SALE! [For groups of 4 or more] Free photo data for the popular Mangrove SUP! New and comfortable facility! Hot shower and hair dryer available!の紹介画像
SALE! [For groups of 4 or more] Free photo data for the popular Mangrove SUP! New and comfortable facility! Hot shower and hair dryer available!の紹介画像
SALE! [For groups of 4 or more] Free photo data for the popular Mangrove SUP! New and comfortable facility! Hot shower and hair dryer available!の紹介画像
SALE! [For groups of 4 or more] Free photo data for the popular Mangrove SUP! New and comfortable facility! Hot shower and hair dryer available!の紹介画像
SALE! [For groups of 4 or more] Free photo data for the popular Mangrove SUP! New and comfortable facility! Hot shower and hair dryer available!の紹介画像
SALE! [For groups of 4 or more] Free photo data for the popular Mangrove SUP! New and comfortable facility! Hot shower and hair dryer available!の紹介画像
SALE! [For groups of 4 or more] Free photo data for the popular Mangrove SUP! New and comfortable facility! Hot shower and hair dryer available!の紹介画像
SALE! [For groups of 4 or more] Free photo data for the popular Mangrove SUP! New and comfortable facility! Hot shower and hair dryer available!の紹介画像
SALE! [For groups of 4 or more] Free photo data for the popular Mangrove SUP! New and comfortable facility! Hot shower and hair dryer available!の紹介画像
SALE! [For groups of 4 or more] Free photo data for the popular Mangrove SUP! New and comfortable facility! Hot shower and hair dryer available!の紹介画像
SALE! [For groups of 4 or more] Free photo data for the popular Mangrove SUP! New and comfortable facility! Hot shower and hair dryer available!の紹介画像
SALE! [For groups of 4 or more] Free photo data for the popular Mangrove SUP! New and comfortable facility! Hot shower and hair dryer available!の紹介画像
SALE! [For groups of 4 or more] Free photo data for the popular Mangrove SUP! New and comfortable facility! Hot shower and hair dryer available!の紹介画像
SALE! [For groups of 4 or more] Free photo data for the popular Mangrove SUP! New and comfortable facility! Hot shower and hair dryer available!の紹介画像
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Plan ID
: 20648

SALE! [For groups of 4 or more] Free photo data for the popular Mangrove SUP! New and comfortable facility! Hot shower and hair dryer available!

Etc. included in the price
  • Beginners welcome - First try
  • Empty-hands OK
  • Pets allowed
  • Operate rain or shine
  • Children welcome
  • Photo gifts
  • Activity Japan 2024 Fall Sale
  • Possible number of bookings
  • Participating age
    10Age ~ 99 Age
  • Duration
    1~2 hours
Plan description

"Regional coupon available plan" ★Beginners welcome! Try SUP on a calm river! ★You can also go to power spots! ★Free photography! Aim to make it look good on social media★★Comfortable facilities make it easy to change clothes! Showers and toilets are separate for men and women! ★Free rental items available! Safe for same-day reservations♪ ■Discount services ┗WEB discount (cannot be used in conjunction) ┗500 yen off during summer vacation (applicable for certain periods, cannot be used in conjunction) ┗14% off "group discount" for 4 or more people (this plan) ┗One child free and half price for every 2 high school students or older (applicable for certain periods, cannot be used in conjunction) ■Great free services ┗Tour photos (data) as a gift ┗Sandals, hats, windbreakers, waterproof pants rental ┗Eco-friendly sunscreen (sponsored by Kao) ┗Hijagawa Nature Experience Center: Viewing the exhibition room ┗Hot water shower (shampoo, body soap) 5 rooms for men and women ┗Parking lot ■Abundant rental items and comfortable facilities ┗Free rental items for both adults and children ┗A wide variety of colors for life jackets, sandals, windbreakers, hats, etc. ┗A new facility opened in April 2022 is the meeting place ┗All use is free! Changing rooms and hot water shower rooms available! ┗Fully prepared: coin lockers, hair dryer, shampoo, body soap ■Mangrove SUP ┗Beginners are safe! Start with paddling practice. ┗We will give you a thorough lecture on how to hold the paddle, how to row, how to turn, etc. ┗We will also teach you how to ride the SUP and what to be careful of. ┗You can rest assured because a guide who is a certified water rescuer will lead the tour! ■Plan flow 1. Meeting and reception 2. Watch the exhibition room and theater and receive an explanation of the Hisa River 3. Preparation (putting on a life jacket, etc.) 4. Land lesson with the guide (paddle practice) 5. Tour starts: 70 minutes (commemorative photo included) 6. End of tour 7. Digital photos taken by the guide are given to you 8. After changing clothes, disband so that you do not forget anything ■Belongings: change of clothes, towel ■We protect Okinawa's nature through environmental conservation activities. ┗Okinawa Prefecture Governor Certified Conservation Use Agreement Store┗Okinawa SDGs Partner└OKINAWA SDGs Project Participating Store┗Montbell Friend Shop┗Japan Recreational Canoe Association (JRCA) Certified Store

Mangrove, a plant that represents the subtropics

The Hija River has mangroves and other natural features unique to Okinawa. We will guide you about such a natural environment while rowing on the water. Please try to find the wonders of living things and plants yourself!

Abundant rental items and comfortable facilities!

We provide free rental items such as windbreakers, waterproof pants, and sandals. As long as you have clothes that are comfortable to move in and that you don't mind getting wet, you don't need to prepare anything special! You can make reservations after you arrive in Okinawa, or even on the day. In addition, a changing facility just opened in April 2022. There are convenient facilities such as indoor hot showers, so you can leave immediately even if you have another plan!

Group discount for 4 or more people★!

For a limited time, we offer special discounts for groups of 4 or more! Make some memories with your family and friends! Enjoy a fun water ride together! Call out to each other as you paddle! <Discount period> May 8, 2024 - July 12, 2024 September 1, 2024 - November 30, 2024

About fees

Basic fee

※The list price includes tax.
※The above price is a basic fee.
※Fees may vary depending on schedule, please check the fee displayed after selecting the date.

Payment methods
  • Online payment
  • on-site payment
Display of the Specified Commercial Transactions Act Display of the Specified Commercial Transactions Act
Reservation cancellation fee generation date Cancellation fee will be charged from 1 days before the event date.
About cancellation The day before: 50% On the day: 100% If you need to cancel or change your reservation, please contact us as soon as possible.
About event termination If it is judged that the safety will be impaired due to sudden bad weather etc., it will be canceled.

Detailed information of this plan

Required minimum number of participants 4 Person(s)
Possible number of bookings 4~40
About duration
1~2 hours / 2~3 hours
Duration: about 2 hours
Operating period All year round
Assembly time The meeting time is 30 minutes before the start time. (Reception starts 20 minutes before the start time) After gathering, we will change clothes, pay, select tools, etc.
Booking deadline until 13:59 on the day

Changing room Toilet
Shower Parking

Dress code - Must bring items < Dress >
Please participate in clothes that are okay even if you get wet.

< Belongings >
・ Change of clothes
・ Drinks, towels, sunscreen, Hat, sandals
About rental items ・ Required equipment fee is included in the price.
· Wet suit free rental

Matters require attention · Please consult about the participation of children under 3 years old.
· We also offer free lending of wet suit etc, but it is smooth as you can come with clothes that can ride on SUP as it is.
Other notifications ・全てのツアーは雨天決行です。




※突然の悪天候などで安全性が損なわれると判断した場合は中止とさせていただきます。 その場合、ツアー開始の1時間前までに電話にて連絡させていただきます。

Plan attractions

プランの魅力 Great plan for 4 or more people の画像

Great plan for 4 or more people It is a big discount of 4,980 yen for adults and 3,980 yen for junior high school students and younger for 4 or more people.

プランの魅力 This is a tour for first-time users. の画像

This is a tour for first-time users. It is the best tour to challenge the rising popularity of SUP for the first time. Because it is a river, you can challenge with confidence without being affected by the waves.

プランの魅力 With the kayak team の画像

With the kayak team It is a nice plan that discounts are applied even if you divide into kayak and SUP within the group.

プランの魅力 寒さ対策ばっちり! の画像

寒さ対策ばっちり! 防寒着はお子様用~大人用まで豊富にご用意!

プランの魅力 展示物に触れ合おう! の画像

展示物に触れ合おう! お子様にも大人気!比謝川の自然や歴史を知ることのできる展示室の見学が無料★ 

プランの魅力 シャワー室無料 の画像

シャワー室無料 嬉しい温水シャワー・ドライヤー完備!次の出発地にそのまま行くことができます。

プランの魅力 ロッカー完備 の画像

ロッカー完備 水上に持ってかない荷物はコインロッカーが利用できます(100円返却式)鍵は陸上のスタッフが預かるので落とす心配がなく安心♪ 

プランの魅力 集合場所はこちら! の画像

集合場所はこちら! 使用施設は比謝川自然体験センターです!駐車場は無料!スタッフが誘導します。

プランの魅力 天気が悪くても楽しめるツアー! の画像

天気が悪くても楽しめるツアー! フィールドとなっている「比謝川」は沖縄本島の最大の流域面積を誇り、川幅は広く、流れはとても穏やかです。また、海の波の影響を受けにくい地形のため、 波浪(高波)による催行中止がなく、干潮の影響も受けないため高い催行率でカヤック参加が可能です。

プランの魅力 当日予約OK!急な予約変更でも参加できます♪ の画像

当日予約OK!急な予約変更でも参加できます♪ 旅の途中での急な空き時間でもご予約可能!無料レンタルグッズも充実しているので、お着替えとタオルがあれば、手ぶらで参加できちゃう手軽さです。

プランの魅力 初めての方対象のツアーです。 の画像

初めての方対象のツアーです。 人気上昇のSUPに 初めてチャレンジするのに最適なツアーです。 川なので波の影響がなく安心してチャレンジできます。

プランの魅力 仲間と一緒に楽しめます♪ の画像

仲間と一緒に楽しめます♪ 大人数のグループでもOK! 流れが穏やか川ですので、SUP初心者にもお勧めです。 水のかけあい、落としあいも楽しい沖縄旅行の思い出になりますよ!

プランの魅力 ゆっくりと自然観察 の画像

ゆっくりと自然観察 比謝川に生きる植物や生き物たちを間近で観察することができます

Time schedule


集合は比謝川自然体験センターへ! 集合時間になりましたら、比謝川自然体験センターへお越しください。


レンタル品も充実 ライフジャケットはもちろん、サンダルや帽子、カッパ等のレンタル品はすべて無料でご用意しています。


初めてでも安心 担当ガイドが漕ぎ方をレクチャーしますので、初めてでも安心です。


いよいよ出発! 比謝川自然体験センターのすぐ目の前から出発!歩く距離が短いので、お子さまやご年配の方も安心です。


楽しみましょう! 出発したらツアーを楽しむだけ!ガイドが比謝川の自然や歴史、マングローブについてのお話しやクイズをしながら進んでいきます。


ツアー後はさっぱり! 更衣室・シャワー室完備なので、ツアー後は汗や汚れを流してさっぱりできます!この後に予定が入っていても安心ですね。


写真はその場でお渡し! ツアー中ガイドが撮影した写真は、ツアー後その場でお渡しします。旅の思い出をすぐに振り返ることができますね。

Access - Map

566-11 Mizugama, Kadena-cho, Nakagami-gun, Okinawa
Assembly point

Meet at 566-5 Mizugama, Kadena Town "Kadena Town Hijagawa Nature Experience Center"

If you arrive by car

About 5 minutes from the Mizugama intersection on Route 58. Near Kadena fishing port. When using the Okinawa Expressway Nearest IC Okinawa South

If you arrive by other means of transportation

Please let us know if you would like to be picked up and dropped off at the Mizugama bus stop. Please note that we are unable to provide pick-up and drop-off services for buses that depart at 9:00 a.m. Also, we will not be providing pick-up and drop-off services during the following periods in 2024. Thank you for your understanding. July 13th - July 15th, August 10th - August 12th, August 16th - August 18th, September 14th - September 16th, September 21st - September 23rd, October 11th - October 13th, November 2nd - November 4th, December 27th - January 5th, 2025

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Selling points regarding safety

■We protect the nature of Okinawa through environmental conservation activities. ┗Okinawa Prefectural Governor Certified Conservation Use Agreement Store┗Okinawa SDGs Partner└OKINAWA SDGs Project Participating Store┗Montbell Friend Shop┗Japan Recreational Canoe Association (JRCA) Certified Store

License and Qualifications Okinawa Marine Leisure Safety Bureau General Incorporated Foundation Water Rescue Officer, Japanese Red Cross Society First Aid Basic Course Participant
Member organizations and associations Okinawa Prefecture Public Safety Commission certified business establishment with excellent safety measures, Okinawa Prefecture Governor certified Hijagawa District Conservation and Utilization Agreement Contractor ・Okinawa Prefecture Water Rescue Person Certification Training Provider
Number of staff 9
Number of instructors 7

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Yomitan Village (Cape Zanpa)/Kadena City/Chatan Town
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