A thorough introduction to popular rankings of smelt fishing nationwide and recommended ice/dome boat tours for beginners!

On this page, we will introduce the Japanese winter tradition “ Smelt fishing (Wakasagi fishing) ” special feature on the experience tour!
Nationwide reservation popularity ranking We will also provide useful information for booking smelt fishing experience tours, such as how to fish for smelt, tips, tools and bait, and clothing to protect yourself from the cold.
Popular spots such as Kanto, Koshinetsu, Hokkaido and Tohoku "Have fun fishing and eat deliciously" Smelt fishing Please enjoy!
table of contents
- 1 Ranking of popular smelt fishing experience tours nationwide
- 2 Popular spot for smelt fishing
- 3 The charm of smelt fishing
- 4 Smelt fishing season/time
- 5 Types of smelt fishing experience tours
- 6 How to fish for smelt and tips
- 7 Smelt fishing equipment
- 8 Smelt fishing clothes
- 9 Frequently Asked Questions about Smelt Fishing
- 10 Feature articles recommended by the editorial department
Ranking of popular smelt fishing experience tours nationwide
First of all, based on the latest reservation data from Activity Japan, Nationwide Smelt fishing Experience tour popularity ranking I will introduce.
You can enjoy ice fishing for smelt. Hokkaido " and the popular Kanto-Koshinetsu spot " Lake Yamanaka, Yamanashi " Plans such as this are ranked.
Tour contents and fees (prices), Check out the reviews and testimonials Please use this to help you compare plans.
- 4.5
- (45 reviews and experiences)
- 4.0
- (15 reviews and experiences)
- 4.8
- (33 reviews and experiences)
Hokkaidoで最も多くのお客様をガイドしたSmelt fishingガイドの第一人者がお届けするSmelt fishing体験ツアーis.Hokkaido屈指のSmelt fishingポイントである新篠津村しのつ湖において、最高のポイントとして知られる南釣り場を貸切にて催行する、贅沢なプランis.Hokkaido発の某有名バラエティー番組のSmelt fishingのロケ地とな
【平日限定割引有】【手ぶらOK、初心者歓迎】暖かいドーム船でSmelt fishing(3時間プラン)
- 4.0
- (70 reviews and experiences)
★Fishing equipment and bait are all included! Why not enjoy smelt fishing without having to carry anything on a comfortable dome boat equipped with heating and a toilet? ★Notes: Transfers to the dome boat are generally by small motorboat (about 5 minutes), and on days with bad weather, water may splash. *In the event of rain, the small motorboat used for the shuttle service does not have a roof, so if necessary, please bring a raincoat or umbrella.
【Hokkaido・Sapporo】当日予約OK!送迎付のSmelt fishing on ice体験!天ぷら付き!男女別水洗トイレ・温かい休憩小屋完備!女性やお子様も安心!
Sapporoに来たなら一足伸ばしてSmelt fishing!Sapporo駅からの送迎付き..ガイドのミニレクチャーと見回りでサポート..男女別水洗トイレ、休憩小屋(物販)もありゆったり安心して楽しめます!★SapporoでSmelt fishingができる穴場★"Toretakoya Fujii Farm」はSapporo近郊でSmelt fishingが楽しめる地元で人気の数少ない穴場..Sapporoから車
【Hokkaidoオホーツクエリア】 大空町・女満別湖畔アイスフィッシング(Smelt fishing on ice)体験ツアー..その場で天ぷらにして食べられます..送迎付き
- 4.8
- (3 reviews / experiences)
Hokkaidowinterの風物詩!氷の張った湖で楽しむアイスフィッシング(Smelt fishing on ice)..オホーツクの空の玄関女満別空港より10分の場所にある女満別湖畔では毎年凍った湖面に穴をあけてSmelt fishingを楽しむことができます..私たち専門のアウトドアガイドがホテルや空港まで送迎をしながら釣り場にご案内いたします..釣れた
【Hokkaido・富良野】Smelt fishing on iceinかなやま湖(半日コース)
- 4.0
- (2 reviews / experiences)
手ぶらでOK!レンタルもあり!わかさぎ釣り半日コース♪♪全面凍結した湖上でSmelt fishing専用テントで、楽しいひと時を過ごしてみませんか?釣りが初めての方でもガイドが竿の使い方や餌の付け方指導いたしますので安心してお楽しみいただけます♪♪綺麗な水の中のわかさぎをは、その場で天ぷらで揚げたてが最高に美味い
- 4.7
- (82 reviews and experiences)
How about fishing for smelt on a small dome boat that doesn't require a boat license? You can reserve it for a small group and enjoy it at your own pace. The small dome ship is equipped with an engine, so you can move freely and easily! You can fish at any point you like. You can enjoy fishing comfortably while staying out of the wind, rain, and snow. Last return will be at 2pm. The engine cannot be used during freezing conditions.
【Hokkaido・Sapporo近郊】送迎あり・テント貸切★丸ごと体験プラン❤️穴あけ〜釣って天ぷらまでチャレンジ!5歳からOK❤️釣り仙人と行くSmelt fishing
- 4.8
- (11 reviews / experiences)
==================================釣り仙人と行く!手ぶらでSmelt fishingプラン♪穴あけ、釣り、釣ったワカサギを天ぷらにする・・・最初から最後まで自分たちでやってみるSmelt fishingツアーです!準備されたものではなく、自分たちでチャレンジするので遊びながら学ぶことができます
道内で一番新しい道の駅275月形町で手ぶらでSmelt fishing!防寒着一式無料レンタル
- 5.0
- (4 reviews / experiences)
Sapporo駅から車で約70分、道内で一番新しい道の駅275月形でSmelt fishing!一面銀世界の湖でSmelt fishing最高!道の駅トイレが釣り場目の前にあります清潔で新しい暖房付き温水トイレ..とことんSmelt fishing、雪遊びを満喫できます旅行者の方でも釣りができるように防寒着、長靴、glovesの無料レンタル品あり、釣れたワカ
Popular spot for smelt fishing

" Smelt fishing Where can I enjoy it? "or" Where are the famous spots for smelt fishing in Japan? I think there are many people who are looking for smelt fishing spots.
Smelt fishing It is mainly held in the winter in the Kanto, Koshinetsu and northern areas. will be done.
From here, we will introduce “ Ranking of popular spots for smelt fishing experience tours ” to see popular spots.
Ranking of popular spots for smelt fishing experience tours
The first place
Lake Yamanaka/Oshino (Yamanashi) |
2nd place
Hakodate, Onuma, Matsumae (Hokkaido) |
3rd place
Sapporo (Hokkaido) |
4th place
Nozawa, Kijimadaira, Akiyamago, Madarao, Kurohime (Nagano) |
5th place
Furano, Biei, Tomamu (Hokkaido) |
6th place
Azumino/Omachi (Nagano) |
7th place
Urabandai/Bandai Highlands (Fukushima) |
8th place
Shiretoko, Abashiri, Kitami (Hokkaido) |
9th place
Obihiro/Tokachi (Hokkaido) |
10th place
Ishikari, Sorachi, Chitose (Hokkaido) |
Lake Yamanaka is the No. 1 smelt fishing spot in Kanto-Koshinetsu!
It is one of the Fuji Five Lakes. Lake Yamanaka, Yamanashi represents the Kanto-Koshinetsu region. Smelt fishing spot is.
In the best location overlooking the world heritage site, Mt. Fuji “Dome boat smelt fishing” experience tour held It has been.
winter場にSmelt fishingのトップシーズンを迎え 、山中湖上に多くのドーム船が出航します..
Recommended feature articles
Hokkaido has many famous spots for ice fishing for smelt!
A mecca for winter sports Hokkaido There are many famous spots for smelt fishing scattered throughout the vast area of doing.
Good access from Sapporo Ponds and river lakes in the Ishikari River system, Lake Shinotsu in Shinshinotsu Village, Lake Kanayama in the Furano area, Onuma Quasi-National Park in Hakodate, etc. is a particularly popular spot.
rare in Japan There are many spots where you can enjoy ice fishing for smelt. This is also the reason why it is gaining popularity.
Recommended feature articles
The charm of smelt fishing
The event is held at lakes and ponds all over Japan. Smelt fishing (Wakasagi fishing) ".
The various experience tours held mainly in the winter are suitable for everyone from small children to the elderly. A very popular outdoor leisure activity that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and genders. is.
Compared to general fishing (sea fishing, mountain stream fishing, etc.), The appeal of this fishing tackle is that it is lightweight and easy to handle, making it easy for even beginners to fish. ..
In addition, we also had the opportunity to eat the smelt that we had caught ourselves. It can be cooked and eaten as tempura or fried chicken. This is also a reason for its popularity.
Smelt fishing season/time

" Smelt fishing (Wakasagi fishing) 」におすすめのシーズンは"winter」!
In areas such as Hokkaido and parts of Honshu where the lake surface freezes over due to the low temperatures, you can enjoy drilling holes in the ice. Smelt fishing on ice " was held.
In ice-free lakes (lakes that do not freeze even in winter), such as Lake Yamanaka in Yamanashi Prefecture, there are " Dome ship smelt fishing " will be held.
Smelt fishingのできる時期はエリアによって異なります.. Hokkaidoは、winter(12月下旬頃)〜春先(3月末頃) to, Lake Yamanaka, Yamanashiは、秋(9月上旬頃)〜春(5月上旬頃)まで But every area Peak season in winter ..
Types of smelt fishing experience tours

Smelt fishing The experience tour is as follows: There are two main types It can be divided into
- Smelt fishing on ice
- Dome ship smelt fishing
In the following, Features and recommended plans held at popular spots nationwide We will introduce you to the following:
Smelt fishing on ice
What is ice smelt fishing? How to have fun by drilling holes in the frozen lake surface is.
It is held only in areas where the winter temperature is below freezing, and is mainly held in Japan. Hokkaido and some areas of Tohoku, Kanto, Koshinetsu You can enjoy it at.
Recommended Plans
- 5.0
- (16 reviews and experiences)
About 50 minutes from the center of Sapporo city, you can enjoy smelt fishing experience in the ponds and lakes of the Ishikari River system. In the era of with corona, it is necessary to avoid fishing methods that are densely packed in a tent of about 1 tsubo with shared seats, trace the new Hokkaido guidelines and Go To travel, and at the same time provide the enjoyment of winter without hesitation. increase. So, on the ice with the customer
【Hokkaido・Sapporo近郊】送迎あり・テント貸切★丸ごと体験プラン❤️穴あけ〜釣って天ぷらまでチャレンジ!5歳からOK❤️釣り仙人と行くSmelt fishing
- 4.8
- (11 reviews / experiences)
==================================釣り仙人と行く!手ぶらでSmelt fishingプラン♪穴あけ、釣り、釣ったワカサギを天ぷらにする・・・最初から最後まで自分たちでやってみるSmelt fishingツアーです!準備されたものではなく、自分たちでチャレンジするので遊びながら学ぶことができます
[Hokkaido/Minamifurano] Frozen smelt fishing at Lake Kanayama! Half-day trial course
- 4.5
- (2 reviews / experiences)
You can experience frozen smelt fishing in the middle of winter at Lake Kanayama in Minamifurano Town, in the middle of Hokkaido. We will take you on a sled from the front of Lake Kanayama campsite to a warm tent on the lake. Experienced guides will teach you fishing tips, so even beginners can fish with confidence.
Dome ship smelt fishing
Dome boat smelt fishing is a fully equipped facility with heating and toilets. How to enjoy a private boat that protects you from the wind and rain is.
Yamanashi, Lake Yamanaka, etc. mentioned above Dome boat smelt fishing is mainstream on many lakes in the Kanto-Koshinetsu region. It becomes.
Recommended Plans
- 4.7
- (82 reviews and experiences)
How about fishing for smelt on a small dome boat that doesn't require a boat license? You can reserve it for a small group and enjoy it at your own pace. The small dome ship is equipped with an engine, so you can move freely and easily! You can fish at any point you like. You can enjoy fishing comfortably while staying out of the wind, rain, and snow. Last return will be at 2pm. The engine cannot be used during freezing conditions.
- 4.4
- (37 reviews and experiences)
Let's go fishing for smelt at Lake Yamanaka! This is a course with a hand-wound rental rod and a gimmick. (Electric rental rods are also available as an option) *Feed will be charged an additional 100 yen on-site. Enjoy up to 6 hours from 7:00 to 13:00. Please apply for your desired boarding time when making a reservation (you can disembark at any time you like on site). Coro below
- 4.8
- (10 reviews / experiences)
Speaking of winter, smelt fishing and the deliciousness of freshly caught fish are exceptional! Although the smelt is a small fish, the tingling response is very interesting! Feel free to enjoy from adults to children. You can fish on a dome boat at Lake Kisaki in Nagano Prefecture. The dome protects against snow, rain, and wind, so it's comfortable even in the cold winter.
How to fish for smelt and tips

" Smelt fishing Is it difficult? "or" Can beginners catch smelt? I think there are many people who have such concerns.
Smelt, once you get the hang of it Even beginners can catch a big catch on the same day. The simplicity is also appealing.
From here, How to fish smelt and tips I will explain.
1. Feed the gimmick needle
Put a whole piece of food on the needle. The point is to put out a little food from the needle.
2. Drop the device to the bottom of the water
Smelts live in deep water and do not move much, so drop the needles on the bottom.
3. Move to lure the smelt
Use a snap of your wrist to operate it in small increments, moving it up and down and pausing for 3 to 5 seconds, then repeating the process.
4. Grasp the feeling of Atari
When the smelt bites the bait, the tip of the rod will move or be pushed down.
This is called "Atari". When you get a hit, lift the reel and hook the hook into the smelt's mouth.
5. Wind up the thread
If the awase is successful, we will wind the thread on the reel. After fishing, remove the needle from the mouth of the smelt and put it in a bucket.
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Smelt fishing equipment

Next, Smelt fishing fishing gear used for I will explain about it.
The main tools needed to enjoy smelt fishing are listed below.
List of main tools for smelt fishing
- Fishing line (tegus line)
- reel
- contraption
- Weight
- Bait (marble, bloodworm, rabbit, etc.)
- bucket
- Such
In the smelt fishing experience tours held all over the country, the above It is possible to rent a set of tools is.
participant is, Prepare cooler boxes and zippered plastic bags to take home. let's.
Smelt fishing clothes

" Smelt fishing What kind of clothes should I wear? ”There may be many people who are worried about their clothes.
As mentioned above, The fishing season for smelt is held mainly in the winter, but from autumn to early spring. will do.
Therefore, whether you are fishing for smelt on ice or fishing for smelt on a dome boat, Thorough cold protection measures are essential It becomes.
with heating When fishing for smelt on a dome boat, dress appropriately for the temperature and weather of the day. No problem.
When ice fishing for smelt, wear warm, windproof and waterproof clothing such as ski and snowboard wear. is recommended.
Below is a list of things you may find useful when participating in a smelt fishing experience tour.
A list of things you should bring when fishing for smelt
- gloves
- Scarf
- Knit hat
- Thick socks (replacement when wet)
- Earmuffs
- neck warmer
- Cairo
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Frequently Asked Questions about Smelt Fishing
Q What is smelt fishing?
A Public fish (smelt) whose main fishing season is winter from October to March. Smelt fishing is actually a standard activity for lake leisure that you can enjoy all year round. Smelt fishing experience tours are roughly classified into two types. One is "ice smelt fishing" where you can drill holes in the frozen lake surface and enjoy it, and the other is "dome ship smelt fishing" where you can enjoy floating a dedicated boat on an antifreeze lake that does not freeze even in winter.
Q What kind of tools do you need for smelt fishing?
A You will need a fishing rod for smelt fishing, a reel (a tool that attaches to the fishing rod and winds up the fishing line), a device, and bait. Since a flock of smelt is often found in deep water, the electric reel is recommended for beginners because of its many advantages. Many of the smelt experience tours rent tools, so it's a good idea to check when you apply.
Q Where can I catch smelt?
A Smelt fishing that can be enjoyed mainly in the Hokkaido-Kanto Koshinetsu region. The most popular is Lake Yamanaka at the foot of Mt. Fuji. The reason for its popularity is the good accessibility of a day trip from the city center and the length of the season from autumn (around September) to early spring (around early May). In addition, Lake Shinotsu / Barato River near Sapporo, Hokkaido, Lake Hibara in Fukushima Urabandai, Lake Nojiri / Lake Kisaki in Shinshu are among the most popular.
Q What should I do with the smelt I caught?
A It is said that the smelt, especially when it is oily, is in early March. Tempura and fried chicken, which are synonymous with smelt dishes, can be eaten whole without any pretreatment. Fresh smelt can also be eaten as sashimi. The best part of fishing for smelt is to rent cooking utensils and use cooking services to eat on the spot, but you can also take it home with you if you bring a cold box or ice pack.