Travel to Hokkaido in January | Temperature, clothing, and prices? A comprehensive guide to recommended activities

Traveling to Hokkaido in January | Temperature, clothing, and prices? Recommended activities

It will be winter, Hokkaido in January を大特集!
January is the northern land, Hokkaido of魅力を存分に味わえる月. snowと氷of世界 You can enjoy Leisure, entertainment and tourist spots We would like to introduce you to the following.

服装選びofコツから人気ofアクティビティまで、 Lots of information you should read お届けしますofで、 Hokkaido in January 旅行を計画する際にお役立てください!

Reasons why traveling to Hokkaido in January is recommended

You can enjoy winter to the fullest!

Reasons why traveling to Hokkaido in January is recommended 1.

Hokkaido of魅力ofひとつとも言えるofが、 winterof寒さ !北of大地of美しさが best season is.
服装teethしっかり「winter仕様+α」を意識し、寒さごと真Hokkaido in winterを楽しみましょう!

本州に比べ、寒さof厳しいwinterが長い Hokkaido ですが、冷え込みofピークを迎える1月だからこそ楽しめる体験がたくさんありますよ.毎年of気温or天候of状況によりアクティビティof実施状況teeth異なりますofで、winterofお楽しみを逃さないよう、 お天気teethこまめにチェック してくださいね.

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Reasons why traveling to Hokkaido in January is recommended 2.

旅先でご当地グルメを味わうofも、 The joy of visiting tourist spots It's one of them. Hokkaido in winter にも、旬を迎える食材たちが待っています!

Eastern Hokkaido Kushiro area Akkeshi is famous for its oysters. The Akkeshi area is the only area in Japan where oysters can be shipped all year round because the water temperature does not rise easily due to the influence of ocean currents. oyster kingdom !
Especially from December to February, winterof牡蠣teethより濃厚でクリーミーな味わいになる と評判is.
Reasons why traveling to Hokkaido in January is recommended 2.

It is also harvested around January. 「winterイチゴ」もおすすめ! Hokkaido in winterにおいてもおいしいイチゴが栽培できるよう工夫し、生産されているwinterイチゴ.限られた一部of農家でしか作られていないofで、市場にteethあまり出回りません.

ほかにも、たくさんof道内限定グルメがあります.観光ofスケジュールor訪問地を、 Decide based on gourmet food ofもおすすめです!


Reasons why traveling to Hokkaido in January is recommended 3.

During the year-end and New Year holidays, when people move more due to homecomings and trips, 旅行代金orホテルetc.of宿泊施設of料金も高くなる傾向 にあります.同時に、Hokkaidoへof主な移動手段である飛行機of予約状況もかなり混雑し、 Prices are rising and reservations are becoming harder to get Become.

おすすめしたいofteeth,年始を避け Itinerary after New Year's Day を組むことです!
In mid-January, a lot of snow falls and the thickness of the ice increases. winter sports It's the beginning of the best season to enjoy.
It may be a difficult schedule due to work and school, Hokkaido in winter In order to fully enjoy the cost performance, why not consider it by all means?

Hokkaido travel recommended areas in January

Dohoku area

Hokkaido trip in January

It is also famous as a hot spring resort. Sounkyo Gorge , Japan's lowest temperature minus 41 degrees Celsius has been measured Asahikawa is also a popular tourist spot throughout the year. Furano, Biei, Tomamu , There is a "monument of the northernmost point of Japan" Wakkanai , inhabited by precious flora and fauna Rishiri, Rebun, Teuri, Yagishiri northern part of Hokkaido, such as the isolated islands of particularly cold regions but" Dohoku area "is.

The northern Hokkaido area is perfect for beginners. Snow shoes/Snow trekking Full-fledged snow mountain from climbing It welcomes many tourists from
skis and snowboards For seniors, backcountry skiing is also recommended.

Hokkaido trip in January

Hokkaido The classic souvenir sweet "Shiroi Koibito". The picture on the package is, Rishiri Island of名峰、 Mount Rishiri, also known as Rishiri Fuji Did you know that?
Snow-capped Mt. Rishiri is truly A beautiful figure like Mt. Fuji . Rishiri Island can be accessed not only by ferry, but also by plane. By all means, please go and see the actual Mt. Rishirifuji!

Dohoku in January Recommended reasons

Dohoku in January Recommended reasons

Dohoku of Furano/Biei/Tomamu The area is It is known as a heavy snow area. .通常、1月にteethエリア内にある多くofスキー場に良質なsnowが豊富に積もり、国内外ofスキーヤー・スノーボーダーが、パウダースノーを求めて集まります.
From large ski resorts where world championships are held to small, private town-run ski resorts with only one lift, The scale and atmosphere of the slopes vary .目的に合わせてスキー場を選んでみてHow do you like it?

of course, winter sports 以外にも極寒ofHokkaidoならthenof楽しみ方teethイロイロあります!自分に合う 真winterらしいHokkaidoof遊び方 を探してみてくださいね.

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Hokkaido temperature comparison in January

Source: Japan Meteorological Agency "Sapporo/Hakodate/Nemuro/Wakkanai/Tokyo average values (values for each year and month)"
area average temperature average maximum temperature average minimum temperature
Sapporo (Central Hokkaido) -3.2℃ -0.4℃ -6.4℃
Hakodate (Southern Hokkaido) -2.4℃ 0.9°C -6.0℃
Nemuro (Eastern Hokkaido) -3.4℃ -0.9°C -6.5℃
Wakkanai (north of Hokkaido) -4.3℃ -2.4℃ -6.4℃
Tokyo 5.4℃ 9.8℃ 1.2℃

January Hokkaido clothing and coordination ideas

clothing point

clothing point

As can be seen from the temperature chart, Hokkaido in January teeth Even the average maximum temperature is below freezing is.
Hokkaido in January A down jacket is a must-have item for outdoor events. A thick jacket Be sure to prepare for the snow by wearing snow boots and other gear.

on the other hand" Hokkaido in winter teeth it's hot in the room Have you ever heard the story of
In the extremely cold winter in Hokkaido, it provides excellent heating inside the room. Room temperature close to 25°C It is not uncommon for people to be in this position. Please make sure to adjust your clothes by wearing layers to deal with the temperature difference with the outside air!

What to bring (example)

Short-sleeved T-shirt / Long-sleeved shirt/blouse / 10/10 length pants / Knee-length skirt / Leggings/tights / Down jacket/coat / Parker/cardigan, etc. / Snow boots/cold-proof shoes / Thick socks / Mufflers, gloves, earmuffs / knit hats / disposable body warmers / etc.

Hokkaido in January Recommended Activities, Leisure, Experiences and Fun

Due to the weather and climate, The holding situation fluctuates To do.
Please check the status of the event carefully , please make a reservation.

Snow shoes/Snow trekking

Snow shoes/Snow trekking

Walk through the pure white snowfields and get close to nature Snow shoes/Snow trekking ”. Wear snowshoes to make it easier to walk on the snow, and follow the guidance of the guide. Travel around snowy mountains and forest roads .

As an activity that can be participated in regardless of physical strength, skill, age or gender, it is held all over the country, but in the northern land of Hokkaido Snowshoe/Snow trekking tour teeth, Good snow quality and superb view because you can enjoy especially popular is.

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1 rank

【Hokkaido・Sapporoスノーシュー】snowof妖精シマエナガorエゾリスが潜む粉snowof森 or 日本三大夜景「煌めく宝石箱」を臨むsnowof丘

n.s ride
13,200 Circle 8,500 Yen~ (tax included)
Discount campaign in progress!
  • 4.7
  • (3 reviews and testimonials)

==================================■ 昼と夜、お好きなプランをお選びいただけます!■ ふわふわなsnowof上を楽に歩ける「スノーシューセット」無料レンタル有り!■(昼)シマエナガorエゾリスSuch,小動物たちが生息する森で開催!■(夜)日本三大夜景を一望できるsnowof丘で開催!■

2 rank

☆ Shiretoko, a World Natural Heritage Site ☆ Snow trekking 3-hour course View of the virgin forest and cliffs stretching to Cape Shiretoko

5,000 Yen~ (tax included)
  • 4.7
  • (11件of口コミ・体験談)


3 rank

[Departing from and arriving at Asahikawa] Snowshoe hiking around Mt. Asahidake with a professional guide<初心者OK・レクチャー付>

Guide Office Pika
Asahikawa/Sounkyo Gorge
16,000 Yen~ (tax included)
  • 4.9
  • (4件of口コミ・体験談)

Arriving and departing from Asahikawa Station! This is a snowshoe hiking tour that takes you around Mt. Asahidake from Daisetsuzan Ropeway Sugatami Station. A professional guide will give lectures on the points of winter mountain walking. This tour is recommended for those who want to make their snowshoe debut. After arriving at Sugatami Station using the ropeway, put on snowshoes and take a walk through the vast white snowfield. the weather



ゲレンデSuch,管理された区域以外of場所をskis and snowboardsで滑降する「 Backcountry 」.まさにsnowとたわむれる、 Hokkaidoofパウダースノー を存分に味わえるアクティビティis.

ある程度of滑走レベルteeth必要ですが、ガイドが同行してくれるofで安心.なお、 Safety Considerations し、Backcountryteeth必ず 専門ガイドofいるツアーに参加して体験 するようにしましょう.

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1 rank


Guide Office Pika
Asahikawa/Sounkyo Gorge
18,000 Yen~ (tax included)


2 rank


Noborikaeshi Club Field Mountain, Earth Ride
15,000 Yen~ (tax included)
  • 4.8
  • (2 reviews and testimonials)

雄大な十勝岳連峰が連なる富良野・美瑛地区にteeth2,000m級of山々が多くあります.      そof中でも比較的アクセスしorすい三段山をそof日of天候、snow質を考慮して最適なエリアへとガイドTo do.〜当日of流れ〜8:00 白銀荘もしくteeth凌雲閣出発事前説明、装備品of確認後出発とBecome.10:30 頂上到着天

3 rank


Niseko Rusutsu
50,000 Yen~ (tax included)

Hokkaidoof中でも世界的に有名なニセコ!ニセコteeth,世界中から極上ofパウダースノーを求めて多くofスキーヤー、スノーボーダーたちが訪れる場所です☆一度ニセコofパウダースノーを味わったら病みつきになること間違いなし!! ニセコならthenofパウダースノーで特別な浮遊感を味わってみませんか??「Hokkaidoに行くからにteeth

Smelt fishing/Ice fishing for smelt

Hokkaidoof事業者「Onuma Cruise」が実施する氷上Smelt fishingツアーof様子

Hokkaido内then、1月頃から順次「 Smelt fishing 」が解禁とBecome.
道具ofレンタル or釣った魚of調理、 トイレorテントof有無 Such,Smelt fishingツアーへof参加であれば心配事も減らせますね.

In addition to smelt fishing, Snowmobile etc. ほかofアクティビティとセットで 楽しめるツアーもありますよ.

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1 rank


Raft&Crew Outdoor Company.
5,500 Yen~ (tax included)
  • 4.6
  • (33件of口コミ・体験談)


2 rank

【Hokkaido・Sapporo近郊】ウィンターセール実施中!★テント貸切★5歳から楽しめる☆釣り仙人と行くSmelt fishing体験☆★写真・動画無料サービス付き★

n.s ride
9,900 Circle 8,800 Yen~ (tax included)
Discount campaign in progress!
  • 5.0
  • (1 review and testimonial)

★テント貸切プラン★グループ毎でテント貸切で気兼ねなく楽しもう♪【穴あけ〜釣って天ぷらまでチャレンジ!】★Smelt fishing仙人ofミッションをクリアできるか!!?★3つofミッションを楽しむ☆小さなお子様から大人of皆様まで釣り仙人とof思い出が作れる、どんな方でも遊べるプランです♪ミッションを達成しながら、本

3 rank


Onuma Cruise
Hakodate, Onuma, Matsumae
2,500 Yen~ (tax included)
  • 3.9
  • (13件of口コミ・体験談)


Ranking of Popular Activities You Can Experience in Hokkaido in January

Ranking of Popular Activities You Can Experience in Hokkaido in January

In this special issue, Hokkaido in January I explained about!

In addition to the things we have introduced this time, there are other places where you can enjoy nature. Snowmobile体験 or、ラクラク移動で世代を問わず楽しめる Bus tour Such, Hokkaido in January then Experience enjoying snow and ice are being carried out a lot.
people who want to avoid the cold There are pottery classes, etc. Manufacturing experience or One-day hot spring plan, etc. An experience that warms your body and soul How do you like it?

Based on the article content and ranking, Hokkaido in January Please try to play!


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