What is backcountry?スノーボード・スキーの初心者Recommended tour&Popularity Ranking

On this page, Backcountryツアー Special feature!
Enjoy snowboarding and skiing off-piste at ski resorts 初心者向けRecommended tourやPopularity Ranking を徹底紹介します..
Together they are known as the Holy Land. Popular spots, necessary equipment, tools, clothing, etc. の情報をまとめてチェックしていきましょう..
BackcountryツアーPopularity Ranking
まずはじめに、アクティビティジャパン最新予約データに基づく" Backcountryツアー Popularity Ranking ” will be introduced.
Hokkaidoや関東甲信越etc. Backcountryの聖地と呼ばれる人気スポットのツアーが人気を集めています..
Tour contents and fees (prices), Check out the reviews and testimonials プラン選びの比較検討にお役立てください..
【あさま軽井沢/Nagano Gunma】snowshoeハイキングお手軽1day『スモールピークハント』 ☆初めてOK!snowshoeで冬山雪山登り体験ツアー
- 5.0
- (1 review / experience)
アクセス抜群越後湯沢駅西口0分..冬しか見られない景色がいっぱいis.普段人が立ち入らないエリアへ、snowshoeを履いて探検へ出かけましょう..プラン説明文 積雪豊富な越後湯沢エリアでsnowshoeツアー!駅前集合でアクセス楽々を普段は人が立ち入らない雪原にsnowshoe履いて探検に出かけうよ!誰でもサクサ
- 4.8
- (2 reviews / experiences)
雄大な十勝岳連峰が連なる富良野・美瑛地区には2,000m級の山々が多くI have. その中でも比較的アクセスしやすい三段山をその日の天候、雪質を考慮して最適なエリアへとガイドします..〜当日の流れ〜8:00 白銀荘もしくは凌雲閣出発事前説明、装備品の確認後出発becomes.10:30 頂上到着天
Hokkaidoの中でも世界的に有名なニセコ!ニセコは、世界中から極上のパウダースノーを求めて多くのスキーヤー、スノーボーダーたちが訪れる場所です☆一度ニセコのパウダースノーを味わったら病みつきになること間違いなし!! ニセコならではのパウダースノーで特別な浮遊感を味わってみませんか??"Hokkaidoに行くからには
snowshoeを履いて、雪の中に出かけよう!約6時間のツアーで、魅力をたっぷりお楽しみいただけます..キーンと張り詰めた空気の林を散策したり、一面雪化粧を集落や特別な時間を楽しめます..雪の上は遊び方無限大!キャンパスみたいに真っ白な雪原に足跡を付けたり、冠雪した木々を縫うようにして歩いたり! みんなで滑
snowshoeを履いて、雪の中に出かけよう!約3時間のツアーで、魅力をお手軽にお楽しみいただけます..キーンと張り詰めた空気の林を散策したり、一面雪化粧を集落や特別な時間を楽しめます..雪の上は遊び方無限大!キャンパスみたいに真っ白な雪原に足跡を付けたり、冠雪した木々を縫うようにして歩いたり! みんなで滑
【Nagano・信濃町】黒姫高原の御鹿池でsnowshoe&歩くスキー 選べるアクティビティ体験
童話の森周辺と御鹿池ライト散策 黒姫高原の幻想的な森と、こじんまりとした御鹿池を短時間ながらsnowshoeで散策..森林セラピー基地として活用されている森で、雪の時期の静かな時間を楽しむsnowshoeツアーis.黒姫高原 童話の森スノーウェーブ駐車場から直線でおよそ400m..御鹿池周遊およそ500mの、ラ
A backcountry ski and snowboard tour organized by One Drop. I can't be satisfied with the slopes anymore! It is a tour for hard-use customers! Climb with your own feet and enjoy the joy of gliding on one of the best! * Backcountry tours do not teach skiing. Slope technology

" Backcountryをするならどこ? "or" Backcountryの聖地は? 」etc.スポットについてリサーチされている方も多いと思います..
Below, based on Activity Japan's latest reservation data " Backcountryツアー Popular prefecture rankings ” will be introduced.
There are many experience tours being held. Prefectures popular with snowboarders and skiers Let's check it out.
BackcountryツアーPopular prefecture rankings
Nagano |
Hokkaido |
Aomori |
Iwate |
Gunma |
The Kanto-Koshinetsu area is easily accessible from Tokyo ..
In the Kanto-Koshinetsu area, 白馬や飯山、軽井沢etc.ウインタースポーツの名所が点在する"Nagano」が人気 を集めます..
Tours are also available for beginners されているため、初めてのBackcountryにおすすめなスポットis.
Recommended tour
- 4.0
- (1 review / experience)
This is a backcountry tour for those who want to experience the backcountry for the first time and enjoy it casually. In the Hakuba VALLEY area, there are various backcountry fields that are rarely seen in the world. In such a field, on the day of each tour, we will guide you to the best field according to the situation at that time. On the slopes, powder
- 5.0
- (11 reviews and experiences)
This is a backcountry tour for backcountry experts and those who want to experience and enjoy the charm of Hakuba backcountry. In the Hakuba VALLEY area, there are various backcountry fields that are rarely seen in the world. In such a field, on the day of each tour, we will guide you to the best field according to the situation at that time
Hokkaidoには世界的にも有名なBackcountryスポット が多く点在しています..
Among them, Niseko Rusutsuや富良野、旭川etc. のBackcountryツアーが人気..
Guided by an experienced instructor ツアーに参加して、安全にBackcountry をお楽しみください..
Recommended tour
- 4.8
- (2 reviews / experiences)
雄大な十勝岳連峰が連なる富良野・美瑛地区には2,000m級の山々が多くI have. その中でも比較的アクセスしやすい三段山をその日の天候、雪質を考慮して最適なエリアへとガイドします..〜当日の流れ〜8:00 白銀荘もしくは凌雲閣出発事前説明、装備品の確認後出発becomes.10:30 頂上到着天
Recommended Feature Articles
What is backcountry?

Backcountry (backcountry) とは、日本語に直訳すると"未開の地"or"辺境の地」etc.を意味する言葉is.
By extension, skiing, snowboarding, etc. ウインタースポーツ業界So,スキー場・ゲレンデのように整備されていない"天然の雪山」 It refers to
Turn the untouched forest areas, snowy mountains, and snowfields into play fields Skiing on fresh, fluffy powder snow できることが最大の魅力..
Also, in the course of the natural world where human hands do not enter at all, An adventure experience that can never be experienced at a ski resort or on the slopes You can feel
The best off-piste routes and courses Enjoy the powder snow Backcountryツアー ..
Backcountryツアーは大きく分けて、 "Backcountry」と"Side Country」の2種類 there is.
From here, Two types of features を解説していきます..
一般のスキー・スノーボード客は侵入が禁止されている雪山をプレイフィールドとする" Backcountry ”.
Backcountryのツアーは主に、 雪山を登る"フルハイク」がコースに含まれます ..
By climbing the snowy mountain on your own two feet and sliding down it, より本格的且つ満足度の高いBackcountry を楽しむことができます..
Side Country
What is Side Country? スキー場・ゲレンデのコースに配されたゲートからBackcountryエリアに侵入 する方法is.
Unlike a full hike, you can hike on the slopes at ski resorts. You can use the lift or gondola to get close to the point. ことがメリットis.
Backcountry Beginners should start by taking part in a relatively easy side country tour. してみましょう..
Backcountry equipment and tools

Backcountry To enjoy the In addition to the usual ski and snowboard equipment, various other equipment is available. が必要is.
Also, tools such as boards, boots, bindings, etc. 過酷な雪山にも耐え得るBackcountryに適したアイテム の準備が必須..
Below, for beginners participating in the backcountry tour for the first time, " Backcountry equipment and tools " is listed as an example.
- skis/snowboards
- boots
- binding
- goggles
- glove
- anti slip seal
- stock
- Backpack
- snowshoe
- Helmet
- Headlight
- first aid kit
- match lighter
- winter clothes and underwear
- battery
- action diet
- Drinking water
- avalanche beacon
- probe probe
- mobile scoop
- etc.
アウトドアショップが開催するBackcountryツアーSo, Specialized equipment may be available for rental. ます..
Participate if you have questions or concerns Inquire in advance at the backcountry tour holding shop will do.
Includes elements of snowy mountain trekking Backcountry So, as a rule, you should wear ski or snowboard wear. The key to choosing the right clothes becomes.
Used as clothing for snowy mountain trekking and mountain climbing, it is easy to put on and take off and provides good heat retention. "レイヤリング(重ね着)」を意識することが重要 is.
"Layering" is 3 layers: base layer, mid layer and outer layer で構成されます..
base layer
base layerとは、肌に直接触れる"下着」のことis.
mid layer
mid layerとは、下着の上に重ね着する"中間着」のことis.
outer layer
outer layerとは、一番上に重ね着するスキー・スノーボードウェアやマウンテンジャケット(マウンテンパーカー)etc.を指します..
Participate based on the "layering" explained above Prepare your clothes and clothing according to the rules of the tour shop. will do.
In addition, for ease of carrying, clothing and apparel should be It is recommended to choose packable and lightweight items. されています..
Backcountry notes

The playfield is a natural snowy mountain Backcountry So, Precautions to avoid various dangers there is.
Because there is a risk of not only injury and distress but also death in the worst case Thorough preparation and planning are required is.
First," Possible hazards in the backcountry Let's review the points that you should be most careful of.
- weather change
- avalanche
- Accidents with trees and rocks
- hypothermia
- Distress
in the backcountry, Sudden changes in weather may cause exposure to blizzards, rain, etc. I have.
Phenomena such as whiteouts reduce the visibility of the surroundings, Risk of being caught in an avalanche and buried in snow is also pregnant.
In addition, there is a possibility of a collision accident with trees and rocks, and physical strength and body temperature are deprived. Even if you get hypothermia It is possible.
To minimize those risks, Appropriate equipment and tours accompanied by experienced guides and instructors are required is.