
Information on BEACHTOWN茅ヶ崎

Number of staff 1persons
Number of instructors 1persons
Selling points regarding safety Instructors with the knowledge and skills for each activity will be in charge of each activity so that beginners can have a safe and enjoyable experience. Classes will be held in the most optimal and safest location according to the level and physical condition of the participants. We clarify each individual's goals and repeatedly teach them the PDCA cycle to help them achieve them. We will not only provide you with a one-time experience, but also advice on how to maintain your outdoor fitness lifestyle and maintain your health throughout your life.

BEACHTOWN茅ヶ崎 - operating hours

8-12 Hishinuma Beach, Chigasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture
Operating hours 9: 00-17: 00
Regular holidays No particulars

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