【Nationwide版】fishingができるcamp site10選!魅力&注意点も解説

You can catch your own fish, cook it on the spot and eat it.
fishing camp
" experience.
can enjoy at the same time
Feel closer to nature
今回は、Activity Japan editorial departmentが厳選した「 Recommended campsites for fishing "We will introduce you to plenty of it!
table of contents
- 1 fishingのできるcamp siteの魅力は?
- 2 What are the precautions when fishing at a campsite?
- 3 編集部おすすめ!Nationwide fishingができるcamp site4選!
Nationwide fishingのできる人気camp site
- 4.1 fishingができるcamp site⑤:Shumarinai Lakeside Campsite(北海道)
- 4.2 fishingができるcamp site⑥:鬼怒川温泉オートcamp site(栃木県)
- 4.3 fishingができるcamp site⑦:West River Auto Campsite(山梨県)
- 4.4 fishingができるcamp site⑧:Lake Tanuki Campsite(静岡県)
- 4.5 fishingができるcamp site⑨:Ainomori Fureai Park Aodo Dam Echo Valley(滋賀県)
- 4.6 fishingができるcamp site⑩:Ibi Uzushio Village Auto Campsite(Hyogo県)
- 5 Frequently Asked Questions about Popular Campsites Where You Can Fishing
- 6 Editorial department recommended feature articles
fishingのできるcamp siteの魅力は?

For the first time fishing Even if I try to challenge myself, I often feel uneasy, such as "I'm not good at handling the fish I caught ...", "Can I enjoy it with small children?", "It seems difficult to get a complete set of fishing equipment." right. In such a case, I recommend "Fishing camp" where you can enjoy fishing and camping at the same time is.
fishing campなら、釣った魚をすぐに
Because you can cook with
You can enjoy the process from fishing to eating with your family and friends.
.. Depending on the campsite
Cooking service for caught fish
There are also some, so don't worry even if you are not good at cooking fish.
camp site
The park is well-managed, so even families with small children can enjoy the experience with relative peace of mind.
Fish catching is being carried out
There is also a location.
Coupled with the camping boom of the past few years, fishingとcamp siteがセットになったプランorツアー is increasing. 釣竿orBBQ用品などのレンタル が含まれたプランorツアーなら、準備もラクラクis.
What are the precautions when fishing at a campsite?
Near a point where there is already a predecessor fishing When doing Attentiveness to others Let's be careful. Especially at crowded points, you may get "Omatsuri" where your fishing line and other people's fishing line get entangled! To prevent such troubles in advance Keep a reasonable distance from your neighbor Let's enjoy fishing.
In addition,
Depending on the location,
Recreational fishing ticket
必ずRecreational fishing ticketを購入
してLet's enjoy fishing.
fishingができるcamp siteであれば、
Recreational fishing ticketはcamp siteの受付など
It is handled in
ことが多いようis.again,fishing camp主催の体験ツアー・プランであれば、ほとんどの場合プラン料金に
Recreational fishing ticket included
So it's easy.
編集部おすすめ!Nationwide fishingができるcamp site4選!
以下Then、Activity Japan editorial departmentが厳選した、 fishingのできるcamp siteおすすめポイント Let me introduce to you the popular " fishing camp 」.気に入ったcamp siteは、早めに予約をしてくださいね!
fishingができるcamp site①:Aokiko Campsite(長野県)

What is Aokiko Camping Ground (Nagano Prefecture)?
Aokiko Campsite It is also known as the "Mirror of the Northern Alps." The highest level of transparency in the prefecture を誇る、青木湖のほとりにあります.施設内ThenRecreational fishing ticketorfishing餌などを販売しており、fishing竿orボートなどのfishing具に関しての Abundant rental services is.
What kind of fish can you catch at Aokiko Campground (Nagano Prefecture)?
Lake Aoki is deep and has a low water temperature throughout the year. Kokanee or Snow trout It has no bad smell or strong taste, and is characterized by its light fat and elegant flavor. Lives only in limited lakes in Japan Therefore,貴重なマス類を求めて、わざわざNationwideから足を運ぶfishing人も珍しくありません.
【長野・大町市】【絶品物語】青木湖KokaneefishingとSalt-grilledとディキャンプ 美味しい!!《北アルプス山麓信濃大町》
2024年9/13(金)~11/4(月・祝)まで北アルプス国際芸術祭2024開催.ご要望によりSUPで芸術鑑賞.鑑賞する場合は鑑賞パスポートまたは個別鑑賞券の購入が必要is.4月25日まin,降雪状況により,予告なく営業を休止させていただく場合There is.バーベキューセットレンタル付きなのin,気軽にヒ
【長野・大町市】青木湖・中綱湖コイfishingと鯉こくとデイキャンプ 《北アルプス山麓信濃大町》
【長野・大町市】【絶品物語】青木湖Snow troutfishingと刺身とデイキャンプ《北アルプス山麓信濃大町》
2024年9/13(金)~11/4(月・祝)まで北アルプス国際芸術祭2024開催.ご要望によりSUPで芸術鑑賞.鑑賞する場合は鑑賞パスポートまたは個別鑑賞券の購入が必要is.Snow troutはサケ科の淡水魚is.北緯50度以北の北米orヨーロッパが原産池の魚is.成魚は刺身で小型のうちはから揚げにすると
Auto camping fee(宿泊) | 大人1名(12歳以上)800Yen ~・子供1名(0歳以上)600円〜 |
Tent camping fees (lodging) | 大人1名(12歳以上)800Yen ~・子供1名(0歳以上)600円〜 |
Cottage fee (accommodation) | 1 unit (2 people) from 7,500 yen |
address | 20780-1 Taira, Omachi City, Nagano Prefecture |
fishingができるcamp site②:Nara-irisawa mountain stream fishing campsite(栃木県)

What is Nara-irisawa Mountain Stream Fishing Campsite (Tochigi Prefecture)?
Located 35 minutes by car from Nishinasuno Shiobara IC
Nara-irisawa mountain stream fishing campsite
Try it grilled with salt (on skewers)!
*There is an additional charge for salt grilling.
What kind of fish can you catch at the Nara-irisawa mountain stream fishing campsite (Tochigi prefecture)?
In the Nara-irisawa mountain stream, it is said to be the royal road for mountain stream fishing. イワナ・ヤマメ・Rainbow trout のfishingが楽しめます.ゆったり時間をかけて通常の川にいる魚を釣る「 時間fishing 」か、入れ食いのfishing堀のようなイメージで短時間で楽しむ「 目方fishing " You can choose.
again, Experience catching fish only in the summer It is also held. It takes wisdom and perseverance to catch fish swimming energetically in the cold river with your bare hands! It is sure to be engrossing not only for children but also for adults!
栃木県日光市【渓流fishing3時間】 緑の香りと透き通る清流を満喫! ※fishingたてのお魚を炭火焼きにできます
Nara-irisawa mountain stream fishing campsiteは、栃木県日光市にあるcamp siteis.場内Thenバンガローでのご宿泊の他、透明度の高い清流でfishingor川遊びを楽しめます.山小屋Then多彩な食事も楽しめますのin,手ぶらで楽しめます.夏には都会Thenみることのできないfire Flyを見ることでき、夜は満天の星空も楽しめます.自然豊かな環境でキ
Auto camping fee | Starting from 5,500 yen (1 car/1 tent) |
Day camp fee | From 2,500 yen (up to 5 people, 1 car) |
Facility usage fee | Adults (junior high school students and above) from 880 yen, children (3 years and above) from 550 yen |
check in | 13:00-17:00 |
check out | ~11am |
usage period | April to November |
business hours | 8:30-18:00 |
address | 109-1 Kamisanyori, Nikko City, Tochigi Prefecture |
fishingができるcamp site③:奥霧島 皇子原公園camp site(宮崎県)

奥霧島皇子原公園camp site(宮崎県)とは
奥霧島皇子原公園(おうじばるこうえん)camp site is said to be the birthplace of Emperor Jimmu. Oujibaru Shrine 」を中心とする自然公園内にあります.カフェor雨の日でも遊べる屋根付きの大型木製遊具などがあり、 A place that can be enjoyed by people of all ages is.渓流or池などfishingポイントが複数あるのin,fishing好きにもおすすめis.
奥霧島 皇子原公園camp site(宮崎県)でどんな魚が釣れる?
きれいな湧水のfishing堀には、 Rainbow trout The recreational fishing fee includes the fishing rod, bait, and fish.
The fish you catch will be gutted for an additional fee. Salt-grilled にすることができますよ.fishingたてのRainbow troutを美味しくいただきましょう!
【宮崎・高原町】霧島の大自然に囲まれて、手ぶらでRainbow troutfishing体験!初心者でも気軽に釣れる!
宮崎県は高原町、奥霧島のきれいなきれいな湧き水のfishing堀.そんな大自然の中でRainbow troutfishingを体験してみませんか?Rainbow troutfishingは大人も童心にかえって楽しめます♪手ぶらでOK、初心者でも釣れますよ.
1 cottage | From 6,600 yen |
1 tent/free site | From 1,100 yen |
バーベキューbusiness hours | General: 11:00-15:00 Accommodation: 17:00-22:00 |
fishingbusiness hours | 9:00-16:50 (reception until 16:00) |
check in | From 11:00 or 15:00 (※Varies depending on facility) |
check out | ~10:00 or 11:00 (※Depends on the facility) |
Regular holiday | Thursdays (open during peak season) |
address | 3-251 Kamamuta, Takahara-cho, Nishimorokata-gun, Miyazaki Prefecture |
fishingができるcamp site④:新くるみランド EVオートcamp site(岐阜県)

新くるみランド EVオートcamp site(岐阜県)とは
Located in the mountains of Hida Takayama, Gifu Prefecture, 新くるみランド EVオートcamp site .施設内はfishing堀・テントサウナor個室サウナ・焚き火・ドッグランなども完備.毎年夏にはクワガタ採りも開催しています.テントセットorBBQ用品等のレンタル品or販売品もあるのin, Safe for camping beginners . 冬場でも魚fishingが楽しめる スポットis.
新くるみランド EVオートcamp site(岐阜県)でどんな魚が釣れる?
施設内にはfishing堀池が完備され、 イワナorRainbow trout などが放流されています.fishingに必要な竿orバケツは、レンタルサービスThere is.
御嶽山から流れる清流・木曾川上流秋神川の横に広がる自然環境に優しいEVオートcamp siteis.清流で生まれた岩魚・アマゴ・マスのfishing堀orつかみ取りも行うことができます!ご家族の皆様でお楽しみください☆林道のハイキングコースで頂上からの眺めも楽しめます.夜空の星も大変きれいis.自然に囲まれた飛騨高山
EV auto campsite (1 section) | From 4,000 yen |
address | 109-1 Kamisanyori, Nikko City, Tochigi Prefecture |
Nationwide fishingのできる人気camp site
In addition to the above, there are other locations nationwide. fishingのできるcamp site がたくさんあります!以下Then、特に人気のfishing✕camp siteを紹介します.レジャー計画の参考にどうぞ!
fishingができるcamp site⑤:Shumarinai Lakeside Campsite(北海道)

What is Shumarinaikohan Campsite (Hokkaido)?
camp siteは The shores of Lake Shumarinai The park is equipped with free sites where you can freely drive your car, as well as log cabin sites. Abundant rental items and sales items に用意されているのin,キャンプorBBQ初心者でも安心.Recreational fishing ticketを購入すれば、fishingも楽しめます!
What kind of fish can you catch at Lake Shumarinai Campsite (Hokkaido)?
On Lake Shumarinai イトウorサクラマス、アメマス、コイ、フナ などが棲んでいます.fishingには、5月から6月の春の時期と山々の紅葉が美しい10月の秋の時期、雪に覆われる直前の11月の初冬の時期がおすすめis.
Campsite usage fee | Adults: 1,000 yen and up; Children: 500 yen and up |
Electricity usage fee | 1 night/from 400 yen |
usage period |
Mid May to early November ※状況によりusage periodは変更になる可能性あり. |
Reception time | 8:00-17:00 |
address | Shumarinai, Horokanai-cho, Uryu-gun, Hokkaido |
fishingができるcamp site⑥:鬼怒川温泉オートcamp site(栃木県)

What is Kinugawa Onsen Auto Campsite (Tochigi Prefecture)?
人気観光地・日光鬼怒川温泉街の少し北に位置するオートcamp site.キャンプが楽しめるエリアのほか Rental house for groups (private use of a traditional Japanese house) など充実した設備が魅力is. 小さい子供もfishingを楽しめるfishing堀 There is.
What kind of fish can you catch at Kinugawa Onsen Auto Campsite (Tochigi Prefecture)?
Rainbow trout
*There is an additional charge for salt grilling.
Auto camping fee | From 4,400 yen, AC power supply from 1,100 yen, management fee (per person elementary school age or older) from 550 yen |
Day camp fee | 駐車場代1,100Yen ~、BBQ棟使用料(2時間毎)From 1,100 yen、管理費(小学生以上1名につき)550円〜 |
usage period | all year |
check in | 13時or14:00~17時(※利用施設により異なる) |
check out | 8:00-10:00 or 11:00 (*Depends on the facility) |
address | 1053 Kinugawa Onsen Taki, Nikko City, Tochigi Prefecture |
fishingができるcamp site⑦:West River Auto Campsite(山梨県)

What is West River Auto Campsite (Yamanashi Prefecture)?
東京から車で約2時間と、日帰り可能な好アクセス地にありながら、大自然の中で魚fishingorBBQが体験できるほか、川に入っての水遊びorクラフト体験に挑戦できたりと、まさに Campsite like a leisure facility is. Full-scale fly fishing and lure fishing You can also try it!
What kind of fish can you catch at West River Auto Campground (Yamanashi Prefecture)?
In bait fishing that uses live food
Rainbow trout
, In lure fishing using artificial bait, and in fly fishing using Western style hair needles called "fly"
Rainbow trout char
All necessary equipment available for rental
Grab a rainbow trout experience
Auto camping fee | (大人2人+車1台)9,000Yen ~ |
check in | 14:00-16:00 |
check out | 8:00-11:00 |
address | 131 Suzawa, Minami Alps City, Yamanashi Prefecture |
fishingができるcamp site⑧:Lake Tanuki Campsite(静岡県)

What is Lake Tanuki Campsite (Shizuoka Prefecture)?
The majestic Fujinomiya City, Shizuoka Prefecture A corner of Asagiri Plateau at the foot of Mount Fuji In spring, cherry blossoms bloom around the lake, and in early summer, you can enjoy a day at the tent site. fire Fly However, in autumn and winter, you can see a starry sky that spreads across the night sky. fishingの体験教室が開かれる Sometimes that happens!
What kind of fish can you catch at Tanukiko Campsite (Shizuoka Prefecture)?
Lake Tanuki
Carp and black bass
Fighting with a large crucian carp
Please give it a try!
Tent usage fee | 3,500Yen ~ |
Tarp usage fee (* Accommodation using only a tarp is prohibited) | From 1,000 yen |
Site usage fee | 200 yen per person for elementary school students and above |
usage period | all year(オンライン予約のみ完全予約制) |
check in | 8:00-16:30 (8:00-15:30 in winter) |
check out | ~12:00 (11:00 during peak season) |
address | 634-1 Saori, Fujinomiya City, Shizuoka Prefecture |
fishingができるcamp site⑨:Ainomori Fureai Park Aodo Dam Echo Valley(滋賀県)

What is Ainomori Fureai Park Aodo Dam Echo Valley (Shiga Prefecture)?
関西でトップクラスの広さを誇る、ダム湖畔のcamp siteis.施設内Then、キャンプのほか オフロードバギーorクラフト体験 You can also play with etc. Fish catching experience (7月~9月の期間限定)は、小さい子供連れ家族に人気is.
What kind of fish can you catch at Ainomori Fureai Park Aodo Dam Echo Valley (Shiga Prefecture)?
Crucian carp, crucian carp, carp, smelt
Smelt fishing
!ワカサギを狙うには、リールの付いたfishing竿よりも、竿先に直接糸を結んで使う「ノベ竿" would be better.魚のいるポイントを探りながらfishing歩く「
Bank fishing
" would be better.
Auto camping fee | From 4,000 yen |
Early arrival, extension, break fee | From 400 yen per hour |
usage period | Year-round (closed year-end and New Year holidays) |
check in | 14:00~ |
check out | ~10:00 or 11:00 (*Depends on the facility) |
address | 101-7 Aodo, Tsuchiyama Town, Koka City, Shiga Prefecture |
fishingができるcamp site⑩:Ibi Uzushio Village Auto Campsite(Hyogo県)

What is Ibiuzushiomura Auto Campsite (Hyogo Prefecture)?
神戸淡路鳴門自動車道・淡路島南ICから車で約5分.目の前に美しい砂浜と透明度の高い海が広がる、伊毘(いび)うずしお村オートcamp site. camp siteのすぐ近くにある伊毘漁港(いびぎょこう) は、鳴門海峡と鳴門大橋を眺めながらfishingが楽しめる、 fishingの穴場スポット is.
What kind of fish can you catch at Ibiuzushiomura Auto Campsite (Hyogo Prefecture)?
Horse mackerel, sardines and mackerel
Blue fish such as these. You can target multiple fish at once with the "
Sabiki fishing
Auto camping fee | 6,000 yen per plot (AC power included), 300 yen per adult, 150 yen per child |
check in | 12 o'clock ~ |
check out | ~10:00 |
usage period | April 1st to early November (※Depending on the situation) |
address | Hyogo県南あわじ市阿那賀782-23 |
Frequently Asked Questions about Popular Campsites Where You Can Fishing
Q About the type of fishing
A "Fishing" is an activity that people of all ages and men are addicted to once they experience it from the unique feeling of fishing. Even if you say "fishing" in a bite, the fish you can catch, the way you fish, and the seasons you can catch differ depending on where you fish, such as sea fishing, river fishing, lake fishing, and ice fishing. It is also necessary to prepare clothes and tools suitable for each, and to check the rules for each fishing spot.
Q Can you fish at the campsite?
A In the last few years, not only has fishing become popular, but camping has also become popular, and the number of campsites with ponds, lakes, streams, etc. and activity tours that combine camping and fishing are increasing. Depending on the contents of the plan, it is also possible to rent necessary equipment such as fishing rods and BBQ (barbecue) equipment. Campgrounds where you can enjoy sea fishing and camping on uninhabited islands at the same time have also appeared.
Q What is the attraction of fishing and camping?
A 釣ったばかりの魚をすぐに調理して食べられる!この点がfishing×キャンプ最大の魅力と言えるでしょう.釣ってから食べるまでの過程全てを、家族or友人同士でワイワイ楽しめます.
Q What are the precautions when fishing at the campsite?
A Fishing at campsites tends to be closer to other anglers. Keep a good distance from your neighbors so that the fishing line does not get entangled. Some fishing spots require the purchase of recreational fishing tickets. At the time of booking, check whether you have purchased a recreational fishing ticket and where you can purchase it. If you apply for a fishing camp experience tour, it is easy because the recreational fishing ticket is included in the plan price.