Making Sushi at a Japanese Home

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Information on Making Sushi at a Japanese Home

Authorization issued by Tokyo Food Sanitation Association
License and Qualifications National Government Licensed Guide Interpreter・Tour Conductor
Number of staff 2persons
Number of instructors 1persons
Selling points regarding safety The instructor is a food hygiene manager certified by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. She has been teaching the same menu to about 450 groups of foreign tourists for over 12 years and has never had an accident or complaint. She uses fresh ingredients purchased in Tsukiji that morning. (If she doesn't go to Tsukiji, she buys them in a nearby department store basement.) She has lived in her home, where the event is held, for 13 years, cooks almost three meals a day, and has never had food poisoning.

Making Sushi at a Japanese Home - operating hours

4-21-1 Higashi-Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo
Operating hours 7:00 to 21:00
Regular holidays Irregular (select business days based on the website calendar)

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