2024年Buddhist vacationはいつから?カレンダーor人気のツアー・アクティビティを発表!!

2024年Buddhist vacationはいつから?カレンダーor人気のツアー・アクティビティを発表!!

temperature rises, summer I feel that is approaching.
2024年の" Buddhist vacation Where are you going?

There is a summer vacation at school and a Bon holiday for companies and companies August Is just right Travel season!
2024年、一般的なBuddhist vacationはAugust13日〜August16日の4日間 is.
本記事では、お盆期間に人気の旅行先or体験ツアーなどを紹介します。また、2024年AugustのカレンダーorUraboneの風習・地域差など、 Obon bean knowledge I will explain in detail about!

By region and period within the "Activity Japan" site, which handles reservations for play and experiences nationwide Activity reservation ranking Will also be announced. Please use it for your outing plan for the Obon season!

2024年のBuddhist vacationはいつからいつまで?

2024 Obon Calendar

August10日 (土)  holiday
August11日 (日)  Mountain day
August12日 (月)  振替holiday
August13日 (火)  Holiday (Obon holiday)
August14日 (水)  Holiday (Obon holiday)
August15日 (木)  Holiday (Obon holiday)
August16日 (金)  Holiday (Obon holiday)
August17日 (土)  holiday
August18日 (日)  holiday

The general "Obon holiday" is 2024年August13日~2024年August16日の4日間 . It is basically customary, Slightly different depending on the region It is said that.
We will explain the regional differences in detail later!


2024年Buddhist vacationカレンダー

As mentioned above August 13th-August 16th is commonly called "Obon vacation". For general companies and factories with production lines, 4 days Rest all at once It seems that there are many cases.

August10日(土)はholiday、August11日(日)は" Mountain day ” is a public holiday.
August12日(月)は"Mountain day」の振替holidayis.
August13日(火)からがBuddhist vacationであれば、 Up to 9 consecutive holidays !!


Please consider your workplace calendar and make a summer outing plan!

About public transportation, government offices, financial / medical institutions during Obon holidays

About public transportation, government offices, financial / medical institutions during Obon holidays

Some public transportation services are operated on temporary or special timetables during the Obon holidays.
Especially for fixed-route buses, everything during the Obon period Temporary timetables and holiday timetables It seems that it often becomes. Be careful when using a bus on a route or destination that you do not normally use.

For government offices and financial institutions, in principle, including counters and ATMs According to the calendar Business is carried out.
Medical institutions vary depending on the hospital / clinic. There are many hospitals and clinics that are closed for a long time before and after the Obon period.
During the Obon period, Family doctor is closed Don't forget to check if you do!

Let's know Obon!

What is Obon in the first place?

in the first place

Obon is an important event that has been handed down from ancient times in Japan to honor the spirits of ancestors. The etymology is derived from the Buddhist term " Urabone Is abbreviated.

In the Edo period, the custom that a servant took a vacation from his husband for an Obon event and returned to his parents is now " Buddhist vacation "or" Summer homecoming It seems that it remained in the form of.

Time and area to reach Obon
    July 13th-July 16th (Shinbon) ・ ・ ・ Tokyo, Kanagawa, etc.
    July 31st-August 2nd ・ ・ ・ Some areas around Tama, Tokyo
    August 13-August 16 (former Bon) ・ ・ ・ Areas other than the above and Okinawa / Amami region
    Mid-August to early September ... Okinawa / Amami region

We often hear the terms “new Bon” and “old Bon”, but what is the difference? actually, Meiji Restoration calendar reform is deeply involved.
In the Meiji period, the "solar lunar calendar (Tempo reki) = Lunar calendar "Is the solar calendar (Gregorian calendar) = New calendar The "calendar reform" was carried out, and the date of the calendar was shifted by about one month.
古来よりお盆は、Lunar calendarの7月15日(現在のAugust15日)頃でしたが、改暦により、

  • Regions where the date on the calendar remains the same, but the date of Obon has been changed
    Shinbon (currently around July 15)

  • Regions where the date on the calendar has been changed while the Obon period remains the same
    Old tray (currently around August 15)
  • It is said that it was divided into

    Currently nationwide "Old Bon" in August It seems that there are many areas where Bon events are held.

    Obon custom

    Obon customs Gozan no Okuribi, Kyoto

    Mukaebi / okuribi

    Obon is a time when it is said that the spirits of our ancestors return home once a year.
    "Burning as a mark so that ancestors can go home without hesitation" Mukaebi ", To see off the ancestors," Okubiri "is.

    Gozan no Okuribi, Kyoto, known as "Capital Yaki," is also an event to see off spirits.

    Spirit horse

    "Decorate vegetables such as cucumbers and eggplants as horses and cows" Spirit horse ” is said to be the “vehicle” for the ancestors to return home.

    It is often made using toothpicks and disposable chopsticks, but in the past, the legs were made from peeled hemp stalks called "ogara". It seems that Ogara may be lined up in stores such as home improvement stores during the Obon season.

    Lantern sink

    " Toro nagashi Is an event to throw lanterns and offerings into the sea and rivers to mourn the spirits of our ancestors.
    It is also said to be a type of okuribi.

    Not only is it a memorial service for the deceased and ancestors, but since Obon is close to the day of the atomic bomb and the anniversary of the end of the war, there is also a side where lanterns are washed away with a prayer for peace.

    a visit to a grave

    Not limited to Obon, it is also an annual event " a visit to a grave Is also one of the most familiar events we have as a memorial service for our ancestors.
    It seems that the above-mentioned mukaebi and okuribi may be burned at the grave.

    The grave is far away, and many people may not be able to visit it easily. When you return home in Obon, why not visit the grave to honor your ancestors and pray for the health and well-being of your family.

    Bon dance

    " Bon dance Is originally a sacred event that dances to comfort the spirits of ancestors who have arrived in Obon.
    Nowadays, it has become one of the traditions that color summer in Japan.

    “Awa Odori” in Tokushima and “Eisa” in Okinawa, Kagoshima and Amami are also Bon Odori in each region.

    Popular experience tours and plans for the Obon holidays

    Popular experience tour / plan trip image photo of Obon holiday

    Originally, Obon is A period of prayer, gratitude and offerings to the spirits of our ancestors However, many people go on trips during work or school holidays, and now they go on trips. Obon = Top season of travel It has become.

    here, Experience tours and plans that are popular during the Obon holidays Introducing!

    Many reservations and inquiries are expected for each plan implemented during the summer vacation and Obon period. We recommend that you make an early reservation after checking the availability of the schedule!


    Okinawa Diving Shop Seamall
    Blue Cave, Onna Village
    4,000 Circle 900 Yen ~ (tax included)
    Discount campaign in progress!
    • 4.7
    • (2020 reviews and experiences)


    当日予約OK!!⭐️青の洞窟シュノーケル【Okinawa・真栄田岬】GoPro 写真撮影&餌付け無料English OK!!スプリングセール実施中

    Blue Cave, Onna Village
    3,240 Circle 1,000 Yen ~ (tax included)
    Discount campaign in progress!
    • 4.8
    • (1062 reviews and experiences)

    -Countermeasures against corona infection- # Sterilize the equipment used with alcohol and hypochlorite. Enjoy fun, safe and secure snorkeling at the "Blue Cave"

    【3歳まで無料】1組貸切制青の洞窟シュノーケル《2歳から70歳まで参加可 》写真撮影無料!!エサorり体験付き!!スプリングセール実施中!!

    Diving shop Ryo
    Blue Cave, Onna Village
    6,900 Circle 4,900 Yen ~ (tax included)
    Discount campaign in progress!
    • 4.9
    • (575 reviews and experiences)

    Only once in a lifetime, both in the summer of 2 and in the summer of 5. It is a popular snorkeling plan for families, couples, friends, Okinawa trips, and families with young children as the best memories of this trip. I'm worried because my child is small, the first time in the sea, rather my dad and mom can't swim. !! The instructor in charge is large as well as children


    Marine Leisure High Side
    Blue Cave, Onna Village
    11,000 Circle 7,500 Yen ~ (tax included)
    Discount campaign in progress!
    • 4.8
    • (134 reviews and experiences)

    Okinawaで超人気の"絶景Parasailing"or"青の洞窟ダイビング」のセットプランもあります。ページ下部"マリンレジャーハイサイド取り扱いプラン一覧」にてお好きなプランお選びください。↓ 本プラン詳細はこちら ↓"選ばれ続けて10年!!ご案内実績3万人突破!!」お客様にOkinawaの海を最大限楽しんでいただけるように"

    【南伊豆・中木】"ヒリゾ浜」に上陸!!透明度抜群のシュノーケルガイドツアー1日コース 9,900Circle〜!!

    Marine Soft Shimoda
    Shimoda and Shirahama
    13,200 Yen ~ (tax included)
    • 4.5
    • (77 reviews and experiences)


    【ザネー浜】①お得なSUP&シュノーケルツアー or ②夜の海ホタル・サンセット&星空SUPツアー!!お好きな2プランからお選び頂けます

    9,000 Circle 6,500 Yen ~ (tax included)
    Discount campaign in progress!
    • 4.8
    • (156 reviews and experiences)

    You can choose from two plans at Zane Beach, a hidden spot with a spectacular view, and Gorilla Chop, the No. 1 spot in the northern part of Motobu Town. (The location of the tour will be selected based on the best conditions on the day of the tour.) Plan 1: A luxurious set of SUP cruising and snorkeling on the pure white sand beach and crystal clear blue sea.


    Muto Diving
    Blue Cave, Onna Village
    8,800 Circle 3,980 Yen ~ (tax included)
    Discount campaign in progress!
    • 4.9
    • (1445 reviews and experiences)

    ☆Corona countermeasure store ☆Okinawa blue cave beach experience diving★Please take a look at the five-star high-rated reviews♪The messages we receive from many customers are our treasures! Proud! ! Photos and videos taken underwater will be transferred to your smartphone immediately after diving! The state-of-the-art GOPRO video has already exceeded the ability of human eyes


    Diving Shop Lei
    Blue Cave, Onna Village
    6,000 Circle 3,850 Yen ~ (tax included)
    Discount campaign in progress!
    • 5.0
    • (156 reviews and experiences)

    期間限定!!!! スプリングセール開催中!!!!◆◇◆◇◆下記URLより最大¥1600クーポン配布中◆◇◆◇◆https://activityjapan.com/feature/spring_campaign_2024【当店の青の洞窟シュノーケル】@【全込み】当日追加料金なしis!@      ※ ↓↓↓ 

    【Ishigaki Island】大人気!!3大スポット★川平湾+青の洞窟+回復の滝とシュノーケル!!★満足度120% スプリングセール実施中 KAS

    Ishigaki Island Tour Guide All Blue
    Ishigaki Island
    16,800 Circle 6,000 Yen ~ (tax included)
    Discount campaign in progress!
    • 4.8
    • (548 reviews and experiences)

    ◉初日参加がオススメ!!(離島行く船・竹富水牛車・系列店お土産品なども安くなるクーポン付き!!)◉ウミガメ、クマノミニモ、お魚サンゴも沢山!!◉無料駐車場・クラブハウス施設利用も無料♪(シャワー・鍵付ロッカー・更衣室)◉市街地10分圏内無料送迎◉車移動の中も楽しいガイド、ビーチエントリーなのでIshigaki Islandが初め


    Cheerful Miyakojima
    Miyakojima (Irabu Island, Shimoji Island, Kurima Island, Ikema Island)
    15,000 Circle 13,000 Yen ~ (tax included)
    Discount campaign in progress!
    • 4.8
    • (24 reviews and experiences)

    ◆◆ | CheerfulMiyakojima 日本一安全なショップ宣言 |◆◆2022年春に完成した新船 Cheerful号に乗って、"安心・安全」の八重干瀬ツアーへ今すぐ出発!!長年現場で腕を磨いてきた経験豊富なスタッフ陣が、皆様をツアーへご案内いたします。弊社の八重干瀬ツアーは、BSACインストラクターの中で

    ※アクティビティジャパン 2023年summerのReservation rankingに基づく

    Popular areas / areas of Obon

    Popular areas / areas of Obon

    Next, on a domestic trip to go to Obon holidays Popular areas / areas Introducing!

    also, Popular Of Okinawa or Hokkaido . Close to Mt.Fuji Yamanashi or Shizuoka Is also popular.
    Attention is Tokyo . As expressed by the words “cheap, close, and short,” there are still many destinations that can be visited on a day trip. Daringly I want to go out For those who say Kyushu地方 もおすすめis!

    Ranking of Popular Areas and Areas for Obon Holidays

    ※アクティビティジャパン 2023年summerのReservation rankingに基づく

    Okinawa is in the summer!

    Okinawa is in the summer! diving

    At Activity Japan, Japan's largest activity reservation site Reservation ranking always ranked high in Okinawa area experience tour is!

    Okinawa Is a tropical resort that represents Japan. Because you can get close to the sea all year round Featured travel destinations throughout the year is.
    Above all Okinawa in august Then, various Marine Sports が人気!! Okinawa本島 Not only, Miyakojima or Ishigaki Island such as Remote Island Area Coupled with the boom in tourism to From families with small children to seniors Many people are visiting.

    1 rank


    Okinawa Diving Shop Seamall
    Blue Cave, Onna Village
    4,000 Circle 900 Yen ~ (tax included)
    Discount campaign in progress!
    • 4.7
    • (2020 reviews and experiences)


    2 rank

    【3歳まで無料】1組貸切制青の洞窟シュノーケル《2歳から70歳まで参加可 》写真撮影無料!!エサorり体験付き!!スプリングセール実施中!!

    Diving shop Ryo
    Blue Cave, Onna Village
    6,900 Circle 4,900 Yen ~ (tax included)
    Discount campaign in progress!
    • 4.9
    • (575 reviews and experiences)

    Only once in a lifetime, both in the summer of 2 and in the summer of 5. It is a popular snorkeling plan for families, couples, friends, Okinawa trips, and families with young children as the best memories of this trip. I'm worried because my child is small, the first time in the sea, rather my dad and mom can't swim. !! The instructor in charge is large as well as children

    3 rank

    【Miyakojima人気No1】ボートで行く【幻のユニの浜ツアー】(ドローン撮影無料)浜まで5分で到着(約1時間半) ★ スプリングセール実施中 ★

    Miyakojima (Irabu Island, Shimoji Island, Kurima Island, Ikema Island)
    8,500 Circle 7,000 Yen ~ (tax included)
    Discount campaign in progress!
    • 5.0
    • (192 reviews and experiences)


    Related article

    Popular activities / leisure / experiences / tours during the Obon holidays

    Popular activities / leisure / experiences / tour rafting during Obon holidays

    2024年のBuddhist vacation、旅行には行きたいけれど、 Where and what kind of experience would you like to have? Some people may be at a loss.
    here, Popular activity ranking Introducing!

    It's a good idea to decide on a destination and then look for a tour that you can experience there, but sometimes Decide on a destination with activities and tours as the main axis Is that so?

    2023年Buddhist vacation人気アクティビティRanking

    ※アクティビティジャパン 2023年summerのReservation rankingに基づく
    SUP/Stand Up Paddle Board
    Canoe / kayak
    Experience diving (beginner OK)
    Canyoning/Shower Climbing
    Sea fishing / fishing boat
    Banana boat towable tube
    Cruising and boat parties

    Marine activities are popular!

    Marine activities are popular! Banana boat

    Ranking As you can see from this, the popularity is still Marine activities !!
    Glittering in the sun Summer sea Seems to be a fascinating place for many.

    Coupled with the popularity of Okinawa, Snorkeling or SUP Is in the top rank, but I recommend it Parasailing or Banana boat towable tube and other recent activities.
    In recent years, there are also places where you can experience Spread all over the country Feel free to enjoy Marine Sports Is taking root as.

    [Yamanashi/Lake Yamanaka] Only in Lake Yamanaka! "Screaming activity" hurricane boat that can only be done here ♪

    Hakutaka Marin
    Lake Yamanaka / Oshino
    3,300 Yen ~ (tax included)
    • 4.5
    • (4 reviews and experiences)

    A jet ski pulls your hurricane boat. Please experience the latest screaming marine activity ♪

    1 rank

    【Miyakojima人気No1】ボートで行く【幻のユニの浜ツアー】(ドローン撮影無料)浜まで5分で到着(約1時間半) ★ スプリングセール実施中 ★

    Miyakojima (Irabu Island, Shimoji Island, Kurima Island, Ikema Island)
    8,500 Circle 7,000 Yen ~ (tax included)
    Discount campaign in progress!
    • 5.0
    • (192 reviews and experiences)


    2 rank

    Popular No.1 set course !! [Okinawa / Blue Cave Diving & Parasailing] Underwater photography is available for free with GoPro.

    Diving shop mensore (Okinawa diving mensore)
    Blue Cave, Onna Village
    18,600 Circle 9,980 Yen ~ (tax included)
    Discount campaign in progress!
    • 4.5
    • (240 reviews and experiences)

    人気アクティビティーの【青の洞窟でダイビングとParasailing】がセットコースで登場しました!!もちろん水中写真&フライト写真は無料でその場でプレゼントOK!!ライセンス不要でSea Play未経験の方でも気軽に楽しめる他特別な青の洞窟&Parasailingプランです!!★★★★★無料特典盛りだくさん!!★★★★★本

    3 rank

    【 青の洞窟ボートシュノーケル 】+【 OkinawaシーサーParasailing 】 ウエットスーツ・器材無料!!"スプリングセール実施中」

    Blue Cave, Onna Village
    14,000 Circle 7,900 Yen ~ (tax included)
    Discount campaign in progress!
    • 4.9
    • (40 reviews and experiences)

    【世界が恋するOkinawaの海】世界中の人から愛されるOkinawaの海!!そのAbove all大人気のアクティビティを厳選したセットプランis!大人気の"青の洞窟ボートSnorkeling」では、綺麗な海の中を満喫!!お魚ちゃんへ餌付けなどが楽しめます。"シーサーParasailing」では観光名所のうるま市"海中道路」の青い海の上を大飛行

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