Yakushima・Jomon cedarトレッキングツアーの服装やおすすめのseasonは?初心者人気ランキング・口コミを紹介!

On this page, we will introduce the world natural heritage sites and Yakushima Jomon Cedar Trekking Tour Special feature!
人気ランキングやおすすめプランを中心に、服装やレンタルできるもの、所要時間やおすすめのseasonなど A thorough introduction to useful information for beginner mountain climbers To do.
Check out word-of-mouth reviews, prices, course content tailored to your physical fitness, etc. お好みのガイド付きYakushima・Jomon cedarトレッキングツアー を見つけましょう..
table of contents
- 1 Yakushimaとは?
- 2 How to get to Yakushima
- 3 Yakushimaの気温と天候
- 4 Difference between Jomon cedar and Yaku cedar
- 5 Yakushima・Jomon cedarトレッキングツアーおすすめプラン
- 6 Yakushima・Jomon cedarトレッキングツアーのベストシーズン
- 7 Yakushima・Jomon cedarトレッキングツアーに適した服装・持ち物
- 8 Yakushima・Jomon Cedar Trekking Tour Popularity Ranking
- 9 Frequently Asked Questions about Yakushima Trekking
- 10 Feature articles recommended by the editorial department
Japan's first world natural heritage site
Kagoshima県南方沖に浮かぶ大隅諸島に属する、面積おおよそ504.9平方キロメートル、人口12,000人ほどの離島" Yakushima ".
In 1993 (Heisei 5), along with the Shirakami Mountains in Aomori and Akita, The first spot in Japan to be registered as a UNESCO World Natural Heritage Site is.
The reason for being registered as a World Natural Heritage Site is It has a unique and beautiful natural environment that is unique in the world and is home to endangered endemic flora and fauna. ことから..
again,標高500メートル以上の山地に自生し、 A giant tree called Yakusugi, estimated to be over 1,000 years old, grows wild. することが挙げられます..
Aim for spots with rare natural scenery such as Yakusugi (Jomon Cedar) Trekking tours are popular as a synonym for tourism. を集めます..
[Yakushima / Equipment rental free] Shiratani Unsuikyo-Taikoiwa Tour
- 4.9
- (31 reviews/testimonials)
This is a tour of Shiratani Unsuikyo, which is famous for its mossy forest, and Taikoiwa, which overlooks the Okudake of Yakushima. There is no doubt that you will be immersed in the artistic space created by the nature of Yakushima while spending time listening to the sounds of the murmuring swamps in the dark green forest! A tour guide who lives in Yakushima and loves the island provides solid support, and one guide can accommodate up to 6 people, so you can rest assured that it will be easy.
- 4.8
- (35 reviews/testimonials)
Yakushima人気No.1ルートJomon cedarを日帰りで巡るツアー..総距離およそ22㎞..決して楽ではありませんが、頑張れる!Yakushimaに暮らし、島を愛すツアーガイドがしっかりサポート!ガイド1人で最大6名対応だから安心して楽しめる♪推定樹齢7,200年ともいわれるJomon cedarを見に行こう!ツアーの流れ:4:00~5:00 お
【Kagoshima・Yakushima】Yakushimaの自然の歴史を感じられる"Jomon cedarトレッキングコース」(日帰り)
- 5.0
- (2 reviews / experiences)
樹齢7200年ともいわれるJomon cedarへの日帰り往復コース..途中には屋久杉伐採の拠点となった小杉谷集落跡や大王杉・ウィルソン株など、巨木の森を歩くコースis.~当日の流れ~4:00 ~ 4:30 頃 お迎え 5:00 屋久杉自然館駐車場よりシャトルバスで荒川登山口へ 6:00 登山口で朝食と準備運動などを
How to get to Yakushima
Yakushima To, Kagoshima本土から飛行機もしくは高速船やフェリー を利用してアクセスTo do.
again, 大阪(伊丹空港)や福岡からは、Yakushima空港行きの飛行機(直行便)が就航 しています..
here, Kagoshima本土からYakushimaまでの主な3パターンのアクセス方法 をチェックしておきましょう..
For airplanes
Kagoshima空港→Yakushima空港 Time required: Approximately 35 minutes
For high-speed ships
Kagoshima本港南埠頭(高速船ターミナル)→Yakushima(宮之浦港・安房港) Time required: Approximately 1 hour 50 minutes to 2 hours 45 minutes
For ferries (large passenger ships)
Kagoshima本港南埠頭(高速船ターミナル)→Yakushima(安房港) Time required: Approximately 4 hours
The quickest way to get there is by plane ですが、就航するプロペラ機は座席数が少なくすぐに満席になってしまうという懸念点がI have.
The next shortest travel time is "high-speed boat" で、1日の運行本数が多く到着地を宮之浦港と安房港の2カ所から選ぶことができることがメリットis.
The ferry that takes the most time is the ferry (large passenger ship). ですが、船内が充実しているのでゆったりと旅気分を味わいたい方にはおすすめの方法is.
Yakushima Although it is an area with a warm tropical climate, There is a large temperature difference between high altitude mountain areas and flatlands. Is a feature.
Therefore, is it for marine sports, trekking (mountain climbing), etc. It is necessary to prepare clothes according to the purpose It will be.
again, "Monthのうち三十五日は雨」と言われるほど雨の日が多い地域 であり、夏場(JuneからSeptember)は台風シーズンでもあるため、目的に関わらず雨具・レインウェアの準備は必須It will be.
Below, we will look at areas with urban areas and beaches. 平地と最高峰となる宮之浦岳の平均的な最高気温・最低気温をseasonごとにまとめ その気温差を見ていきます..
Annual average temperature in Yakushima city area
Month | Average maximum temperature | Average minimum temperature |
January | 14.4 ℃ | 8.7 ℃ |
February | 15.2 ℃ | 9.1 ℃ |
March | 17.5 ℃ | 11.1 ℃ |
April | 21.1 ℃ | 14.2 ℃ |
May | 24.3 ℃ | 17.3 ℃ |
June | 26.8 ℃ | 20.7 ℃ |
July | 30.4 ℃ | 23.7 ℃ |
August | 30.6 ℃ | 24.2 ℃ |
September | 28.7 ℃ | 22.6 ℃ |
October | 24.9 ℃ | 19.0 ℃ |
November | 20.9 ℃ | 14.9 ℃ |
December | 16.6 ℃ | 10.6 ℃ |
Annual average temperature of Mt. Miyanoura (elevation 1936m)
Month | Average maximum temperature | Average minimum temperature |
January | 2.4 ℃ | -4.7 ℃ |
February | 3.2 ℃ | -3.1 ℃ |
March | 5.5 ℃ | -1.1 ℃ |
April | 9.1 ℃ | 2.2 ℃ |
May | 12.3 ℃ | 5.3 ℃ |
June | 14.8 ℃ | 8.7 ℃ |
July | 18.4 ℃ | 11.7 ℃ |
August | 18.6 ℃ | 12.2 ℃ |
September | 16.7 ℃ | 10.6 ℃ |
October | 12.9 ℃ | 7.7 ℃ |
November | 8.9 ℃ | 2.9 ℃ |
December | 4.6 ℃ | -2.6 ℃ |
Difference between Jomon cedar and Yaku cedar
1966年(昭和41年)にYakushima山中の標高1,300メートル地点付近で発見された" Jomon cedar ".
confirmed to date The largest Yakusugi 、その樹高は25.3メートル、胸高周囲は16.4メートルを誇ります..
From here, Estimated age and origin of the name, as well as the difference between Yakusugi and Jomoncedar, etc. の基本的な情報をチェックしていきます..
Age of Jomon Cedar
According to the Yakusugi Nature Museum official website, Jomoncedar Estimated age is approximately 2,000 to 7,200 years ととても大きな幅がI have.
The reason is that The tree was 7,200 years old when it was first discovered. Although it was thought to be small, it was collected from the inside of the tree. Scientific measurements estimate the tree's age to be 2,170 years old. との診断結果が出たことが挙げられます..
Even among experts The mysterious aspect that the age of the tree cannot be determined もJomon cedarの魅力の一つになっているのかもしれません..
By the way, an observation platform is currently set up to protect the Jomon cedar. Direct touching or getting too close is no longer possible. ..
Why it is called Jomon Cedar
There are various theories as to why it was called "Jomon Cedar", but at the time it was discovered in 1966 (Showa 41), "推定樹齢4,000年..発見された大屋久杉..」と新聞の見出しが出された ことに由来To do.
Continuing with the newspaper article "この一粒の種が芽をだした頃、縄文時代であった..」と記された ことにより"Jomon cedar」と呼ばれるようになったことが有力とIt has been.
By the way, When it was first discovered, it was called "Oiwa Cedar" after the name of the discoverer. と名付けられていたそうis.
Difference between Jomon cedar and Yaku cedar
Yakushima Among the cedar trees in Yakusugi refers to cedar trees that are over 1,000 years old. と呼びます..(樹齢1,000年未満の杉は"小杉」とよばれます)
on the other hand What is “Jomon Cedar”? 、その"屋久杉」の中でも、Yakushimaのほぼ中央にRank置する Refers to a single cedar tree 呼称is.
In other words, "Jomon cedar" is one of the many "Yaku cedar" であり、固有名詞ということになります..
By the way, ``Yakusugi'' also has other varieties such as ``Daiosugi'', ``Meotosugi'', and ``Wilson stock''. Several trees are estimated to be over 2,000 to 3,000 years old I have.
Yakushima・Jomon cedarトレッキングツアーおすすめプラン
A world heritage island that has been featured in many media as a travel and sightseeing spot that you want to visit at least once in your life. Yakushima "and" Jomon cedar (Yaku cedar) ".
" YakushimaでJomon cedarトレッキングツアーに参加したいけどどれがいい? 」などプラン選びに迷われている方も多いと思います..
From here, we will focus on plans with high reviews. Yakushima・Jomon cedarトレッキングツアーおすすめプランを厳選してご紹介 していきます..
- 4.8
- (35 reviews/testimonials)
Yakushima人気No.1ルートJomon cedarを日帰りで巡るツアー..総距離およそ22㎞..決して楽ではありませんが、頑張れる!Yakushimaに暮らし、島を愛すツアーガイドがしっかりサポート!ガイド1人で最大6名対応だから安心して楽しめる♪推定樹齢7,200年ともいわれるJomon cedarを見に行こう!ツアーの流れ:4:00~5:00 お
- 5.0
- (3 reviews / experiences)
The most popular Jomon cedar mountain climbing on Yakushima! The encounter with Jomon cedar and the sense of accomplishment that you have walked a long way will be the best memories you will never forget! Along the way, you can enjoy talking about the nature of the guide and the history of Yakushima so that you can feel the 22km journey short. Also, since it is a completely chartered tour, take pictures slowly with a single-lens reflex camera.
- 5.0
- (2 reviews / experiences)
It is a general day tour that goes from Arakawa mountain trail to Jomon cedar to Arakawa mountain trail. You can interact with beautiful mountain streams, mysterious forests, and the nature of Yakushima.
【Kagoshima・Yakushima】初めての方も安心!Yakushimaと言ったらJomon cedar!Jomon cedarトレッキングツアー(日帰りコース)先着6名様まで
- 5.0
- (2 reviews / experiences)
Jomon cedar, which is said to be 7200 years old, walks slowly for about 10 hours, but if you climb the mountain toward Jomon cedar while enjoying the natural atmosphere of Yakushima, you may forget that you are tired. It depends on your physical strength, but it is an 8 to 10 hour course. There is a guide, so you can talk about the pace of walking and Yakushima.
【Kagoshima・Yakushima】Yakushimaの自然の歴史を感じられる"Jomon cedarトレッキングコース」(日帰り)
- 5.0
- (2 reviews / experiences)
樹齢7200年ともいわれるJomon cedarへの日帰り往復コース..途中には屋久杉伐採の拠点となった小杉谷集落跡や大王杉・ウィルソン株など、巨木の森を歩くコースis.~当日の流れ~4:00 ~ 4:30 頃 お迎え 5:00 屋久杉自然館駐車場よりシャトルバスで荒川登山口へ 6:00 登山口で朝食と準備運動などを
Yakushima・Jomon cedarトレッキングツアーのベストシーズン
" Yakushima When is the best time to see Jomon cedars? 」などシーズンに関する疑問は多く寄せられる問い合わせ項目の一つ..
まず大前提として、Yakushima・Jomon cedarトレッキングツアーは、 春夏秋冬のseasonを問わず一年中開催 It has been.
ゴールデンウィークを含むApril・Mayや、夏休み・シルバーウィークを含むJuly・August・Septemberは多くの観光客が集中する人気トップシーズン is.
again, Jomon cedarトレッキングを目的とする場合は、ゴールデンウィーク以降から梅雨時期までの期間とOctober・Novemberがベストシーズン と言われています..
Compared to midsummer, the temperature is more comfortable and typhoons are less likely to approach. Yakushima・Jomon cedarトレッキングを楽しむのに最も適したseason is.
Below, Yakushimaトレッキングにおけるseasonごとのfeature を簡単にまとめています..
season | feature |
Spring (March / April / May / June) | 白谷雲水峡・太鼓岩など標高の低いコースがおすすめの時期is. |
Summer (July / August / September) | Yakushimaトレッキング人気シーズンですが、暑さに注意も必要is. |
Autumn (October / November) | 観光客のピークも過ぎ涼しく快適にトレッキングを楽しめるシーズンis. |
Winter (December / January / February) | 標高の高いコースでは積雪もあるため雪山登山経験者向けのシーズンis. |
From the above data, roughly 春・夏・秋のseasonが初心者に適したシーズン と言えます..
登山経験が豊富で体力に自信のある方は冬場のYakushima・Jomon cedarトレッキングツアーに参加するのもおすすめ 楽しみ方is.
Recommended feature articles
Yakushima・Jomon cedarトレッキングツアーに適した服装・持ち物
As mentioned above, there is a large difference in elevation between flatlands and mountainous areas. Yakushima There are large temperature differences depending on the location. Is a feature.
The temperature at an altitude of 1,300 meters, where Jomon Cedar is located, is approximately 7 to 8 degrees Celsius lower than the temperature in the plains. と言われています..
again,Yakushimaは" 1カMonthで35日雨が降る 」と揶揄されるほど降水量・降水日が多いfeatureを持ちます..
Yakushima・Jomon cedarトレッキングツアーには、それら It is important to wear clothes that take into account the temperature difference and weather and prepare appropriate items. なポイントIt will be.
Below,Yakushima・Jomon cedarトレッキングツアーの Examples of equipment/belongings and appropriate clothing をseasonごとにまとめています..
Yakushima・Jomon cedarトレッキングツアーの基本装備
rucksack | トレッキングの持ち物は、両手が空くrucksack(バックパック)で持ち運ぶことが基本is. |
trekking poles | トレッキングを楽しむ際は、アップダウンの激しい登山道の散策を助けてくれる杖が必要不可欠is. |
trekking shoes | ソールが厚く丈夫で、足首まで保護できるハイカットタイプのtrekking shoesが推奨されます.. |
trekking wear | 長袖長ズボンを基本に、脱着がしやすく通気性や速乾性の優れたtrekking wearを選びましょう.. |
Yakushima・Jomon cedarトレッキングツアーに適した服装
春(March〜June) | Basic trekking wear with long sleeves and long pants, T-shirts, tights, sweatshirts, rainwear, etc. |
夏(July〜August) | Basic trekking wear with long sleeves and pants, breathable and quick-drying T-shirts, rainwear, etc. |
秋(September〜November) | Basic trekking wear with long sleeves and long pants, intermediate wear such as fleece, gloves, rainwear, etc. |
冬(December〜February) | Basic trekking wear with long sleeves and long pants, cold weather gear such as down jackets, gloves, rainwear, etc. |
上記のリストはYakushima・Jomon cedarトレッキングを楽しむための装備・服装の一例is.
Please bring the actual items you need to participate. Yakushima・Jomon cedarトレッキングツアーごとのレンタル可能な道具やルール・指示に従って準備 しましょう..
Yakushima・Jomon Cedar Trekking Tour Popularity Ranking
The following is based on Activity Japan's latest reservation data. Yakushima ・Jomon Cedar Trekking Tour Popularity Ranking I will introduce.
[Yakushima / Equipment rental free] Shiratani Unsuikyo-Taikoiwa Tour
- 4.9
- (31 reviews/testimonials)
This is a tour of Shiratani Unsuikyo, which is famous for its mossy forest, and Taikoiwa, which overlooks the Okudake of Yakushima. There is no doubt that you will be immersed in the artistic space created by the nature of Yakushima while spending time listening to the sounds of the murmuring swamps in the dark green forest! A tour guide who lives in Yakushima and loves the island provides solid support, and one guide can accommodate up to 6 people, so you can rest assured that it will be easy.
- 4.8
- (35 reviews/testimonials)
Yakushima人気No.1ルートJomon cedarを日帰りで巡るツアー..総距離およそ22㎞..決して楽ではありませんが、頑張れる!Yakushimaに暮らし、島を愛すツアーガイドがしっかりサポート!ガイド1人で最大6名対応だから安心して楽しめる♪推定樹齢7,200年ともいわれるJomon cedarを見に行こう!ツアーの流れ:4:00~5:00 お
【Kagoshima・Yakushima】Yakushimaの自然の歴史を感じられる"Jomon cedarトレッキングコース」(日帰り)
- 5.0
- (2 reviews / experiences)
樹齢7200年ともいわれるJomon cedarへの日帰り往復コース..途中には屋久杉伐採の拠点となった小杉谷集落跡や大王杉・ウィルソン株など、巨木の森を歩くコースis.~当日の流れ~4:00 ~ 4:30 頃 お迎え 5:00 屋久杉自然館駐車場よりシャトルバスで荒川登山口へ 6:00 登山口で朝食と準備運動などを
- 5.0
- (5 reviews / experiences)
Take the Shiratani Unsuikyo course for about 7 hours and enjoy nature leisurely. Let's go through the forest of Monoke and aim for the final destination, Taikoiwa. A day will pass in no time!
Walk slowly and leisurely through the mysterious mossy forest. Not only the moss forest, which is said to have become a model for a certain movie, but also the spectacular view from the drum rock that arrives at the end is so impressive that I can't even say it! It is also possible to arrange the course according to your needs and physical strength! We also accept consultations on departure times. It is possible to start early in the morning on the day of arrival at Yakushima or the day of departure from Yakushima, so feel free to contact us.
- 5.0
- (3 reviews / experiences)
The most popular Jomon cedar mountain climbing on Yakushima! The encounter with Jomon cedar and the sense of accomplishment that you have walked a long way will be the best memories you will never forget! Along the way, you can enjoy talking about the nature of the guide and the history of Yakushima so that you can feel the 22km journey short. Also, since it is a completely chartered tour, take pictures slowly with a single-lens reflex camera.
[Kagoshima / Yakushima] Observe the western laurel forest in person ・ 1-day trekking course
Although it has lost a little with its retro name, it is actually the highest forest eco-tour course in Japan. You can see the ecology of Yakusugi and the logging sites of the Satsuma domain like an open-air museum.
Frequently Asked Questions about Yakushima Trekking
Q Please tell me the features of the Yakushima trekking course!
A There are several courses and routes on the Yakushima mountain trail, depending on the level of the climber. The "Yakusugi Land Course" is a course for beginners, but it has many attractions such as Millennium Sugi and Elder Beard. For those who are intermediate or above, we recommend the "Shiratani Unsuikyo Course" and "Jomon Sugi Course". There are many sightseeing spots like Yakushima such as Jomon cedar and Wilson's Stump.
Q What is the recommended season for trekking on Yakushima?
A Warm Yakushima allows you to enjoy trekking in all seasons regardless of the season. The most popular is the summer season. Many climbers visit because it is a tourist season. Spring and autumn have good weather, so you can enjoy trekking comfortably. Yakushima in winter is a season for those who have a lot of experience in mountaineering, as snow can be seen.
Q What clothes and belongings do you have when you experience trekking on Yakushima?
A Yakushima trekking that requires solid equipment. There are some differences depending on the tour you experience, but be sure to check in advance what shoes and clothes you should prepare. Even for beginner courses, specialized equipment such as rainwear and headlamps is required. If you're having trouble getting ready, sign up for a tour that allows you to rent them.
Q Can I participate in Yakushima trekking with my children?
A Even children can participate. There is also a day trip course for beginners who can participate from 6 years old. Similarly, some tours are open to seniors if they are healthy, but age and conditions must be confirmed at the time of booking. It is not uncommon for children and seniors to change their physical condition suddenly due to the effects of altitude and temperature. Do not overdo it and follow the guide's instructions.