OTHER SIDE (アザーサイド)

Currently OTHER SIDE (アザーサイド) has no bookable plans

Information on OTHER SIDE (アザーサイド)

Insurance information Sompo Japan Insurance Inc. Facilities Liability Insurance 200 million yen
License and Qualifications There are no specific qualifications required for our business.
Number of staff 1persons
Number of instructors 1persons
Selling points regarding safety Because it is a small-group tour, we can communicate with customers in depth, which makes it possible to provide a sense of security and ensure safety. We also place emphasis on KY activities, and if there are any dangerous areas, we will carry out maintenance, etc.

OTHER SIDE (アザーサイド) - operating hours

78-7 Tomita Sakae-cho, Yokkaichi City, Mie Prefecture
Operating hours :9:00~19:00 *May not be available during daytime tours, etc.
Regular holidays No particulars

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