A thorough introduction to the popular Izu diving experience tour rankings and highly rated shops!

このページでは、透明度抜群なShizuoka県・ Izu Diving experience tour in the ocean Special feature!
Popular rankings and recommended diving shops と合わせて、初心者からライセンスダイバーまで幅広い層に役立つ情報を徹底紹介To do.
Also included are popular diving spots, average annual water temperature, fees, rental equipment, etc. Izu Diving Check all the information you need to book a tour Let's do it.
table of contents
- 1 Izu Diving Experience Tour Popularity Ranking
- 2 Types of Izu Diving Experience Tours
- 3 Izu Diving Experience Tour Price Range
- 4 Diving spots in Izu
- 5 Annual average temperature and water temperature in Izu
- 6 List of recommended diving shops in Izu
- 7 Editorial department recommended feature article
Izu Diving Experience Tour Popularity Ranking
First of all, based on the latest reservation data from Activity Japan, Izu Diving Experience Tour Popularity Ranking I will introduce.
Please use this information to compare plans based on tour content, fees, and reputations based on reviews and word-of-mouth experiences.
スーパーサマーセール2024 Experience diving★午後の部★【Shizuoka・伊東】クマノミに会おう♪初心者大歓迎!レンタルカメラ無料!
スーパーサマーセール2024 Experience diving ★午前の部★【Shizuoka・伊東】クマノミに会おう♪初心者大歓迎!レンタルカメラ無料!グループ割あり!
【Shizuoka Izu Kogen】1日2ダイブできるExperience divingプラン<写真プレゼント!>
- 5.0
- (1 review / experience)
未経験者の方も何回かご参加された方も安心して楽しめます。すばらしいIzuの海の体験はアクオスーイズのExperience divingで。初めてでも1日2回のダイビングを楽しむことが出来ます。丸一日Izuの海を満喫してください。波のない穏やかな海でマンツーマンで行います。浅い水深でも魚がたくさんいますので安心して海を体験し
【Shizuoka・Izu・熱海】初心者歓迎!海中世界を覗こう ♪ Experience diving(90分)
- 4.3
- (2 reviews / experiences)
はじめての方でも安心してご参加いただけるExperience divingコースis. 東京から最短45分!意外と近い熱海で、海中世界を堪能しましょう♪ 1名様からでも参加OKなので、お気軽にお越しください! ダイビングに必要な器材は全て料金にコミコミなので、持ち物は水着とタオルのみでOKです♪Atami Marine Sports Club
【Shizuoka・下田】贅沢♪ 欲張り!! 2回Experience diving
- 5.0
- (2 reviews / experiences)
This is a course for first-time diving beginners, but it's so much fun that we'll dive twice♪ The first time, you'll hesitate about what it's like underwater, but it's still fun!! Time flies when you're having fun!! Oh no, it's over already?? So we do it again... Because we're used to it, the second time is so much fun♬ ●Explanation about diving ⇒
Challenge scuba diving in Koganezaki! No license required ☆ 10 years old ~ ♪ (Free photo gift)
Experience diving at "Koganezaki", one of the most spectacular beaches in Izu! Please challenge the mysterious experience that you can breathe in the sea. This experience diving program is recommended for those who want to try out what diving is like, and the scenery is more beautiful and moving than you can imagine. Beginners and inexperienced people are welcome! prepare
ライセン保持者向け【Nishiizu安良里で2ボートダイビング】 乗船時間約10分!のんびりらくちん2ボート♪
The appeal of boat diving is the dynamic terrain, the schools of fish, and the abundance of cute little creatures!
ライセンス保持者向け【Nishiizu黄金崎で2ビーチダイビング♪】 穏やかで透明度の高い海で楽しむ♪約6時間
We offer guided diving twice a day at Koganezaki Park Beach, one of Izu's most scenic beach resorts! You can leisurely observe small creatures, go into caves, and be surrounded by schools of fish. This is an ocean that is sure to satisfy everyone, from beginners to veterans and photo-oriented divers!
We depart from in front of Arari Marine on our 13-seater boat, the Daruma Maru! The diving point is only 5-6 minutes away, so it's easy to get to! Even if you're worried about seasickness, you can join us without worry.
海外でライセンスを取得した方、 ペーパーダイバーの方、ブランクがある方、スキルが不安な方、自信のない方、もう一度基礎練習したい方等におすすめのコースis.
Types of Izu Diving Experience Tours

Izu There are three types of diving experience tours available: are classified as follows.
From here, we will introduce the characteristics of the three types of experience tours mentioned above and a ranking of their most popular tours.
Izu experience diving
Experience diving What is that?ダイビングライセンス(Cカード)を持たない初心者向けのダイビング体験ツアーThat is.
The sea of Izu boasts some of the clearest waters in Japan. A diving experience tour is held that anyone, including beginners and tourists, can easily participate in. It has been.
Not only can you receive a guided lecture from an instructor, but you can also rent a full set of diving equipment. Enjoy the ocean of Izu empty-handed can.
Izu experience divingExperience Tour Popularity Ranking
スーパーサマーセール2024 Experience diving★午後の部★【Shizuoka・伊東】クマノミに会おう♪初心者大歓迎!レンタルカメラ無料!
スーパーサマーセール2024 Experience diving ★午前の部★【Shizuoka・伊東】クマノミに会おう♪初心者大歓迎!レンタルカメラ無料!グループ割あり!
【Shizuoka Izu Kogen】1日2ダイブできるExperience divingプラン<写真プレゼント!>
- 5.0
- (1 review / experience)
未経験者の方も何回かご参加された方も安心して楽しめます。すばらしいIzuの海の体験はアクオスーイズのExperience divingで。初めてでも1日2回のダイビングを楽しむことが出来ます。丸一日Izuの海を満喫してください。波のない穏やかな海でマンツーマンで行います。浅い水深でも魚がたくさんいますので安心して海を体験し
Izu fan diving
Fun diving What is that?ダイビングライセンス(Cカード)保持者向けのダイビング体験ツアーThat is.
The coastal waters of Izu have many spectacular diving spots. A popular spot for intermediate to advanced divers is.
Experience divingと同様に、 Instructor and diving equipment rental included になったプランが人気is.
Izu fan divingExperience Tour Popularity Ranking
ライセン保持者向け【Nishiizu安良里で2ボートダイビング】 乗船時間約10分!のんびりらくちん2ボート♪
The appeal of boat diving is the dynamic terrain, the schools of fish, and the abundance of cute little creatures!
ライセンス保持者向け【Nishiizu黄金崎で2ビーチダイビング♪】 穏やかで透明度の高い海で楽しむ♪約6時間
We offer guided diving twice a day at Koganezaki Park Beach, one of Izu's most scenic beach resorts! You can leisurely observe small creatures, go into caves, and be surrounded by schools of fish. This is an ocean that is sure to satisfy everyone, from beginners to veterans and photo-oriented divers!
We depart from in front of Arari Marine on our 13-seater boat, the Daruma Maru! The diving point is only 5-6 minutes away, so it's easy to get to! Even if you're worried about seasickness, you can join us without worry.
Izu Diving License Course
Diving license course What is that? Diving experience tour aiming to obtain a diving license (C card) That is.
In Izu, PADI, CMAS, etc. の指導団体によるライセンス講習ツアーが開催It has been.
You can get your diving license in as little as two days. ので、Izu旅行滞在中に受講される方が多いIs a feature.
Popular ranking of Izu diving license training tours
【Shizuoka・Nishiizu】Obtaining a diving license!初心者入門コース(3日間コース)
【Shizuoka・Nishiizu】大瀬崎を満喫!Fun diving!!★Cカード取得者向け★
A Certification card is a certificate that proves that you have received instruction in knowledge and skills from an instructor of each organization and have acquired a certain standard. No matter where you go to a diving site in the world, you will almost always need a Certification card to request a guide or rent a tank. You too should get a Certification card.
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Izu Diving Experience Tour Price Range
" Izu How much does it cost to dive? I'm sure there are many people out there researching prices, such as:
From here,Experience diving、Fun diving、Diving license courseの The lowest price and average price for each course We have summarized the following.
Experience divingの料金
Lowest price: ¥9,500 (tax included) per participant
Price range: 10,000 to 12,000 yen (tax included) per participant
Izu experience divingツアー安い順ランキング
最安8900円!送迎できます!!【 Shizuoka・Nishiizu 】~~Experience diving~~ ☆水中写真も無料でプレゼント☆
- 5.0
- (1 review / experience)
~何か新しいことしたい方、海が好きな方、ダイビングに興味がある方におススメ~☆水中の記念写真をプレゼント☆1枠1組限定予約で安心☆送迎希望も大歓迎Experience divingは美しい海の中を散歩するようなゆったり癒しのアクティビティです♪井田の海はカラフルなお魚がいっぱいで少し潜るだけでたくさんのお魚に出会えます
最安8900円!【 Shizuoka・Nishiizu 】~~Experience diving~~ ☆水中写真も無料でプレゼント☆
~何か新しいことしたい方、海が好きな方、ダイビングに興味がある方におススメ~☆水中の記念写真をプレゼント☆1枠1組限定予約で安心☆送迎希望も大歓迎Experience divingは美しい海の中を散歩するようなゆったり癒しのアクティビティです♪井田の海はカラフルなお魚がいっぱいで少し潜るだけでたくさんのお魚に出会えます
【Shizuoka・Izu・熱海】初心者歓迎!海中世界を覗こう ♪ Experience diving(90分)
- 4.3
- (2 reviews / experiences)
はじめての方でも安心してご参加いただけるExperience divingコースis. 東京から最短45分!意外と近い熱海で、海中世界を堪能しましょう♪ 1名様からでも参加OKなので、お気軽にお越しください! ダイビングに必要な器材は全て料金にコミコミなので、持ち物は水着とタオルのみでOKです♪Atami Marine Sports Club
Fun divingの料金
Lowest price: ¥9,000 (tax included) per participant per dive
Price range: 10,000 yen (tax included) to 13,000 yen (tax included) per participant
Izu fan divingツアー安い順ランキング
訳あり超激安ダイビング! 東京・埼玉からの往復送迎+レンタル込みで2ダイブ9千Yen ~♪ 本数稼ぎ / とにかく潜りたい人向け
【2本潜って9千Yen ~ 】なおかつ【埼玉や東京からの無料往復送迎付き】もはや交通費より安い金額でダイビングが出来てしまう、訳が分からない程の激安プランです!ただしダイビングポイントの指定やダイビング内容のリクエストは一切出来ません。訳ありプランという事を承知でお申し込み下さい。☆☆ 安さの秘訣 ☆☆・
【Shizuoka・富戸】ダイビング好きさん集まれ!ガイド付きFun diving【ビーチ・ボート】
When you finally get a day off, you dive to relax and heal yourself. That's why you want to choose a diving spot that is appropriate for your level and shows you the fish properly. Marine Stage offers fun diving that meets the needs of everyone, whether you're a solo diver, a group, a beginner, or a veteran!
【Shizuoka 伊東 城ヶ崎 富戸 八幡野】Fun diving【Cカードをお持ちの方】
初心者~上級者ダイバー、カメラ派ダイバーまで、毎日お1人さまからツアー開催しています!お祝いダイビングや、あんなとこ行きたい、こんな生き物見たい等々、各種リクエストにもお応えいたします!※Fun divingを行うにはCカードを取得していることが条件となります。
Diving license course fee
Lowest price: ¥16,500 (tax included) per participant
Price range: 20,000 to 40,000 yen (tax included) per participant
Izu Diving License Course Tours Cheapest Ranking
【Shizuoka・Nishiizu】大瀬崎を満喫!Fun diving!!★Cカード取得者向け★
You can choose between a day trip or an overnight stay plan, and proceed freely according to your own schedule.
潜水計画から海況の判断、トラブルの回避など、ダイビングを安全に楽しむために必要な知識とスキルを本格的に身につけるコースis. このコースを修了すると、ダイバーとして必要な知識・スキルを身につけた証明としてのCカードが発行されます!自分の趣味として、自己責任のもと本格的にダイビングを楽しみたいあなたに
Diving spots in Izu
The west side is adjacent to Fuji City in Shizuoka Prefecture, and the east side is located on the prefectural border with Kanagawa Prefecture. Izu Peninsula ".
The Izu Peninsula, which is sandwiched between Sagami Bay and Suruga Bay, is dotted with beaches and beaches of AA rank in the water quality survey and appraisal, and in the surrounding sea area. Many scuba diving spots are scattered To do.
First of all, "Izu Peninsula" Higashiizu , " Minamiizu , " Nishiizu Let's divide into 3 areas and check each popular diving spot.
Higashiizu diving point
Located on the eastern side of the Izu Peninsula, on the prefectural border with Kanagawa Prefecture, it is attractive that both cars and trains are easily accessible from central Tokyo. Higashiizu "area.
In particular, there are many diving points scattered around Atami, Usami, Hatsushima, etc. facing Sagami Bay. Many divers enjoy diving on a day trip from Tokyo Is a feature.
Okine (Izuyama) / Sinking ship (Atami) / Kosoga cave (Atami) / Futatsune (Hatsushima) / Cargo stone (Usami) / Shirane (Ito) / Ridge left (Ito) / Kawana beach (Kawana) / Horseback (Kawana) / Yokobama (Futo) / Maekado (Futo) / 1 Root (Izu Oceanic Park) / Yawatano Beach (Yawatano) / Kumanomi Castle Point (Okawa) / Kajikaki (Kitakawa) / Octopus Root (Atagawa) / Fujisan Beach (Inatori) / Ikejiri Beach (Inatori) / Sinking Ship (Ishozawa) / etc.
Minamiizu diving point
Located at the southernmost tip of the Izu Peninsula, it has popular tourist destinations such as Shimoda and Irozaki. Minamiizu "area.
Access from central Tokyo is a little inconvenient because of the tip of the Izu Peninsula, which is lined with mountains. Various marine life due to the influence of the highly transparent sea and the Kuroshio Current It is a popular spot for divers because you can see it.
Kujuppama (Suzaki) / Turtle root (Mikomoto Island) / Hayama (Nakagi) / Hirizohama (Nakagi) / Benkei (Hagachizaki) / etc.
Recommended Feature Articles
Nishiizu diving point
Located on the west side of the Izu Peninsula, you can enjoy a spectacular view of Mt. Fuji, a World Natural Heritage Site. Nishiizu "area.
In this area facing Suruga Bay, there are "Osezaki", "Kumomi", "Dogashima", etc. A mecca for scuba diving on the Izu Peninsula There are many points called.
Ushikiiwa (Kumomi) / Sankei (Kumomi) / Floating Island Beach (Dogashima) / Futone (Tako) / Takojima (Tako) / Koganezaki Beach (Koganezaki) / Dorisaki (Doi) / Ipponmatsu (Osezaki) / Seamans Back (Shishihama) / etc.
Recommended Feature Articles
Annual average temperature and water temperature in Izu

From here, Izu 半島の最南端にRank置するMinamiizu町周辺を基準に、 Annual average and water temperature data I will look at.
Although it depends on the region The Izu Peninsula is characterized by a relatively warm climate It is known for its low snowfall even in winter because of the area.
for that reason, You can enjoy scuba diving regardless of the seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter. Is attractive.
Moon | Highest temperature | Lowest Temperature | Water temperature guide |
January | 11 ℃ | 5 ℃ | 15 ℃ -18 ℃ |
February | 11 ℃ | 5 ℃ | 14 ℃ ~ 16 ℃ |
March | 14 ℃ | 7 ℃ | 14 ℃ ~ 15 ℃ |
April | 18 ℃ | 12 ℃ | 15 ℃ ~ 17 ℃ |
May | 21 ℃ | 16 ℃ | 16 ℃ ~ 19 ℃ |
June | 23 ℃ | 19 ℃ | 17 ℃ ~ 20 ℃ |
July | 27 ℃ | 22 ℃ | 18 ℃ ~ 23 ℃ |
August | 28 ℃ | 24 ℃ | 21 ℃ ~ 28 ℃ |
September | 26 ℃ | 21 ℃ | 24 ℃ ~ 28 ℃ |
October | 22 ℃ | 17 ℃ | 2 ℃ ~ 26 ℃ |
November | 18 ℃ | 12 ℃ | 19 ℃ ~ 23 ℃ |
December | 13 ℃ | 8 ℃ | 17 ℃ ~ 21 ℃ |
The above is around Minamiizu Estimated temperature and water temperature is.
Actual Use wet suits (3 mm, 5 mm, etc.) and dry suits properly according to the water temperature. Enjoy scuba diving.
List of recommended diving shops in Izu
Finally, the "Activity Japan" which is currently accepting online reservations Izu List of recommended diving shops I will introduce.
You can check the shop's reputation, opening hours, closing days, and a list of activity experience tour plans available from the shop link below.
- 4.7
- (30 reviews)
- Tokai
- Shizuoka
- Ito / Usami / Kawana
- Experience diving(初心者OK)
- Obtaining a diving license
- Fun diving(ライセンス必須)
- 5.0
- (4 reviews)
- Tokai
- Shizuoka
- Nishiizu
- Experience diving(初心者OK)
- Obtaining a diving license
- Fun diving(ライセンス必須)
富士市にあるダイビングショップis.Izuを中心にCカード取得コース Experience diving ダイビングツアーを毎日開催中!!ダイビングを始めたい方やダイビングが大好きなダイバーさん!お待ちしています♪
- 5.0
- (7 reviews)
- Tokai
- Shizuoka
- Ito / Usami / Kawana
- Experience diving(初心者OK)
- Obtaining a diving license
- Fun diving(ライセンス必須)
We have been providing diving that even beginners can enjoy for 20 years. Although our store may be small, we work hard every day to ensure that it is filled with smiles from our customers. We would like to introduce you to a sea that will make you glad you came and want to return.
- 4.6
- (15 reviews)
- Tokai
- Shizuoka
- Izu Kogen
- Snorkeling
- Experience diving(初心者OK)
- Obtaining a diving license
Izuのダイビングスクール リトルリッツは、Izuの現地ガイドショップis. Izu海洋公園をホームグランドにしております。富戸、八幡野、Nishiizuツアーもリクエスト受け付けます! We hold tours on weekdays even for one person, and there is no additional charge! You are welcome!
- 4.8
- (3 reviews)
- Tokai
- Shizuoka
- Atami / Hatsushima
- Experience diving(初心者OK)
- Obtaining a diving license
- Fun diving(ライセンス必須)
Atelier Laut is based in Atami, the gateway to the Izu Peninsula, and offers guided diving, C-card acquisition courses, and various step-up courses in small groups with a strict emphasis on safety in the Hatsushima and Atami areas, as well as Manazuru and the entire Izu Peninsula. We aim to be a shop where anyone who loves the sea and diving can participate with confidence, whether they are alone, trying diving for the first time, have obtained their license from another training organization, are a senior diver, have been away from diving for a while, or are a veteran diver, so please feel free to visit us.
- 4.8
- (4 reviews)
- Tokai
- Shizuoka
- Nishiizu
- Snorkeling
- Experience diving(初心者OK)
- Obtaining a diving license
"安全こそすべて」をモットーに世界の海で潜れる本物のダイバーを育成To do. The sea, friends, encounters, the circle of divers expanding at Arari Marine! Make Arari your home ground and aim to become a diver who loves the ocean and can dive safely and enjoyably. Why not cherish the encounters with people through diving and expand your circle of communication about diving and marine sports? All our staff look forward to your visit!
- 4.8
- (4 reviews)
- Tokai
- Shizuoka
- Shimoda / Shirahama
- Snorkeling
- Experience diving(初心者OK)
- Obtaining a diving license
- 5.0
- (4 reviews)
- Tokai
- Shizuoka
- Ito / Usami / Kawana
- Snorkeling
- Experience diving(初心者OK)
- Obtaining a diving license
Izu海洋公園をメイングランドにするダイビングサービスis.海の楽しさ、驚き、そして感動、癒しを少しでも皆様にお伝えする為に海の中はもちろん、陸に上がってからの時間も大切にTo do.海の大好きな仲間達が多く集まる空間でありピーフィッシュに来ると落ち着くね!楽しいね!と言われる事が一番の喜びでもあり、常に変わらぬ目標でもあります。仲間が集い、海の話で盛り上がり、みんなで楽しさを共有しましょう。シニア、女性、子供、世代、性別、体力差を問わず快適に楽しんでいただきたい。
- 5.0
- (2 reviews)
- Tokai
- Shizuoka
- Atami / Hatsushima
- Experience diving(初心者OK)
- Fun diving(ライセンス必須)
Atami / HatsushimaをベースにしたIzuでのダイビングをご希望なら是非Marine Bowにおいで下さい。 Our shop was named with the hope of being a rainbow bridge connecting our customers with the ocean, and we offer fun and safe diving tailored to your level.
- 5.0
- (4 reviews)
- Tokai
- Shizuoka
- Ito / Usami / Kawana
- Snorkeling
- Experience diving(初心者OK)
- Obtaining a diving license
Izu海洋公園をメイングランドにするダイビングサービスis.海の楽しさ、驚き、そして感動、癒しを少しでも皆様にお伝えする為に海の中はもちろん、陸に上がってからの時間も大切にTo do.海の大好きな仲間達が多く集まる空間でありピーフィッシュに来ると落ち着くね!楽しいね!と言われる事が一番の喜びでもあり、常に変わらぬ目標でもあります。仲間が集い、海の話で盛り上がり、みんなで楽しさを共有しましょう。シニア、女性、子供、世代、性別、体力差を問わず快適に楽しんでいただきたい。