[Snowmobile] Even beginners are OK! Forest course (150 minutes)

FUN outdoor activities
Furano / Biei / Tomamu
14,500 Yen ~ (tax included)

The snowmobile forest course is a plan that even beginners can enjoy the authentic course. It is a plan to run through the world of silver and silver by passing through trees on forest roads and snow fields that can only be reached by snowmobiles.

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