有限会社シーガル(paprika) のギャラリー
有限会社シーガル(paprika) のギャラリー


有限会社シーガル(paprika) features

Sailing is a wonderful activity that allows you to feel in harmony with nature. Through dialogue with the wind and waves, you can feel the power of nature and experience the beauty of nature.

有限会社シーガル(paprika) handling plan list

有限会社シーガル(paprika) comments・reviews

Guest user最高のセーリングでした⛵️

本日は人生初めて、夫婦でセーリングを体験しました⛵️ 丁寧なレクチャーであっという間の2時間でした

Participating date: April 2024
Feedback from Activity Provider


  • Family

有限会社シーガル(paprika) recommended points

Sailing is a symbol of freedom and adventure

Sailing a boat is a unique experience that allows you to escape from your everyday routine and gives you the joy of discovering a new world.

Peace of mind and relaxation

Sailing is one of the best ways to relieve stress and regain peace of mind. Listening to the sound of the wind and waves, floating on the calm sea provides a relaxing space away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.


Sailing is also a great opportunity to develop teamwork with your friends. Crew members work together to support each other and keep the ship safe.

有限会社シーガル(paprika) staff introduction


Information on 有限会社シーガル(paprika)

Insurance information Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Insurance for personal injury to property and damage to passengers (100 million yen per accident, 10 million yen per person)
License and Qualifications Small boat class 1 (specified)
Member organizations and associations Japan Sailing Federation
Number of staff 1persons
Number of instructors 1persons
Selling points regarding safety The most important thing to keep in mind when participating in ocean activities is to understand the weather and sea conditions in advance. It is important to obtain detailed information from multiple weather forecast sources, and sometimes events may have to be canceled just before or during the event due to weather and sea conditions that are different from the forecast.

有限会社シーガル(paprika) - operating hours

4-17-4-602 Shimorenjaku, Mitaka City, Tokyo
Operating hours 9: 00-17: 00
Regular holidays Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays
Remarks Emergency contact: 090-3435-1126 Otsubo

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