やんばる学びの森 のギャラリー
やんばる学びの森 のギャラリー
やんばる学びの森 のギャラリー
やんばる学びの森 のギャラリー
やんばる学びの森 のギャラリー
やんばる学びの森 のギャラリー
やんばる学びの森 のギャラリー


やんばる学びの森 features

In the "Yanbare Learning Forest" located in Kunigami Village in the northern part of Okinawa Main Island, we offer programs such as canoe tours, guide walks and environmental learning.

The facility has two zones, "Zone of Learning (Discovery Zone)" and "Zone of Play (Active Zone)", with a wide range of facilities from accommodation facilities, restaurants, nature trails, auto camp sites and Athletic Square It is. From individuals to groups, you can use as a place for nature experience and outdoor activities.

やんばる学びの森 handling plan list

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やんばる学びの森 - operating hours

1301-7 Aha, Kunigami-mura, Kunigami-gun, Okinawa
Operating hours 9:00 to 17:30
Regular holidays None (Temporary closed closed)

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