Umami One Cooking  のギャラリー
Umami One Cooking  のギャラリー
Umami One Cooking  のギャラリー
Umami One Cooking  のギャラリー
Umami One Cooking  のギャラリー
Umami One Cooking  のギャラリー
Umami One Cooking  のギャラリー
Umami One Cooking  のギャラリー

Umami One Cooking 

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Information on Umami One Cooking 

Number of staff 6persons
Number of instructors 2persons
Selling points regarding safety We offer cooking experiences that are fun and easy for everyone, and we adhere to strict hygiene standards and conduct lessons in a clean environment. We maintain the cleanliness of tableware and facilities, and take sufficient care to ensure that staff and participants wash their hands, so you can participate with peace of mind.

Umami One Cooking  - operating hours

3-7-5 Zoshigaya, Toshima-ku, Tokyo
Operating hours 9: 00-18: 00
Regular holidays No holidays

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