
遊beach大三島(アソビーチオオミシマ) features

Enjoy the ocean at Omishima, a divine island floating in the Seto Inland Sea! We have created plans that even beginners to marine sports can enjoy safely and securely. It can be used by families or individuals. We also accept rearrangements and changes to the plan depending on your circumstances!

遊beach大三島(アソビーチオオミシマ) handling plan list

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Information on 遊beach大三島(アソビーチオオミシマ)

Authorization issued by Sea surface use permit
Insurance information Marine Techno 50 million
License and Qualifications Class 1 small boat license, small special license, B&G instructor
Member organizations and associations B&G Foundation
Number of staff 3persons
Number of instructors 9persons
Selling points regarding safety All activities are accompanied by experienced instructors and use safety equipment. Wearing a life jacket is mandatory, so please feel free to participate.

遊beach大三島(アソビーチオオミシマ) - operating hours

5630 Miyanoura, Omishima-cho, Imabari City, Ehime Prefecture
Operating hours 10:30-20:30
Regular holidays Wednesday

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