
Currently ミスティックリバーズ has no bookable plans

Information on ミスティックリバーズ

Insurance information Nisshin Fire & Marine / Accident insurance / 10 million yen
License and Qualifications Because it is an original program, it is judged based on its own criteria, and it is judged based on about 3 months of experience.
Member organizations and associations Lake Tanzawa Lake Surface User Business Association
Number of staff 3persons
Number of instructors 1persons
Selling points regarding safety The staff of MYSTIC RIVERS wants to attack the last minute! But when I take a rest, I take a rest! There is a person with that stance! Is it dangerous at first glance? However, I am familiar with the fact that "this person can do this much!" And "this is the best if you take a rest!" Because you have a lot of experience. Our charm is that you can come comfortably and play with all your might, and come to be healed with all your might!

ミスティックリバーズ - operating hours

1284 Yamakita, Yamakita Town, Ashigarakami District, Kanagawa Prefecture
Operating hours open 24 hours
Regular holidays No holidays

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