ShonanSurf experience school│初心者・子供(親子)におすすめ!道具レンタル付き人気レッスンランキング

ShonanSurf experience school│初心者・子供(親子)におすすめ!道具レンタル付き人気レッスンランキング
Activity Japan editorial department

On this page, Kanagawa Prefecture Shonanエリア for beginners held at surf spots in Surf experience school A big feature!

ウェットスーツやsurfboardなどのグッズレンタルが可能な ShonanのSurf experience school人気体験プランを徹底紹介 To do.

合わせて"How to start surfing」や"サーフィンの必須アイテム」など Shonanでサーファーになるための基礎知識をまとめてチェック していきましょう..

The charm of surfing

ShonanSurf experience school│初心者・子供(親子)におすすめ!道具レンタル付き人気レッスンランキング

経験者の多くが"人生で最高のスポーツ」と口を揃え、波乗り中心の生活を目的に海沿いの街へ移住する人も多い" surfing ".

Not to mention the fun as a sport to hone your skills and skills, Experience the excitement that comes from interacting with nature ことも大きな魅力is.

Also, from music and fashion to interior and food. Strongly affects all lifestyles ことも他のスポーツにはないサーフィンの特徴..

Surf music and surf fashion are big "サーフカルチャー」としてさまざまな分野からのリスペクトを集めます ..

Interested in their comprehensive charm "今年こそはサーフィンデビューする!」や"サーファーになりたい!」とお考えの方も多い Isn't it?

Related article

How to start surfing

ShonanSurf experience school│初心者・子供(親子)におすすめ!道具レンタル付き人気レッスンランキング

"カッコいいサーファーになりたい!」と願望を持っていても、 Many people don't know how to start surfing Isn't it?

of course, There are no set rules for how to start surfing が、下記がもっとも一般的な方法is.

  • Learn from surfers' friends
  • Enter the surfing school
  • Challenge alone

in this "サーファーの友達に習ってはじめる」という方法を取る方が多い maybe.

On the other hand, I don't know right or left, such as knowledge of tools, basics of how to ride waves, manners of the sea, etc. "Challenge alone」は現実的ではありません ..

From here,サーフィンの始め方として" How to experience a beginner surfing school lesson plan for a day Will be explained in three major steps.

By learning the basics firmly under the guidance of a lesson professional, You will progress faster than if you try to study on your own ことが期待できます..

STEP1 Select the type of surfboard

ShonanSurf experience school│初心者・子供(親子)におすすめ!道具レンタル付き人気レッスンランキング

Surfing can be broadly divided "ショートボードサーフィン」と"ロングボードサーフィン」の2種類 there is.

そのどちらも"波乗り」を楽しむマリンスポーツではあるものの、ロングボードとショートボードは Different features and charms Have.

Therefore, before starting surfing "ロングとショートのどちらをやりたいのか」を決めておくとスクール選びもスムーズに なります..

From here, Features and charms of long and short を簡単に解説していきます..

What is shortboard surfing?

As the name of short (short) suggests, the total length is longer than that of a longboard. 短いsurfboardを使用するサーフスタイル のことis.

The appeal of shortboards is that they are aggressive. cool trick Many.

If you are interested in surfing A flashy turn while raising a splash I think you can see the scene of doing this.

Because it is short and lightweight, it has high operability, but on the other hand, it has low buoyancy and is difficult to balance. The disadvantage is that it is difficult to take off (stand on the board) あります..

What is longboard surfing?

About 1 meter less than a short board Longboard surfing with a long overall length ..

The buoyancy is high as much as the area of ​​​​the board is large, even for beginners Easy to take off and you can enjoy surfing even in small waves という特性Have.

Also, if the shortboard is something to enjoy dynamically, Longboards are meant to relax and enjoy surfing, and there are different types of tricks. ..

The disadvantage is that the board is large, 持ち運びが大変なことやsurfboardの保管場所にスペースを要する And so on.

With the explanation above The difference between shortboard surfing and longboard surfing とそれぞれの特徴をお分かりいただけたと思います..

It doesn't mean that either short or long is better, in the first place Understanding that there are different styles of surfing しておくと良いでしょう..

STEP2 Participate in surfing experience school

ShonanSurf experience school│初心者・子供(親子)におすすめ!道具レンタル付き人気レッスンランキング

Once you've decided on your surf style, Book a surfing experience school して実際に波乗りを楽しんでみましょう..

In many cases Short and long lesson professional school held However, depending on the shop, you may be able to select a course.

again,キッズプランや親子プランなど Many surf shops offer various discount services. Is a feature.

In the experience school for surfing beginners, mainly necessary for surfing Equipment rental fee is generally included in the experience fee is.

そのため、海水浴の準備(Swimsuit・towel・Change of clothesなど)があれば It is possible to participate empty-handed is.

Shonanの初心者Surf experience schoolおすすめプラン

[Kanagawa / Shonan Chigasaki] Let's start surfing with parents and children "Half-day parent-child surfing experience course"

Beach Park Surf Shop
10,000 Yen ~ (tax included)
  • 5.0
  • (5 reviews / experiences)

It is a half-day parent-child surfing experience course for parents and children who want to surf with parents and children! Recommended for those who want to try surfing with parents and children! It is a plan for elementary school and junior high school students (6 to 15 years old) and parents increase. ~ Flow of the day ~ ①Beach Park Surf Shop Meeting ②

【Shonan 江ノ島】低コスパ・高リピート・好サービス!サーフィン初心者 大歓迎!Surfing school体験コース【1回】

5,500 Yen ~ (tax included)
  • 4.1
  • (8 reviews / experiences)

Ripple Colors is a surfing school for those who are new to surfing school and who have several experiences! Anyone over elementary school age can participate. There are many participants alone, so please feel free to come. Beginner and beginner experience surfing school is open every day! In addition to the lesson fee, the plan fee includes board & wet suit rental

STEP3 Purchase my board surf goods

ShonanSurf experience school│初心者・子供(親子)におすすめ!道具レンタル付き人気レッスンランキング

surfboardをはじめ前述したサーフィンに関する It costs a lot to prepare peripheral goods Will be applied.

Therefore, my board surf goods It is recommended to purchase after experiencing the charm of surfing. is.

In addition, the shop that holds the surfing school has all the tools. Often has a surf shop or affiliated stores Is a feature.

While consulting with instructors and shop staff about recommended goods, you can choose the brand, color, pattern, etc. that you want. One of the pleasures is collecting your favorite surf goods. is.

Essential items for surfing and equipment that can be rented

ShonanSurf experience school│初心者・子供(親子)におすすめ!道具レンタル付き人気レッスンランキング

" サーフィンを始めるにはWhat kind of tools do you need? "Isn't there a lot of people who are researching surf goods?

From here, on enjoying surfing Necessary tools and items that can be rented at the surfing experience school をまとめていきます..

Tools needed for surfing

name remarks
surfboard Select from short or long
Leash code A string that connects the board and the foot
Surf wax Non-slip applied to the board
Wet suit (full suit, spring, tapper, etc.) Wear when the temperature and water temperature are low

Basically, The above surf goods can be rented is.

Therefore, if you have general preparations for swimming (swimsuits, towels, change of clothes, etc.), you can participate empty-handed.

What to bring for surfing

  • Swimsuit
  • Rash guard
  • towel
  • Change of clothes
  • Beach sandal
  • Preparation for swimming

The above is an example of what to bring for surfing.

again, Recommended items may vary depending on the shop's facilities and environment. ので、各プランの詳細情報を確認しましょう..

Related article

Best time to start surfing

ShonanSurf experience school│初心者・子供(親子)におすすめ!道具レンタル付き人気レッスンランキング

サーフィンは夏のイメージが強いマリンスポーツですが" Best time to start surfing 」は少し異なります..

The season Activity Japan recommends for beginners Spring (March, April, May) and Autumn (September, October) ..

The reason for this is that the Because there are few users of the sea, you can practice while avoiding congestion ことthere is.

The number of students in the surfing experience school for beginners is less than in the summer. Easy to secure a reservation for the desired date and time ことも理由に挙げられます..

again, The seawater temperature warms up about a month later than the outside air temperature. ので、秋(9月・10月)が快適にサーフィンを楽しめる時期でもあります..

Shonanの初心者Surf experience schoolおすすめプラン

《Shonan・江ノ島》サーフィン体験プッシュコース 初めての方、アクティビティとして楽しみたい方♪国際サーフィン連盟公認のお店です♪

5,000 Yen ~ (tax included)
  • 5.0
  • (3 reviews / experiences)


[Katase Enoshima, 1 day] You can fully enjoy the sea! Surfing beginner school course!

OHANA surf
7,150 Yen ~ (tax included)
  • 5.0
  • (1 review / experience)

Now that you've come to the sea, why don't you enjoy surfing meaningfully for the day? You can choose the board that suits you from 3 types of boards of your favorite length. I attended school in the morning and reviewed it by rental in the afternoon. You can practice surfing for a day at a reasonable price.


ShonanSurf experience school│初心者・子供(親子)におすすめ!道具レンタル付き人気レッスンランキング

" Surfer's paradise 」などと呼ばれ多くのサーフポイントが点在する神奈川県・Shonanエリア..

Next, such Shonanエリアに点在する主な初心者向けサーフスポット・ポイント I will check.

"Shonanってどこからどこまで?」という論争がありますが、神奈川の"海」の魅力を世界に向けて発信するプロジェクト"Feel SHONAN」によると、 東は三浦、西は湯河原・真鶴まで、相模湾に面した全てのエリアが"Shonan(SHONAN)」 Is defined as.

その中から、藤沢市・Kamakura市・平塚市・茅ヶ崎市にフォーカスを当てて、 Introducing surf spots for beginners and recommended surfing experience school plans To do.

POINT! Beginners can rest assured with a professional instructor!

Shonan's famous surf points include points that are familiar to swimmers and locals (local surfers), while there are many points where waves are rising for beginners. Beginners should definitely enjoy surfing with a professional instructor as visiting without knowing the rules of the sea can lead to trouble.

Enoshima / Kugenuma area

"Enoshima Aquarium" and "Kugenuma Bronze Statue", which are also meccas for beginner surfers, etc. "Enoshima / Kugenuma area", which has many popular points for beginners in Shonan ..

Many tourists, swimmers and surfers visit during the summer vacation season Crowded surf spot Therefore, you need to be especially careful about troubles when you enjoy surfing.

Odakyu Line Katase-Enoshima Station / Kugenuma Kaigan Station / Enoshima Electric Railway Enoshima Station / Shonan Kaigan Koen Station In front of Enoshima Aquarium / In front of Kugenuma McDonald's / In front of Kugenuma Bronze Statue / Hikichi River Estuary / In front of Suehiro / In front of Tsujido / In front of Tsujido No. 2 Parking Lot / etc.

江ノ島・鵠沼のSurfing schoolおすすめプラン

[Kanagawa / Shonan / Enoshima] Surfing school experience trial course [Bicycle movement to enjoy the local mood]

5,500 Yen ~ (tax included)
  • 5.0
  • (4 reviews / experiences)

This is a small-group experience trial course in which the instructor gives careful advice to each person! Anyone can make their surfer debut with confidence. You can feel like a local surfer, such as traveling to the beach or cycling to a remote island! Let's realize a fulfilling surfing life with "Enjoy ♪" first! Reliable disability insurance and compensation insurance

【神奈川・Shonan・藤沢・江ノ島・鵠沼】現役プロサーファーが教える!未経験・初心者・体験Surfing school

6,600 Yen ~ (tax included)
  • 4.9
  • (11 reviews and testimonials)

For those who have no experience in surfing or who are new to surfing, let's move your body in the sea of Shonan first! You don't have to swim! Let's share the excitement of gliding on the waves! The teacher is an active professional surfer & professional instructor ★ Experienced instructors will carefully and firmly support each one, so please participate with confidence

Kamakura / Zushi area

"Nanarigahama" which is popular with longboard surfers, "Yuigahama" which is also popular as a beach, "Kamakura High School Mae (Kamakura Mae)" which is also popular with local surfers, etc. "Kamakura / Zushi area" dotted with many surf points ..

As a difficulty, There are many cases where there is no parking lot near the surf point Therefore, when going out by car, it is convenient to reserve a school held by a surf shop with a parking lot.

JR Kamakura Station / Enoshima Electric Railway Stations Yuigahama / Inamuragasaki / Nanarigahama / In front of Kamakura High School (in front of Kamakura) / Ipponmatsu / Koshigoe Fishing Port / etc.

Kamakura・逗子のSurfing schoolおすすめプラン

【神奈川・Shonan・Surfing school】社会人女性2人以上の方限定!ハイビスカスプラン/5300circle

Holiday Surf
5,300 circle 5,000 Yen ~ (tax included)
Discount campaign in progress!
  • 5.0
  • (2 reviews / experiences)


【Shonan・Surfing school】2名以上でお得なグループレッスン/5300circle

Holiday Surf
5,300 circle 5,000 Yen ~ (tax included)
Discount campaign in progress!
  • 5.0
  • (3 reviews / experiences)

2名以上で割引になるお得なグループレッスン♪★5700circle → 5300circle(@1人)Shonanでも50年程の歴史を持つ、surfboardメーカーが開講するサーフスクールis.述べ10万人以上のスクール実績があり、他にはないサーフィン座学講習や、実技プログラムと圧倒的なスクール内容は、ビギナーから経験者たちまで大

Seisho area (Chigasaki, Hiratsuka, Oiso)

"Chiper" which is recommended for beginners with many shallow and small waves and "Chisan" which is relatively less crowded "Seisho area (Chigasaki, Hiratsuka, Oiso)" which has one of the most popular points in Shonan ..

While there are many points for beginners and beginner surfers, There are many popular spots for intermediate and advanced surfers, including "shit bottom" Is a feature.

JR Chigasaki Station / JR Hiratsuka Station / JR Oiso Station / JR Ninomiya Station / etc. Shit bottom / Chisan / Chiper / Park (back park) / Shirakaba / Nishihama / Hiratsuka raw con front / Oiso / etc.

Seisho area (Chigasaki, Hiratsuka, Oiso)のSurfing schoolおすすめプラン

[Kanagawa / Shonan Chigasaki] Let's start surfing with parents and children "Half-day parent-child surfing experience course"

Beach Park Surf Shop
10,000 Yen ~ (tax included)
  • 5.0
  • (5 reviews / experiences)

It is a half-day parent-child surfing experience course for parents and children who want to surf with parents and children! Recommended for those who want to try surfing with parents and children! It is a plan for elementary school and junior high school students (6 to 15 years old) and parents increase. ~ Flow of the day ~ ①Beach Park Surf Shop Meeting ②

プライベートが安全!!《一人でも波に乗れます!!》プライベート最大5時間Surfing school★春夏がベストシーズン★《神奈川県・Shonan・茅ケ崎》

SKY SURF YOGA "Sky surf yoga"
12,000 Yen ~ (tax included)
  • 5.0
  • (1 review / experience)


【神奈川・平塚・半日体験コース・サーフィン】プロが教えるSurfing school・選べる午前・午後★初めての方・シニアの方も安心です★

TKSurfing school
6,000 Yen ~ (tax included)

TK Surfing school【神奈川・平塚・半日体験コース・サーフィン】選べる午前・午後★初めての方も、経験者も、基礎からしっかりサポート★いろんなレベルのお客様にJPSA公認プロ、吉田武史がお答えします!開催場所は、神奈川県平塚市"平塚ビーチパーク」もちろん初めての方も、シニアの方もエントリー出来ます

ShonanSurf experience school人気ランキング

最後に、アクティビティジャパン最新予約データに基づく" ShonanSurf experience school人気ランキング I will introduce.


土日祝日やゴールデンウィーク・夏休み・シルバーウィーク期間などの長期休暇シーズンは各プラン多くの予約・お問い合わせが予想されます..スケジュールの空き状況をご確認の上早めの予約手配をおすすめTo do.
1 Rank

[Shonan / Enoshima] Surfing lessons for beginners! All equipment rental etc. included! [1 minute walk to the sea]

Surf scene
5,900 Yen ~ (tax included)
  • 4.9
  • (66 reviews and testimonials)

At our school, we try to provide careful guidance with a small number of male and female instructors so that beginners can have a fun experience. It is located in Enoshima, a tourist destination closer to the city center, and is easily accessible, just a 5-minute walk from the nearest station. Experience surfing and bodyboarding in a warm climate all year round. Surely a meaningful day

2 Rank

【Shonan 江ノ島】低コスパ・高リピート・好サービス!サーフィン初心者 大歓迎!Surfing school体験コース【1回】

5,500 Yen ~ (tax included)
  • 4.1
  • (8 reviews / experiences)

Ripple Colors is a surfing school for those who are new to surfing school and who have several experiences! Anyone over elementary school age can participate. There are many participants alone, so please feel free to come. Beginner and beginner experience surfing school is open every day! In addition to the lesson fee, the plan fee includes board & wet suit rental

3 Rank

[Katase Enoshima 2.5 hours] Recommended for beginners! A course where you can enjoy surfing in a short time!

OHANA surf
5,500 Yen ~ (tax included)
  • 4.7
  • (9 reviews and testimonials)

We will take lessons by experienced instructors and prepare a recommended plan for beginners so that you can know the fun of surfing. For those who have no experience in surfing, those who have a little experience but are still uneasy, etc., the price setting and contents are easy to apply.

4 Rank

【Shonan・江ノ島・Surfing school】サーファーデビューを応援!ビギナーズクラス/5700circle

Holiday Surf
5,700 circle 5,400 Yen ~ (tax included)
Discount campaign in progress!
  • 4.8
  • (2 reviews / experiences)


5 Rank

【神奈川・Shonan・藤沢・江ノ島・鵠沼】現役プロサーファーが教える!未経験・初心者・体験Surfing school

6,600 Yen ~ (tax included)
  • 4.9
  • (11 reviews and testimonials)

For those who have no experience in surfing or who are new to surfing, let's move your body in the sea of Shonan first! You don't have to swim! Let's share the excitement of gliding on the waves! The teacher is an active professional surfer & professional instructor ★ Experienced instructors will carefully and firmly support each one, so please participate with confidence

6 Rank

【Shonan・Surfing school】2名以上でお得なグループレッスン/5300circle

Holiday Surf
5,300 circle 5,000 Yen ~ (tax included)
Discount campaign in progress!
  • 5.0
  • (3 reviews / experiences)

2名以上で割引になるお得なグループレッスン♪★5700circle → 5300circle(@1人)Shonanでも50年程の歴史を持つ、surfboardメーカーが開講するサーフスクールis.述べ10万人以上のスクール実績があり、他にはないサーフィン座学講習や、実技プログラムと圧倒的なスクール内容は、ビギナーから経験者たちまで大

7 Rank

[Shonan / Enoshima] Safe for beginners! Surfing school for adults (3 hours)

6,000 Yen ~ (tax included)
  • 4.6
  • (5 reviews / experiences)

At our surfing school, we try to make learning fun even for beginners. In addition, we will give lectures with a curriculum tailored to each individual's level, so most people will be able to experience riding the waves in one day. Whether you are a man or a woman, we look forward to your participation in the school.

8 Rank


FUNBee(ファンビー)ShonanSurfing school
8,250 Yen ~ (tax included)

女性に優しいSurfing school&女性だけのサーフクラブis.初めての方やビギナーサーファーの皆さんが、しっかりとマスターできるように、お一人おひとり丁寧にスクールをTo do.サーフィンのHOW TO に加え、準備運動から海に入るまでの流れをレクチャーし、参加者はこのコースでボードに立つことを目標としま

9 Rank

【Shonan 江ノ島】春到来!夏に向けて1回だと物足りないなと思ったらこちら!Surfing school体験コース【3回】

13,000 Yen ~ (tax included)

Shonanでサーフィンを始めてみたい方、以前やってたがもう1度チャレンジしてみたい、もっと上手になりたい、自分の力で乗りたいなど、スクールに来られる方の動機も様々is.Surfing schoolのベテランスタッフがサポートしますので、お気軽にご参加ください!

10 Rank


Holiday Surf
14,700 Yen ~ (tax included)

One time is not enough! Recommended for those who are thinking about continuing surfing From the second time onwards, the instructor will teach you according to the person's surfing skills, physical ability and data Aim for a long ride and turn on your own!

Frequently Asked Questions for Shonan Surfing Experience School

Q First surfing experience! What should i do first?

A Surfing is one of the most difficult sports. It is not realistic for an inexperienced person to start as an individual. Therefore, I would like to recommend "One day experience of beginner surfing school". In many schools, the rental of necessary equipment is included in the price, and if you have the necessary belongings for general swimming, you can experience surfing without any special preparation.

Q What kind of tools do you need?

A The first thing you need is a "surfboard". There are various sizes and shapes, and the way of riding is different, so it is best to choose according to the surf style you are aiming for. During the experience, wear a "wet suit" to protect your body. "Leash cord" to prevent the board from being washed away and "wax" to prevent slipping are also necessary items for surfing.

Q Can you experience it with your child?

A Surfing, which requires both physical strength and skill, is a sport for adults, but many schools have experience plans that children can participate in. Please check with each shop at the time of booking for the specific age at which you can participate. It's fun for parents and children to participate in the "first surfing experience" together and compete to see who can ride the waves first.

Q What is the point of choosing a school?

A Don't just compare the prices, but check what is included in the plan price such as rental and transportation. The qualifications of an instructor, the number of participants per instructor, and the facilities such as showers and toilets are also important points in choosing a school. Since the number of reservations for shop and school experience plans is limited, advance reservations are recommended.

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Places where you can do SUP in Tokyo │ Beginner experience school, classroom, tour with rental
2022/03/09 update
Tokyo都内および近郊の"サップ(SUP)」の体験ツアーを大特集..川や運河などの"TokyoでSUPができる場所」や"道具のレンタルが可能なツアー・スクール・教室」など、初心者に役立つ情報を徹底紹介To do.
Kanto Tokyo SUP (SUP) Stand Up Paddle Board
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