Okinawawhale watchingの時期とおすすめの場所を徹底紹介!

Okinawawhale watchingの時期とおすすめの場所を徹底紹介!

On this page, Okinawaのwhale watching Special feature on whale watching!

Including the time, season and recommended places, 人気ランキングやおすすめツアーの口コミSuch予約に役立つ情報 を徹底紹介します.

In addition, 適した服装・持ち物や船酔い対策、Nahaや北谷Such大型船の発着地Such の情報をまとめてチェックしていきましょう.

Okinawa whale watching tour popularity ranking

まずはじめに、アクティビティジャパン最新予約データに基づく" Okinawawhale watching Tour popularity ranking ” will be introduced.

Nahaや北谷SuchOkinawa本島各所からクジラと会えるスポットへと出港 するおすすめプランの数々が上rankにランクインdoing.

Tour contents and fees (prices), Check out the reviews and testimonials プラン選びの比較検討にお役立てください.

We expect a large number of reservations and inquiries for each plan during weekends, holidays, and long vacation seasons such as Golden Week, Summer Vacation, and Silver Week. We recommend checking schedule availability and making early reservations.
1 rank

Naha発・全額返金保証付きwhale watching★2024年ホエールツアー口コミ第1rank★完全禁煙船★写真・送迎・レインコート無料★0~5歳無料★

Marine Club Berry Naha store
6,000 Circle 5,500 Yen~ (tax included)
Discount campaign in progress!
  • 4.6
  • (19 reviews/testimonials)


2 rank

【Okinawa・北谷発・半日】~whale watchingツアー~1日2便運行★20,000名の乗船実績!

Cerulean Blue (Cerulean Blue OKINAWA)
Cape Zanpa/Yomitan/Chatan
6,000 Yen~ (tax included)

\おすすめポイント/★例年約20,000名の送客実績★whale watchingツアー歴17年!県内最大のオプショナルツアー会社が運行★ベテラン船長がご案内世界最大級の哺乳類に出会えるチャンス!北谷(ちゃたん)アメリカンビレッジ近くから出発♪北谷、恩納村や読谷SuchOkinawa本島中部に宿泊のお客様におすすめ♪--

3 rank

Okinawa Whale Watching from Chatan Town [Central main island | Near Onna Village]

JAM Marine Club
Cape Zanpa/Yomitan/Chatan
6,000 Yen~ (tax included)

Okinawa Whale Watching from Chatan Town [Central Main Island | Near Onna Village] Limited to winter! Whale watching! Whales return to Okinawa's sea only during the winter. The whales that are raising their young will show you a dynamic performance together with their parents! I can meet you now! ! Seeing it up close is amazing! ! <Event time> ▽Meeting/▽Departure|▽Return to port 8:

4 rank

【Naha発・半日・AM便】whale watchingツアー♪20,000名の乗船実績!Naha市内送迎あり★

Cerulean Blue (Cerulean Blue OKINAWA)
5,500 Yen~ (tax included)
  • 3.9
  • (4 reviews and testimonials)

↓For those who want to book the PM tour, click here! ↓\Weekday discount is a good deal/¥500 discount from the regular price! Adults ¥6,000→¥5,500 Children ¥5,000→¥4,500\Recommended points/★About 20,000 people are sent to Whale Watch every year★

5 rank

[Whale watching from Naha]★Full money back guarantee★Okinawa's highest standard seasickness prevention plan! Ship with anti-sickness medication and resistant to shaking★Special discount/parasailing set available★

Sea World
6,500 Circle 5,500 Yen~ (tax included)
Discount campaign in progress!
  • 4.5
  • (3 reviews/testimonials)


6 rank

【北部発・whale watching】★遭遇率99%★Okinawa最高水準の船酔い対策プラン!酔止め薬付き&揺れに強い船★特割・parasailingセットあり★

Sea World
6,500 Circle 5,800 Yen~ (tax included)
Discount campaign in progress!


7 rank

【Okinawa・慶良間・午後便13:30〜】みんながカメラマンになれる"whale watching”望遠レンズ貸出あり(半日ツアー)

Kerama Islands (Tokashiki Island, Zamami Island, Nagannu Island)
6,000 Yen~ (tax included)

ケラマ海域のwinterの風物詩でもあるwhale watching.毎年、多くのザトウクジラが遥か彼方の北極圏から、暖かいOkinawaケラマの海で繁殖・出産・子育てをするために、数千キロの旅をしてきます.Nahaから出港して、最短で10分程度でザトウクジラを発見、whale watching出来ることもしばしば、海が荒れてない限り、ほ

8 rank

【美ら海水族館近く!北部発】whale watching&美ら海水族館チケット付き●再チャレンジOK♪●2024年遭遇率98%達成‼

Sesoko Beach Marine Club
8,000 Yen~ (tax included)
  • 5.0
  • (1 review and testimonial)

毎年winterになると、繁殖のためOkinawaにザトウクジラが帰ってきます.Okinawaのwhale watchingといえば、慶良間諸島が有名ですが、本部近海でも多くのクジラを見ることが出来ます♪遭遇率も98%~99%と高く、クジラのダイナミックなパフォーマンスは感動的is.また、午前便、午後便とあるので、お客様のご都合に合わせ

9 rank

【Okinawa北部・本部港発】winter季限定whale watching(半日コース)美ら海水族館近く!★Okinawa北部乗船ゲスト数NO1★北部最大級クルーザー★

Okinawa island Crew
5,800 Yen~ (tax included)

winter季限定お得プラン!毎年winterになると繁殖のためOkinawaにザトウクジラが帰ってきます.Okinawaのwhale watchingといえば慶良間諸島が有名ですが、我らがホームグラウンド本部近海でも多くのクジラを見る事が出来ます♪クジラ達のダイナミックなパフォーマンスは感動の一言!半日プランなので、いっぱい観光したい方にもぴっ

10 rank

《National Travel Support Coupon Eligible》Photo service departing from Naha! Guided tour of 3 locations per day! ・Kerama Islands snorkeling + whale watching from January to March

Joy Create Okinawa Tida
Kerama Islands (Tokashiki Island, Zamami Island, Nagannu Island)
7,000 Yen~ (tax included)
  • 3.6
  • (11 reviews and testimonials)

(Note) This is not a half-day trip to the Chibishi Islands, but a tour that travels to three diving points in one day, such as Tokashiki, Zamami, and Aka Island (islands designated as national parks). At JOY CREATE Okinawa, we will guide you to 2-3 places where there are many fish in one day, such as Zamami, Tokashiki, and Aka Island! Enjoy excitement and sensations that cannot be experienced in other sightseeing and attractions

Okinawawhale watchingのおすすめスポット

Okinawawhale watchingの時期とおすすめの場所を徹底紹介!

" Okinawaのどこでクジラが見られるの? ”とツアー開催場所やおすすめスポットについてリサーチされている方も多いと思います.

夏場はロシアやアラスカSuchに生息する ザトウクジラの群れは、winter場に繁殖のために暖かい海を求めてOkinawaの近海に I'm coming.

Okinawawhale watching The tour will be based in various locations on the main island. Whale watching spots in the Kerama Islands へと大型船(ボート)に乗って向かいます.

以下では、Okinawa本島の 南部(Naha)、中部(恩納村や北谷)、北部(本部町) のエリアごとにおすすめプランを紹介していきます.

Nahaのwhale watching

Naha発・全額返金保証付きwhale watching★2024年ホエールツアー口コミ第1rank★完全禁煙船★写真・送迎・レインコート無料★0~5歳無料★

Marine Club Berry Naha store
6,000 Circle 5,500 Yen~ (tax included)
Discount campaign in progress!
  • 4.6
  • (19 reviews/testimonials)


[Whale watching from Naha]★Full money back guarantee★Okinawa's highest standard seasickness prevention plan! Ship with anti-sickness medication and resistant to shaking★Special discount/parasailing set available★

Sea World
6,500 Circle 5,500 Yen~ (tax included)
Discount campaign in progress!
  • 4.5
  • (3 reviews/testimonials)


北谷・恩納村のwhale watching

【Okinawa・北谷発・半日】~whale watchingツアー~1日2便運行★20,000名の乗船実績!

Cerulean Blue (Cerulean Blue OKINAWA)
Cape Zanpa/Yomitan/Chatan
6,000 Yen~ (tax included)

\おすすめポイント/★例年約20,000名の送客実績★whale watchingツアー歴17年!県内最大のオプショナルツアー会社が運行★ベテラン船長がご案内世界最大級の哺乳類に出会えるチャンス!北谷(ちゃたん)アメリカンビレッジ近くから出発♪北谷、恩納村や読谷SuchOkinawa本島中部に宿泊のお客様におすすめ♪--

Okinawa Whale Watching from Chatan Town [Central main island | Near Onna Village]

JAM Marine Club
Cape Zanpa/Yomitan/Chatan
6,000 Yen~ (tax included)

Okinawa Whale Watching from Chatan Town [Central Main Island | Near Onna Village] Limited to winter! Whale watching! Whales return to Okinawa's sea only during the winter. The whales that are raising their young will show you a dynamic performance together with their parents! I can meet you now! ! Seeing it up close is amazing! ! <Event time> ▽Meeting/▽Departure|▽Return to port 8:

本島北部(本部町)のwhale watching

【美ら海水族館近く!北部発】whale watching&美ら海水族館チケット付き●再チャレンジOK♪●2024年遭遇率98%達成‼

Sesoko Beach Marine Club
8,000 Yen~ (tax included)
  • 5.0
  • (1 review and testimonial)

毎年winterになると、繁殖のためOkinawaにザトウクジラが帰ってきます.Okinawaのwhale watchingといえば、慶良間諸島が有名ですが、本部近海でも多くのクジラを見ることが出来ます♪遭遇率も98%~99%と高く、クジラのダイナミックなパフォーマンスは感動的is.また、午前便、午後便とあるので、お客様のご都合に合わせ

【北部発・whale watching】★遭遇率99%★Okinawa最高水準の船酔い対策プラン!酔止め薬付き&揺れに強い船★特割・parasailingセットあり★

Sea World
6,500 Circle 5,800 Yen~ (tax included)
Discount campaign in progress!


Okinawawhale watchingの開催時期と人気シーズン

Okinawawhale watchingの時期とおすすめの場所を徹底紹介!

" Okinawaでクジラが見られるのはいつからいつまで? ”Such、 Okinawaのwhale watching I'm sure many of you would like to know when the tour will be held.

Okinawa近海でザトウクジラの群れを見られるシーズンは、 Every year from late December to early April is.

During the tour period Every day, many large ships (boats) set sail to reach the spot where the humpback whales live. doing.

Also, even though they are wild whales, The best season is December, January, February, March and April. 中の遭遇率は90%を超える確率だと言われています.

Okinawawhale watchingに適した服装と持ち物

Okinawawhale watchingの時期とおすすめの場所を徹底紹介!

Okinawaでwhale watching The best season to enjoy it is winter (from December to April) is.

この時期は、通年に渡り高温多湿で温暖な気候なOkinawaであっても Temperatures will drop and cooler days will increase .

In addition, whale watching is an activity that can be enjoyed on a large ship (boat). It is characterized by being strongly exposed to sea breezes. ます.

Because the temperature feels lower than on the ground, Prepare an outerwear to protect against the cold We recommend that you keep it.

以下では、Okinawaのwhale watchingに参加する際に Recommended attire I am summarizing.

  • Long-sleeved shirts, sweatshirts, etc.
  • long pants
  • hat
  • sunglasses
  • Raincoat (waterproof outerwear)
  • Such

Because the sunlight is strong on the sea, Comfortable with sunglasses and a hat can enjoy to

In addition, in preparation for sudden weather changes and splashes Prepare a raincoat (waterproof outerwear) It is a good idea to keep

Required when boarding a boat The rental fee for life jackets (floating vests) is generally included in the tour price. is.

Okinawawhale watchingの料金相場

Okinawawhale watchingの時期とおすすめの場所を徹底紹介!

" Okinawaのwhale watching How much is the tour fee? ”Such、ツアー参加費用について知りたい方も多いと思います.

At Activity Japan, 最安値料金で5,000Circle(税込)から We introduce experience tours that can be reserved.

whale watching単体を楽しむツアーの 料金相場は、参加者一人あたり6,000Circle(税込)から7,000Circle(税込)程度 .

また、"snorkeling”や"parasailing”Such、 There are also great value set plans that can be enjoyed in conjunction with other Okinawa activities. We are currently providing information.

If you can't see it, there is also a full refund system!

Okinawawhale watching体験ツアーのクジラ遭遇率は90%を超えますが、ごく稀にクジラを見られないケースもあります.


Okinawawhale watchingツアー料金が安いランキング

1 rank

[Okinawa/Zamami Island] 0 years old and up! No seasickness! Whale watching from the mountain! With "Tsubocchi" who has been guiding WW since 1995 ✌

colorful wave
Kerama Islands (Tokashiki Island, Zamami Island, Nagannu Island)
5,000 Yen~ (tax included)

I really want to see whales, but... . I feel seasick! ? This tour was started for those people. It is also recommended for pregnant women, those with babies, those who are worried about their legs and feet, and those who want to observe the whales around Zamami from a bird's-eye view. If we start talking about whales, 2 nights and 3 days is not enough, but we are aiming for a fun tour of about 2 hours.

2 rank

【Naha発・半日・AM便】whale watchingツアー♪20,000名の乗船実績!Naha市内送迎あり★

Cerulean Blue (Cerulean Blue OKINAWA)
5,500 Yen~ (tax included)
  • 3.9
  • (4 reviews and testimonials)

↓For those who want to book the PM tour, click here! ↓\Weekday discount is a good deal/¥500 discount from the regular price! Adults ¥6,000→¥5,500 Children ¥5,000→¥4,500\Recommended points/★About 20,000 people are sent to Whale Watch every year★

3 rank

【Naha発・半日・PM便】whale watchingツアー♪20,000名の乗船実績!Naha市内送迎あり★

Cerulean Blue (Cerulean Blue OKINAWA)
5,500 Yen~ (tax included)

↓Click here to book the AM tour! ↓\Weekday discount is a good deal/¥500 discount from the regular price! Adults ¥6,000→¥5,500 Children ¥5,000→¥4,500\Recommended points/★We have a track record of attracting about 20,000 people every year★Whale Watch

4 rank

【Okinawa北部・本部港発】winter季限定whale watching(半日コース)美ら海水族館近く!★Okinawa北部乗船ゲスト数NO1★北部最大級クルーザー★

Okinawa island Crew
5,800 Yen~ (tax included)

winter季限定お得プラン!毎年winterになると繁殖のためOkinawaにザトウクジラが帰ってきます.Okinawaのwhale watchingといえば慶良間諸島が有名ですが、我らがホームグラウンド本部近海でも多くのクジラを見る事が出来ます♪クジラ達のダイナミックなパフォーマンスは感動の一言!半日プランなので、いっぱい観光したい方にもぴっ

5 rank

【Naha発/半日】whale watching|ピカイチ!海人船長★昨年の遭遇率100%★圧倒的な操船技術でクジラを間近で見れる可能大!

South to South
6,500 Circle 6,000 Yen~ (tax included)
Discount campaign in progress!
  • 4.7
  • (51 reviews and experiences)

★Captain Kaito, who has been operating ships for 40 years and is the best at finding whales, is very popular! Thanks to my 40 years of experience and skill, I can time the whales right with them, so whales often pop up right next to the boat! ①Small group size for easy viewing of 360° whales┗Comfortable with a capacity of 30 people on a 40-passenger cruiser┗Best position as you can move around freely inside the ship

What is whale watching in Okinawa?

winter場になると暖かい海を求めて Okinawa・慶良間諸島近海にやってくるザトウクジラの群れ .

is the largest mammal There is a tour where you can observe whales (whales) up close. whale watching Or "whale watching."

慶良間諸島(ケラマ)Suchのスポットでは、体長はおおよそ15メートル、体重はおおよそ30トンともなる Giant whale show time can enjoy

And if I'm lucky again, I'll bring a baby whale Encountering parent and child whales .

A number of tours where you can experience the dynamic mystery of nature, Extremely popular for Okinawa travel and sightseeing in winter proud of


Okinawa Whale Watching Frequently Asked Questions

Q Charms and Features of Okinawa Whale Watching

A In Okinawa, you can mainly see humpback whales. Humpback whales store up plenty of nutrients in the northern seas in the summer, and come to the waters near Okinawa and Amami Oshima in the winter. They travel thousands of kilometers in search of warm seas to give birth and raise their young. If you're lucky, winter in Okinawa is the best time to experience whale watching, as you might even see baby whales.

Q What are the precautions for whale watching in Okinawa?

A For whale watching, you will travel by high-speed boat to the whale habitat point. Even in Okinawa, it can feel cold in the winter sea. Long sleeves that are easy to put on and take off are helpful. Attach a strap or hang your hat or camera around your neck to prevent it from falling into the sea. Pregnant women and infants may not be allowed onboard. Participation conditions must be confirmed at the time of booking.

Q When and where can you see whales in Japan?

A Whale watching is actually an activity that can be experienced all over Japan without going to Hawaii. Whales migrate in the waters near Japan in each season, and appear in the Ogasawara Islands in early spring, in Hokkaido from spring to autumn, and around Amami and Okinawa in winter. Depending on the time of year, you can see whales even in areas where you can make a day trip from big cities, such as off the coast of Choshi in Chiba Prefecture and Nachikatsuura in Wakayama Prefecture.

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