
Currently 淡路島SUP&カヤック総合案内所 has no bookable plans

Information on 淡路島SUP&カヤック総合案内所

Insurance information Tokio Marine & Nichido
Selling points regarding safety It is also possible that they will not be able to return due to weather or lack of skills. In order to prevent accidents at our store, we ask that you acquire safety knowledge and skills, and that you are always equipped with a life jacket. In addition, if there are a large number of participants, we will use small vessels to ensure safety. If you are participating in a small group, our instructors and guides will be there to support you, so please feel free to enjoy the tour under their guidance.

淡路島SUP&カヤック総合案内所 - operating hours

3979-7 Shichiku, Awaji City, Hyogo Prefecture (bill address, etc.) 1781-1 Ikuho, Awaji City (activity base)
Operating hours May to October 8:00 to 20:00 / November to April 10:00 to 16:00
Regular holidays No particulars

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