屋久島冒険旅 のギャラリー
屋久島冒険旅 のギャラリー
屋久島冒険旅 のギャラリー
屋久島冒険旅 のギャラリー
屋久島冒険旅 のギャラリー


Currently 屋久島冒険旅 has no bookable plans

Information on 屋久島冒険旅

Insurance information [Insurance] Insurance name: Accident insurance (Sompo Japan) Death/disability: 10 million yen Daily hospitalization insurance: 6,000 yen Outpatient insurance: 3,000 yen Note: We are not responsible for anything outside the scope of insurance coverage. Therefore, please be forewarned.
Number of staff 2persons
Selling points regarding safety (1) We take out accident insurance just in case for all the activities we provide. ② How to use the activity will start after the instructor gives a lecture. ③ Depending on the type of activity, you will be asked to wear a helmet or life jacket.

屋久島冒険旅 - operating hours

3597-1 Nagata, Yakushima-cho, Kumage-gun, Kagoshima Prefecture
Operating hours 8: 00-17: 00
Regular holidays No scheduled holidays

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