N2ダイビングサービス のギャラリー
N2ダイビングサービス のギャラリー
N2ダイビングサービス のギャラリー


Currently N2ダイビングサービス has no bookable plans

Information on N2ダイビングサービス

Number of staff 2persons
Number of instructors 2persons
Selling points regarding safety It is a specialty store for beginners and those who have no experience in diving. With safety first, we accept one-on-one experience diving plans and two snorkelers. We will guide you around the underwater world safely without overdoing it, and if you have any concerns or wishes before diving, we will devise the course content according to your request.

N2ダイビングサービス - operating hours

467 Shibokuchi, Takatsu-ku, Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa 206 Do Maison
Operating hours 17: 00-21: 00
Regular holidays Monday-Friday

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