RELAX diving service (リラックス・ダイビング・サービス) のギャラリー
RELAX diving service (リラックス・ダイビング・サービス) のギャラリー
RELAX diving service (リラックス・ダイビング・サービス) のギャラリー
RELAX diving service (リラックス・ダイビング・サービス) のギャラリー

RELAX diving service (リラックス・ダイビング・サービス)

RELAX diving service (リラックス・ダイビング・サービス) features

In the relaxed diving services, divers camera faction many, underwater photography leave it!

We offer the best space to relax relax relax in the courtyard and terrace, relaxing in the eye before the beach shallow for so snorkeling at the time of break.

So you can participate willingly, even one person, please contact us.

RELAX diving service (リラックス・ダイビング・サービス) handling plan list

RELAX diving service (リラックス・ダイビング・サービス) comments・reviews

RELAX diving service (リラックス・ダイビング・サービス) staff introduction

  • Satoshi Maeda Assigned events/Years of experience, etc.:Sake nap underwater photo

    RELAX responsible person. Hyogo I am from Takarazuka City.
    Three fathers who are detailed about the ecology of the camera and marine life.

  • Junko Tsujimoto Assigned events/Years of experience, etc.:T-shirt Kinshi Egg Sweets Ship bottom cleaning

    Agile staff. (Only self-named)
    Kyoto From the city. PADI intra.
    president of donco hall

RELAX diving service (リラックス・ダイビング・サービス) - operating hours

2411 Ankyaba, Tatsugo-cho, Oshima-gun, Kagoshima Prefecture
Operating hours 8:00 to 21:00
Regular holidays No special requirements.

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