いへや愛ランドよねざき のギャラリー
いへや愛ランドよねざき のギャラリー


Currently いへや愛ランドよねざき has no bookable plans

Information on いへや愛ランドよねざき

Authorization issued by Okinawa Prefectural Public Safety Commission
Insurance information Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance and Accident Insurance
License and Qualifications Okinawa Marine Safety Bureau Rescuer, Red Cross Water Safety Act
Number of staff 1persons
Number of instructors 1persons

いへや愛ランドよねざき - operating hours

1982 Shimajiri, Iheya Village, Shimajiri District, Okinawa Prefecture
Operating hours 8:30 to 17:00
Regular holidays No scheduled holidays

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