手漕屋素潜店 ちゅらねしあ

Currently 手漕屋素潜店 ちゅらねしあ has no bookable plans

Information on 手漕屋素潜店 ちゅらねしあ

Insurance information Tokio Marine & Nichido Travel Insurance
License and Qualifications Each guide is trained on a regular basis and is managed by a representative guide.
Member organizations and associations ADS International Diving School Association
Number of staff 3persons
Selling points regarding safety At Churane Shia, we basically do not offer tours that deal with a large number of people. Women, children and beginners of kayaking can join the tour with confidence.<br> We strive to provide high-quality tours that satisfy each and every one of us. Experienced staff also regularly provide safety management, training and rescue training.

手漕屋素潜店 ちゅらねしあ - operating hours

39-4 Tonoshiro, Ishigaki City, Okinawa Prefecture
Operating hours 8: 00-18: 00

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