[Zushi] Experience SUP at Feather Factory!

Experience SUP at the Feather Factory in Zushi, Kanagawa! SUP Zushi Beach Women

Kanagawa Zushi teeth A popular mecca for marine sports .
SUP Experience Windsurfing It is bustling with people enjoying the following activities:

This time, A long-established shop near Zushi Beach, Feather Factory "in Activity Japan editorial team reports on SUP experience !
Editor I, who is doing SUP for the third time, and Editor U, who is doing it for the second time. I will actually experience it and tell you from the field. !

Please use this experience report as a reference and try out some SUP at Zushi Beach.

What is Feather Factory?

Experience SUP at the Feather Factory in Zushi, Kanagawa! SUP Zushi Coast What is the Feather Factory? Renovated store exterior Cute sign

" Feather Factory "teeth A short walk from Zushi Beach is located.
SUP experience or Windsurfing You can enjoy Popular long-established shop That's it!

Feather Factory

  • 4.8
  • (140 reviews)
  • Kanto
  • Kanagawa
  • Zushi and Hayama
  • SUP (Stand Up Paddle Board)
  • Windsurfing
  • Pilates

Let's start playing in the sea in the best environment♪ Feather Factory SUP School was renovated and reopened in March 2018. Feather Factory WIND School was renovated and reopened in February 2023. We are making daily improvements and enhancing our facilities so that everyone can have a comfortable stay. NWE Feather Factory is known as a popular windsurfing and SUP school on Zushi Coast, and the instructors who teach lessons are not only highly experienced, but also leading industry instructors who are active in specialist magazines and provide direct instruction. Rescue boats are always on standby, so you can learn safely and enjoyably. Feather Factory will fully support your wind and SUP life.

business hours 9:00-19:00
Closed Day Open all year round

SUP experience at Feather Factory

The instructor for this SUP experience will be: Very friendly and kind Yuka .
Tan skin is healthy, A beautiful, shining smile is.

Renovated in March 2018 This is a SUP shop called "Feather Factory".

Experience SUP at the Feather Factory in Zushi, Kanagawa! SUP Zushi Beach Renovated shop exterior Handmade cute sign

Apparently they recently had their trademark sign redone as well.
" Our staff does everything from cutting out the boards to designing and painting them. ” says Yuka.

Experience SUP at the Feather Factory in Zushi, Kanagawa! SUP Zushi Beach California-inspired store Surfing goods

California-inspired interior for, Surfing and SUP (stand-up) goods There are many interesting things such as !

Experience SUP at the Feather Factory in Zushi, Kanagawa! SUP Zushi Coast Goods Original T-shirts and accessories for sale

Sales of original T-shirts, accessories, and other items Also doing That's what they say.
It's fun to look around before and after participating in the experience!

Stylish free space on the second floor There was a silk suspension (a Pilates-based exercise) class going on in the adjacent studio.

In the changing room shower or Powder space there is.

Experience SUP at the Feather Factory in Zushi, Kanagawa! SUP, Zushi Beach, changing room, shower, powder room, shampoo, rinse, body soap, facial cleanser, etc. Amenities and hair dryers are provided. Facilities and consideration for women to feel comfortable.

The women's shower room has Shampoo, rinse, body soap, facial cleanser, etc. Amenities and hair dryers available !
The facilities and thoughtfulness make it a comfortable place for women to stay. is not it.

Change clothes and head to the beach

Kanagawa Zushi Feather Factory SUP experience! SUP Zushi Beach Change clothes and go to the sea Two people full of energy Commemorative photo with paddles Life jackets are also cute Activity Japan

The two of them were full of energy and wearing Activity Japan T-shirts.

Life jackets are mandatory for safety but, We also pay special attention to design So women should be happy. !
It's cute and makes me excited.

Experience SUP at the Feather Factory in Zushi, Kanagawa! SUP Zushi Beach To the sea About 1 minute from the store With friendly instructor Yuka

From the store to the sea, Just 1 minute walk About 100 meters away. Grab your paddle and head out.

Yuka, who will be giving the lecture, Participants are always referred to by their first names. .
Friendly staff !

Experience SUP at the Feather Factory in Zushi, Kanagawa! SUP Arrived at Zushi Beach Depending on the conditions, you can experience it while looking at Mt. Fuji. SUP board

Arrived at Zushi Beach .

Zushi Beach is Especially in winter, when the weather is good, A great location to enjoy the experience while looking out at Mt. Fuji Something like that!
Unfortunately we weren't able to see Mt. Fuji that day, but contrary to the forecast it was a sunny day!

already The SUP board is ready. is.

First, a lecture on SUP

Experience SUP at the Feather Factory in Zushi, Kanagawa! SUP Zushi Beach Lecture on how to hold a paddle You will be given detailed instructions on how to tell the difference between the front and back of the paddle and how to hold it correctly.

First, a lesson on how to hold the paddle will be received.

SUP paddles have a front and back, and you will be given detailed instructions on how to tell the difference and how to hold them correctly. So, Safe for beginners you know!

Experience SUP at the Feather Factory in Zushi, Kanagawa! SUP Zushi Coast Paddle Lesson

continue, Lessons on how to row .

First Basic seated rowing from.
Tips for rowing while sitting and holding the bottom of the paddle You will be taught:

next, When rowing while standing How to row easily, how to change direction and brake, how to ride steadily, and how to get out if you fall into the sea. Such, He will teach you the key points in detail and with care. Yuka-san.
Very easy to understand!

After the lecture, we did some warm-up exercises.

Experience SUP at the Feather Factory in Zushi, Kanagawa! After the lecture, warm up with a paddle and other exercises to loosen up your body.

To ensure a safe experience, Use paddles etc. Relax your body with care .

It's finally time to head into the sea!

Grab your SUP board and head to the ocean !
I'm excited to see if I can put what I've learned into practice on the water!

Experience SUP at the Feather Factory in Zushi, Kanagawa! SUP Zushi Beach Take your SUP board and head to the sea. It weighs about 10-15kg and has a handle, so it's easy for women to carry.

SUP boards are much larger than regular surfboards, It feels more stable when riding .

It weighs about 10 to 15 kg. There are also It has a handle so it is easy for women to carry. .
Be careful when it's windy as it can easily get blown around. is.

Experience SUP at the Feather Factory in Zushi, Kanagawa! SUP Zushi Beach Float your board and head out to sea

Float your board and head out to sea.

Experience SUP at the Feather Factory in Zushi, Kanagawa! SUP Zushi Coast has relatively calm waves and is a shallow beach suitable for beginners.

The waves at Zushi Beach are relatively calm. Apparently, there were still some waves on this day.

" The shallow waters make this beach perfect for beginners to SUP (stand-up paddle boarding). That's right," Yuka said. .

The water may feel a little cold at first, but you'll soon get used to it and it will feel great!

Experience SUP at the Feather Factory in Zushi, Kanagawa! SUP Zushi Beach Finally, get on the board and start paddling. First, practice paddling while sitting until you get used to it.

It's time to get on the board and start rowing. !

Experience SUP at the Feather Factory in Zushi, Kanagawa! SUP Zushi Beach Finally, get on the board and start rowing Practice seated rowing first until you get used to it Move offshore where there is less impact from the waves

Getting used to it First, practice by sitting down .
Move offshore where there is less wave damage To do.

Experience SUP at the Feather Factory in Zushi, Kanagawa! SUP Zushi Beach It's difficult to paddle while maintaining balance.

Once you get used to it, you can finally practice standing on the board. !

Experience SUP at the Feather Factory in Zushi, Kanagawa! SUP Zushi Beach It's getting more and more fun as you get better at it

At first it's difficult to balance while rowing, It's fun to gradually learn to change direction and proceed the way I want. !

Experience SUP at the Feather Factory in Zushi, Kanagawa! SUP Zushi Beach We raised the paddle and took a commemorative photo so that we could get used to it and enjoy it.

Both of them got used to it and took a commemorative photo. !

Experience SUP at the Feather Factory in Zushi, Kanagawa! SUP Zushi Beach Depending on your level and condition Water breaks You can experience it comfortably It's also nice that they take photos of you every time you experience it.

Depending on the level and situation, You can experience the experience without any stress as there are water breaks along the way. .
During the SUP experience I'm also happy to have my photo taken every time. !

For those who have the time and experience, You can also learn how to change your stance and practice SUP surfing (wave riding). .
It's fun to try different riding styles. you know!

Editor I had experience with SUP (stand-up paddle board), Change your position and spread your legs forward and backward I decided to try the "open (side) stance" .

And then at that moment...! Losing balance and falling into the sea !!
My head was completely submerged in the sea.

But once you get in the water, it feels so refreshing and cool!
By the way, For those who are okay with falling into the sea, the lecture content will be changed as described above. is.

Finally, try the two-seater !
First, two people will sit on one board.

Experience SUP at the Feather Factory in Zushi, Kanagawa! SUP Zushi Beach Finally, try two-seater boarding First, try two people sitting on one board Clear the first hurdle

The first hurdle has been cleared !

next Let's stand together .

Experience SUP at the Feather Factory in Zushi, Kanagawa! SUP Zushi Beach At the end, try a two-seater. Oops! Be careful of your balance so you don't fall off. It's nerve-wracking.

Oops Be careful of your balance so you don't fall off...
It's fun to feel nervous!

Experience SUP at the Feather Factory in Zushi, Kanagawa! SUP Zushi Beach At the end, we tried a two-person stand-up paddle. We all paddled to the right and left in unison.

Yay! I made it!
Rowing left and right in unison will surely deepen your friendship. !

SUP experience at the Feather Factory in Zushi, Kanagawa! SUP Zushi Beach Two people who seemed to enjoy the experience to the fullest

The two of them returned home after having a blast enjoying SUP to their heart's content.

When we finally got back to the water's edge, Yuka pushed the board while sitting down and put us on the waves. .

Experience SUP at the Feather Factory in Zushi, Kanagawa! SUP Zushi Beach Surfing At the end, two people were smiling from ear to ear because they had so much fun

We had a great time returning, enjoying the exhilaration of riding the waves.
Too much fun and a big smile !

Experience SUP at the Feather Factory in Zushi, Kanagawa! SUP Zushi Beach Stand up your board and take a commemorative photo

At the end, we put up the board and took a commemorative photo. !

To take a shower and get changed, Feather Factory "fart.
Returning is also easy as it is only a short walk away. is.

After taking a shower and feeling refreshed, the experience is over!
thank you for your hard work.

Share photos of your SUP experience

Experience SUP at the Feather Factory in Zushi, Kanagawa! SUP Zushi Beach Experience Finished Photo service for taking photos of your SUP experience right away

The plan this time is Photo service available !

If your phone is an Apple product, The photos taken It's convenient because you can send it immediately via AirDrop. is.

Enjoy marine activities at Feather Factory!

Kanagawa Zushi Feather Factory SUP experience! SUP Zushi Beach Two smiling people

" Feather Factory "teeth, The lecture on the SUP experience was very thorough .
After a thorough lesson, you will enter the water and be given tips and tricks throughout the entire time you are on the water.
They were very kind to me from the time I arrived until the time I left. So I was able to experience it with peace of mind from start to finish, and it became a wonderful memory!

A long-established SUP shop that has been operating in Zushi for many years That being said, They offer suggestions for beginners, experienced people, and even a challenge menu that you can do with friends. Fun lessons tailored to each level and need You can do it.

Cruising with friends and feeling the ocean breeze is truly refreshing. !
The shop is just a short walk from Zushi Beach. So, if you fall into the sea, you can return to the store and quickly take a shower, and we're pleased to see the thoughtfulness shown to women, with a full range of facilities and amenities on offer.

In addition to a one-off experience as a visitor, School also runs So, Taking advantage of this experience We also recommend taking up SUP as a serious hobby. is!

Diagonally in front of the Feather Factory SUP shop, Windsurfing shop to reopen in February 2023 Apparently so.
Next, I would like to step up and try SUP or windsurfing!

The plan for the "Feather Factory" we visited this time

[Kanagawa/Zushi] Experience SUP with full facilities even for first-timers (photo data provided)

Feather Factory
Zushi and Hayama
6,600 circle 4,800 Yen ~ (tax included)
Discount campaign underway!

Anyone from beginners to experienced surfers can use this shop. It is a long-established SUP shop in Zushi. It was renovated in March 2018 and reborn with a very stylish interior. The shop has a California feel and is full of things that tickle your fancy! During the lesson, you can safely enjoy a sea cruise and take a commemorative photo.

[Kanagawa/Zushi] For first timers only. Try a half-day windsurfing experience (photo data included)

Feather Factory
Zushi and Hayama
6,600 circle 5,280 Yen ~ (tax included)
Discount campaign underway!

A long-established windsurfing shop in Zushi! It reopened in February 2023. It has been reborn with a very stylish interior. If you want to start windsurfing, Zushi Beach is the best place. What is windsurfing like? If you want to try it for the first time, we recommend the half-day trial course.

[Kanagawa/Zushi] First-timers only. Experience windsurfing for a day! (Photo data gift)

Feather Factory
Zushi and Hayama
13,200 circle 10,560 Yen ~ (tax included)
Discount campaign underway!

A long-established windsurfing shop in Zushi! It will reopen in February 2023. It has been reborn with a very stylish interior. Zushi Beach has the perfect environment for windsurfing. Why not try windsurfing in the best environment?

[Kanagawa/Zushi] For experienced surfers Why not try windsurfing for half a day?

Feather Factory
Zushi and Hayama
6,600 circle 5,280 Yen ~ (tax included)
Discount campaign underway!

A long-established windsurfing shop in Zushi! It will reopen in February 2023. It has been reborn with a very stylish interior. Zushi Beach is a mecca for windsurfing. Why not try windsurfing for a half-day at Zushi Beach?

[Kanagawa/Zushi] For experienced surfers Why not try windsurfing for a day?

Feather Factory
Zushi and Hayama
13,200 circle 10,560 Yen ~ (tax included)
Discount campaign underway!

A long-established windsurfing shop in Zushi! It will reopen in February 2023. It has been renovated with a very stylish interior. Why not enjoy a day of windsurfing at Zushi Beach, the mecca of windsurfing?

Feather Factory

  • 4.8
  • (140 reviews)
  • Kanto
  • Kanagawa
  • Zushi and Hayama
  • SUP (Stand Up Paddle Board)
  • Windsurfing
  • Pilates

Let's start playing in the sea in the best environment♪ Feather Factory SUP School was renovated and reopened in March 2018. Feather Factory WIND School was renovated and reopened in February 2023. We are making daily improvements and enhancing our facilities so that everyone can have a comfortable stay. NWE Feather Factory is known as a popular windsurfing and SUP school on Zushi Coast, and the instructors who teach lessons are not only highly experienced, but also leading industry instructors who are active in specialist magazines and provide direct instruction. Rescue boats are always on standby, so you can learn safely and enjoyably. Feather Factory will fully support your wind and SUP life.

business hours 9:00-19:00
Closed Day Open all year round

*The content of this article is current as of July 2024.

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