Autumn Nikko sightseeing│When is the best time to see autumn leaves? 3 recommended activities, leisure, experiences, and fun!

On this page autumn's sunlight Recommended activities, leisure, experiences, and fun to enjoy sightseeing A big feature!
Best time to see autumn leaves such as Irohazaka and Nikko Toshogu Shrine, temperature, appropriate clothing, etc. A thorough introduction along with useful information for autumn Nikko travel To do.
Autumn-only Plants and nature, gourmet food, tourist spots, outdoor leisure, etc. 一年の中でもっとも旅行人気の高いautumn'ssunlight観光を大満喫しましょう..
table of contents
- 1 Nikko Activity/Leisure/Experience/Play Popularity Ranking
- 2 3 Recommended Autumn Activities in Nikko
- 3 The Charm of Autumn Nikko Sightseeing
- 4 Autumn foliage spots in Nikko and best time to see them
- 5 autumn'ssunlightの気温と適した服装
- 6 How to get to Nikko and how to get there
- 7 Editorial department recommended feature articles
Nikko Activity/Leisure/Experience/Play Popularity Ranking
まずはじめに、アクティビティジャパンの最新予約データに基づく" sunlight Activities/Leisure/Experiences/Play Popularity Ranking I will introduce.
sunlightの大自然や旅行中の観光を満喫 できる体験ツアープランの数々が上rankにランクインdoing.
Including the contents and fees of the experience tour, Check out the reviews and testimonials プラン選びの比較検討にお役立てください..
- 4.7
- (12 reviews and experiences)
- 4.8
- (39 reviews and experiences)
The bus route from Akanuma to the final stop, Senjugahama, is flawless, and at night it is truly an animal paradise! Let's secretly observe the wild night where nocturnal animals such as sika deer hide. If you light it with a flashlight, the eyes of the animals will be bright! In this area, the encounter rate with deer is particularly high in April-May/October-November due to coming and going to places where they spend the winter.
- 4.8
- (53 reviews and experiences)
This is [10:00~12:00, 13:00~15:00 plan]. Canoe around Lake Chuzenji, Nikko, which is also a World Heritage Site. By canoeing on the lake, you can see a wonderful view that cannot be seen from the land. With a small number of people, the guide will give a lecture on how to ride and paddle the canoe in an easy-to-understand manner, so even beginners can feel at ease.
- 5.0
- (2 reviews / experiences)
≪ご来光 5時≫ sunlightLake Chuzenjiで絶景のカヌーツアー 少人数・貸し切り・写真付き
- 4.9
- (21 reviews and experiences)
こちらは【5:00~7:00プラン】です..世界遺産sunlightにあるLake Chuzenjiの静かな早朝の時間帯をカヌーで巡ります..男体山の方から差し込んでくる美しい朝日と鏡張りのような湖面はこのツアーの醍醐味です..少人数制でガイドがわかりやすく丁寧にカヌーの乗り方やこぎ方をレクチャーするので、初めての方でも安心してご参加
Lake Chuzenji畔カフェ巡りライド(約14km)【Eバイクセルフガイドツアー・sunlight自然博物館発着】
- 4.0
- (1 review / experience)
Eバイクを使ったセルフガイドツアーです..sunlight自然博物館を出発し、Lake Chuzenji畔のカフェや文化施設・景勝地を巡る、最もライトで気軽に参加しやすい コースとBecome.まずは英国大使館別荘&イタリア大使館別荘を見学し、Lake Chuzenji畔をサイクリング して、中禅寺金谷ホテルのカフェ"コーヒーハウスユーコン」や向かいの
Senjogaharaガイドウォーク【Tochigi Prefecture・奥sunlight】【どなたでもご参加歓迎!】
- 4.8
- (20 reviews and experiences)
※※こちらのツアーは4Month下旬から実施予定です※※Eバイクを使ったセルフガイドツアーです..東日本随一の修験道の聖地であった奥sunlightの歴史と文化に焦点を当て、sunlight開山にゆかりのある寺社や景色を巡ります..Lake Chuzenjiを見渡す絶景を見に行くロングヒルクライム交え、文化体験とチャレンジングなアクティビティを組み合わ
- 5.0
- (2 reviews / experiences)
※※This tour is scheduled to start from late April ※※This is a self-guided tour using an E-bike. More than 90% of the course runs round-trip on Nikko City Route 1002, which is closed to general vehicles. It is comfortable and highly safe, making it an ideal course for a wide range of people to enjoy the great outdoors of Oku-Nikko by cycling. During the course, you can enjoy walking along the wooden path of Odashirogahara and
≪早朝 7:30≫ sunlightLake Chuzenjiで絶景のカヌーツアー 少人数・貸し切り・写真付き
- 5.0
- (3 reviews/experiences)
こちらは【7:30~9:30プラン】です..世界遺産sunlightにあるLake Chuzenjiの静かな朝の時間帯をカヌーで巡ります..朝の時間帯は水面がとても静かで穏やかです..少人数制でガイドがわかりやすく丁寧にカヌーの乗り方やこぎ方をレクチャーするので、初めての方でも安心してご参加いただけます!
3 Recommended Autumn Activities in Nikko
autumn leaves season sunlight Activities and experiential leisure Aren't there many people who would like to enjoy this?
From here, the autumn leaves season begins. 3 Recommended Autumn Activities, Leisure, Experiences, and Plays in Nikko I will introduce.
An experience tour where you can directly experience the nature of Nikko. Autumn leaves viewing x Activity "Please enjoy.
Canoe / kayak

It boasts tremendous popularity and name recognition as an outdoor activity and leisure that uses rivers and lakes as a play field. Canoe / kayak ".
around Nikko, ``Lake Chuzenji'' and ``Kinugawa'' are famous spots for autumn leaves A one-day canoe/kayak experience tour plan is being held.
Needless to say, you can enjoy the spectacular view of autumn leaves in autumn. The most recommended season of the year for both temperature and climate can be said.
Recommended experience tour
SALE!【Tochigi·sunlight】autumn'sLake Chuzenjiカヌーピックニック(OctoberからNovemberまで)
- 4.5
- (2 reviews / experiences)
This is a picnic project using kayaks at Lake Chuzenji in Oku-Nikko, one of the best spots for autumn leaves in Japan! !! You can see the beautiful autumn leaves of broad-leaved trees from the surface of the lake, approach the giant tree "Mother Tree" of Quercus crispula, and go a little offshore to see the male figure of Mt. Nantai at an altitude of 2486 m. Let's enjoy kayaking at Lake Chuzenji, a place longed for by kayak lovers! Access from the metropolitan area
- 4.8
- (53 reviews and experiences)
This is [10:00~12:00, 13:00~15:00 plan]. Canoe around Lake Chuzenji, Nikko, which is also a World Heritage Site. By canoeing on the lake, you can see a wonderful view that cannot be seen from the land. With a small number of people, the guide will give a lecture on how to ride and paddle the canoe in an easy-to-understand manner, so even beginners can feel at ease.
SALE!【Tochigi·sunlight】Lake Chuzenjiの自然をまるごと大満喫!Lake Chuzenji1日カヌーツアー!
- 5.0
- (2 reviews / experiences)
[Outdoor tour that can be enjoyed together from 4 years old to grandmother] A one-day tour that fully enjoys the nature of Lake Chuzenji. Load up your camping chairs, table, and lunch utensils and leave with a smile! After paddling slowly and sometimes vigorously on the water, we started off with a coffee break. After taking a leisurely break, we rowed on with smiles on our faces to the point where we enjoyed lunch. private
Eco Tour / Nature Guided Tour

手付かずのままに残る森林を探索しその土地に息づく動植物の生態や歴史について学ぶことができる" Eco Tour / Nature Guided Tour ".
autumn'ssunlightでは、四季折々にその表情を変える不思議な湖"西ノ湖"or"Lake Chuzenji」、草紅葉が美しい"Senjogahara」など、 Tours are held to visit famous spots for autumn leaves. It has been.
In addition, animal watching, starry sky appreciation, astronomical observation, etc. in the wilderness of Oku-Nikko at night "ナイトツアー」も開催 され人気を集めています..
Recommended experience tour
- 4.7
- (12 reviews and experiences)
- 4.8
- (39 reviews and experiences)
The bus route from Akanuma to the final stop, Senjugahama, is flawless, and at night it is truly an animal paradise! Let's secretly observe the wild night where nocturnal animals such as sika deer hide. If you light it with a flashlight, the eyes of the animals will be bright! In this area, the encounter rate with deer is particularly high in April-May/October-November due to coming and going to places where they spend the winter.
Trekking (climbing / hiking)

With the guidance of mountaineering guides and instructors, even beginners and small children can safely enjoy authentic mountain climbing. Trekking (climbing / hiking) ".
around Nikko, Easy to climb even for beginners コースを中心とした登山・トレッキング体験ツアーが開催It has been.
Not only mountain climbers who have a hobby of climbing and trekking, sunlightの自然をダイレクトに味わいたい観光客におすすめ Outdoor activities.
Recommended experience tour
にっぽん百名山出演ガイド貸し切り! sunlightの山オーダーツアー【初心者歓迎! 日本百名山、Tochigi百名山、sunlightの山】
This is a semi-custom tour where a climbing guide will take you to the mountains of Nikko. Please let us know your desired destination and date, and we will work with you to decide on your itinerary. The following mountains are candidates for the destination.・Mt. Nikko Shirane ~ You can do a variety of mountain climbing! Mt. Nantai, the highest peak in Tochigi Prefecture and one of Japan's 100 Famous Mountains - I want to climb it someday! symbol of sunlight,
- 4.8
- (8 reviews / experiences)
This is a trekking event that explores the forest, aiming for a hidden waterfall in Oku-Nikko. On the way, you will enjoy the nature of Oku-Nikko while explaining the nature and looking for creatures in the swamp. Deep in the depths of Nishinoko, Akaiwa Falls rises at the far end, taking more than two hours even for those who are used to it. With a drop of more than 100m, it surpasses Kegon Falls, aiming for a waterfall that some say is the largest in Oku-Nikko.
The Charm of Autumn Nikko Sightseeing

Belongs to the northern Kanto area Tochigi· sunlight ..
One of the most popular travel destinations in Japan の一つに数えられ、ドライブや観光などのお出かけに人気のエリアです..
Nikko Toshoguに代表され In addition to historical and cultural heritage and tourist spots, there are hot springs, gourmet food, outdoor activities, etc. 楽しみどころが満載なことが魅力..
Especially in autumn, Japan's top three autumn foliage spots Many tourists visit every year to see the spectacular view of autumn leaves, which is considered one of the best.
When is the best time to see them? Many popular tourist spots transformed into famous autumn foliage spots を遂げ、一年の中で最も美しい景色を楽しめます..
autumn'ssunlight日帰りバスツアーRecommended plan
[季節限定]東武特急で行く紅葉の奥sunlightと専門ガイドと歩くNikko Toshogu日帰りバスツアー【029029‐843】
紅葉ベストシーズンに、Irohazakaや華厳滝、Lake Chuzenjiなどの自然の美しいスポットを訪れます..世界遺産に登録されているNikko Toshoguは専門ガイド付きでご案内!
Autumn foliage spots in Nikko and best time to see them

日本全国の中でも有数の" A famous spot for viewing autumn leaves 」として知られるTochigi Prefecture・ sunlight 市..
IrohazakaやNikko Toshoguなど数多くの紅葉スポットを有することから、社団法人日本観光協会による "日本A famous spot for viewing autumn leaves100選」 にも選出It has been.
Red and yellow leaves on the trees, and streets dotted with historical buildings と豊かな自然が織り成すコントラストが美しい風景を演出To do.
From here" Where is the autumn leaves spot in Nikko? "or" When is the fall foliage season in Nikko? 」と疑問をお持ちの方に向けて、代表的な紅葉スポットと例年の見頃時期I will summarize.
Nikko Toshogu
Colored beginning | Late October |
The best time to see the autumn leaves | Around early November to around mid-November |
Lake Chuzenji
Colored beginning | Early October |
The best time to see the autumn leaves | Around mid-October to early November |
Recommended plan
SALE!【Tochigi·sunlight】autumn'sLake Chuzenjiカヌーピックニック(OctoberからNovemberまで)
- 4.5
- (2 reviews / experiences)
This is a picnic project using kayaks at Lake Chuzenji in Oku-Nikko, one of the best spots for autumn leaves in Japan! !! You can see the beautiful autumn leaves of broad-leaved trees from the surface of the lake, approach the giant tree "Mother Tree" of Quercus crispula, and go a little offshore to see the male figure of Mt. Nantai at an altitude of 2486 m. Let's enjoy kayaking at Lake Chuzenji, a place longed for by kayak lovers! Access from the metropolitan area
- 4.8
- (53 reviews and experiences)
This is [10:00~12:00, 13:00~15:00 plan]. Canoe around Lake Chuzenji, Nikko, which is also a World Heritage Site. By canoeing on the lake, you can see a wonderful view that cannot be seen from the land. With a small number of people, the guide will give a lecture on how to ride and paddle the canoe in an easy-to-understand manner, so even beginners can feel at ease.
SALE!【Tochigi·sunlight】Lake Chuzenjiの自然をまるごと大満喫!Lake Chuzenji1日カヌーツアー!
- 5.0
- (2 reviews / experiences)
[Outdoor tour that can be enjoyed together from 4 years old to grandmother] A one-day tour that fully enjoys the nature of Lake Chuzenji. Load up your camping chairs, table, and lunch utensils and leave with a smile! After paddling slowly and sometimes vigorously on the water, we started off with a coffee break. After taking a leisurely break, we rowed on with smiles on our faces to the point where we enjoyed lunch. private
Colored beginning | Late September |
The best time to see the autumn leaves | Early October to late October |
Recommended plan
Senjogaharaガイドウォーク【Tochigi Prefecture・奥sunlight】【どなたでもご参加歓迎!】
- 4.8
- (20 reviews and experiences)
Colored beginning | Around mid-October |
The best time to see the autumn leaves | Mid-October to late October |
The above is a guideline for the best time to see the flowers, based on data from previous years.
For the latest information, please check the Nikko tourism information site and the autumn leaves information site.

" autumn's sunlight Is it cold? hot? "or" What clothes are suitable for autumn sunlight? I think there are many people who are researching about the attire for travel.
ここからは、autumn'ssunlight観光に役立つ 例年SeptemberからDecemberのsunlightの平均気温データ I'll take a look.
Average Temperature in Nikko in Autumn
Month | Average maximum temperature | average minimum temperature |
September | 25°C | 17°C |
October | 20℃ | 11°C |
November | 15°C | 5°C |
December | 9°C | 0℃ |
Autumn leaves begin to change around Nikko Octoberにはまだ日中の暖かさは感じられるものの、朝晩は気温の低い日が 増えてきます..
Autumn leaves are at their peak From November onwards, the temperature drops significantly and there are many days that feel "cold". Become.
If you want to enjoy the autumn leaves light-up event at night, Cold protection measures such as thick outerwear Thorough attire is recommended.
Also, taking into consideration the large temperature difference between morning and evening and the fact that the temperature varies depending on the area, We recommend wearing layers that are easy to put on and take off. To do.
How to get to Nikko and how to get there
Tochigi Prefecture sunlight is for both cars and trains About 120 minutes (2 hours) from central Tokyo/23 wards The good access that you can arrive at is also attractive.
Below, from the Tokyo area How to get to Nikko and how to get there I will summarize.
In the case of a car
Metropolitan Expressway → (Kawaguchi JCT) → Tohoku Expressway → (Utsunomiya IC) → Nikko Utsunomiya Road → (Nikko IC) / Approximately 2 hours and 10 minutes
By train
Shinjuku Station → (JR Utsunomiya Line, Tobu Nikko Line, Limited Express Nikko) → Eastern Nikko Station / Approximately 2 hours
Tokyo Station → (Tohoku Shinkansen) → Utsunomiya Station → (JR Nikko Line) → Nikko Station / Approximately 1 hour and 35 minutes
From Nikko Station Local buses run to popular sightseeing spots doing.
Convenient for sightseeing in Nikko without a car, A free pass ticket that allows unlimited rides on the bus for the day is also on sale It has been.
Congestion during Nikko autumn foliage season
In autumn (September to November), when the leaves are at their best, Roads in Nikko around Irohazaka are congested tend to.
When using a car or bus, Check traffic information sites, etc. In addition, we recommend that you make a schedule with plenty of time to spare.