Activity Provider of this plan
Ohara/Kurama/Kifune popular plans
00分 日本文化体験 庵an京都、集合
↓ -出発前説明会-
↓ 日本文化体験 庵an京都、出発
↓ =専用車=
↓ 貴船口着
↓ (徒歩15分移動)
↓ 鞍馬の火祭・由岐神社
↓ 【フィナーレ鑑賞】
↓ ☆思い思いにお夜食をお楽しみください
↓ (徒歩15分移動)
↓ 貴船口発
↓ =専用車=
6時間 京都市内、お送り指定ポイントへ送迎
※The list price includes tax.
※The above price is a basic fee.
※Fees may vary depending on schedule, please check the fee displayed after selecting the date.
Included in price | |
Not included in price |
Payment methods |
Display of the Specified Commercial Transactions Act | Display of the Specified Commercial Transactions Act |
Reservation cancellation fee generation date | Cancellation fee will be charged from 10 days before the event date. |
About cancellation | お客様都合によるキャンセルの際は以下のキャンセル料を申し受けますのでご了承ください。 ※出発日の前日から起算して 10日~8日前まで 20% 7日前 30% 前日 40% 当日 50% 無連絡キャンセル 100% ※集合時間にお見えになっていない場合は、集合時間を過ぎた時点で無連絡キャンセル扱いとさせていただきます。 |
About event termination | ・雨天決行、荒天時中止となります。 ・中止の場合、催行3時間までにご連絡しますので、連絡の付く連絡先登録をお願いいたします。 ・中止の場合、現地までの旅費などの賠償請求には応じかねます。 |
Required minimum number of participants | 6 Person(s) |
Possible number of bookings | 1~ |
About duration |
5~6 hours
Operating period | 2025/10/22 |
Assembly time | 開始時間の5分前にお越しください (19:00受付開始) |
Booking deadline | until 16:59 2 days before |
Changing room | Toilet | ||
Shower | Parking | ||
Locker |
Dress code - Must bring items | 歩き易い服装、防寒着、懐中電灯、雨具等 |
Matters require attention | ・お送り指定ポイントは下記となります。 京阪七条駅、京阪清水五条駅、京都駅八条口、京都駅烏丸口、リーガロイヤルホテル京都、東急ホテル、二条城付近、河原町四条付近、京阪祇園四条駅、四条烏丸付近、四条大宮付近、日本文化体験庵an京都(地下鉄五条駅付近) ※その他、ご希望の場合はご相談願います。 ※現地の事情のより、該当祭事が中止となる場合があります。その場合、全額返金対象となります。 |
Other notifications | ※安全に配慮して運行致しますが、離れていても火の粉が降ってくる場合がございます。衣服や靴が焦げたり、穴が開く可能性がございますので、ご参加の際はナイロン等の熱に弱い素材の着用はお控えください。 ・貸切での実施をご希望の際はお問い合わせください。 ・予約確定後、最終案内を出発日 7~3 日前までに送信いたします。 ・予約日3日前までに最終案内が届かない場合は、弊社受付まで必ずご確認をお願いい たします。 ・予約受付時間は10 時~17 時です。 ・上記受付時間17 時以降のご連絡は翌営業日扱いとなりますのでご注意願います。 ・お支払いはご出発日の前日から起算して11日前までにお願いいたします。 ご出発日まで10日を切っている場合は、お申込みの翌日17時までにお支払ください。 上記までにお支払が確認できない場合、お申込みを取消させていただきますので、ご了承ください。 ・保険料を含むプランでは三井住友海上火災保険の旅行特別補償保険が適用されます。詳細はお問い合わせください。 |
日本文化体験 庵an京都前
Please wait a moment
Included in price
Not included in price
※The list price includes tax.
※The above price is a basic fee.
※Fees may vary depending on schedule, please check the fee displayed after selecting the date.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your continued patronage.
At our company, in order for many customers to enjoy various activities all over Japan safely and with peace of mind, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare's " Basic Policy for Countermeasures against Coronavirus Infectious Diseases " and " Let's Avoid the Three Cs "・ Based on the " new lifestyle ", we recommend the following infectious disease countermeasures to the operator.
For infection prevention measures of the operating company, please refer to [Appeal points for safety] or [Notes on participating in the course ] of each operating company information at the bottom of the plan reservation page, and for details, please contact each operating company directly. Please contact us.
You can also check the following page for information on the efforts of activity companies in each region!
How to enjoy new activities in the after / with corona era
Even if you are a customer, when you continue to go out, in addition to avoiding so-called [three secrets], cough etiquette, thorough hand washing and alcohol disinfection, etc., on June 19, 2020 (Friday), Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, sightseeing Please be aware of the [new travel etiquette ] announced by the Japan Tourism Agency, take actions to avoid the risk of infectious diseases, and enjoy activities and leisure activities safely.
Even now, there are tourist facilities and activity operators whose business hours and dates have changed. Please check the calendar status at the time of application and check the latest information with each operator even after the reservation is completed. Please check with each operator regarding whether or not there is a cancellation fee due to sudden closure of the facility, cancellation of the activity experience, etc.
In addition, Activity Japan also offers an "online experience" service where you can enjoy various activities!
[Online experience] New experience online anywhere
The "online experience" service is digital content that can be expected to create a new community by connecting customers with local and tourism businesses on a daily basis. Those who have difficulty going out due to circumstances, those who want to try but are uneasy about having a real experience suddenly, those who want to collect local information to plan future trips and stay plans, etc. Feel free to meet local instructors and guides online and enjoy a conversation while experiencing a simulated experience!
Please use it together.