長良川ラフティング ビックスマイル

Currently 長良川ラフティング ビックスマイル has no bookable plans

Information on 長良川ラフティング ビックスマイル

Insurance information Domestic travel accident insurance Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Death: 10 million yen Hospitalization: 2000 yen/day Outpatient: 1000 yen/day
License and Qualifications Rafting Association Guide
Member organizations and associations Rafting Association
Number of staff 40persons
Number of instructors 30persons
Selling points regarding safety We have SRT-1 (Swiftwater Rescue Technician-1) instructors and Rescue Japan instructors on staff, and we conduct regular training. All guides are also certified in emergency law, such as MFA (Medic First Aid), the Japanese Red Cross, and firefighting basic lifesaving training. Our tour operations and river guide training are conducted in accordance with the Rescue Japan curriculum. RESCUE 3, which organizes the Swiftwater Rescue Technician Training (SRT), is the name of a private organization involved in emergency rescue activities, headquartered in the United States. SRT training is a proven river water rescue training system that has been taken by 60,000 people in 15 countries around the world. The basic concept is to carry out rescue activities ``safely, simply, and quickly'', and participants learn about river structure and hydraulics, as well as how to avoid dangers and obstacles, which are essential for safe and accurate rescue activities. We have SRT-1 instructors on staff, and we conduct regular training, and all guides have received water rescue training.

長良川ラフティング ビックスマイル - operating hours

200 Yoshino, Yawata-cho, Gujo City, Gifu Prefecture

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