100 [Amakusa Tour Bus] Guided tour "Visiting World Heritage Sites and the History of Christians in Amakusa"の紹介画像
100 [Amakusa Tour Bus] Guided tour "Visiting World Heritage Sites and the History of Christians in Amakusa"の紹介画像
100 [Amakusa Tour Bus] Guided tour "Visiting World Heritage Sites and the History of Christians in Amakusa"の紹介画像
100 [Amakusa Tour Bus] Guided tour "Visiting World Heritage Sites and the History of Christians in Amakusa"の紹介画像
100 [Amakusa Tour Bus] Guided tour "Visiting World Heritage Sites and the History of Christians in Amakusa"の紹介画像
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Plan ID
: 46666

100 [Amakusa Tour Bus] Guided tour "Visiting World Heritage Sites and the History of Christians in Amakusa"

Etc. included in the price
  • Beginners welcome - First try
  • Empty-hands OK
  • Solo participant
  • Operate rain or shine
  • Children welcome
  • Possible number of bookings
  • Participating age
    0Age ~ 99 Age
  • Duration
    5~6 hours
Plan description

Tour code: A2-GR01-000100This is a sightseeing bus that allows you to fully experience the charms of Amakusa. You can rest assured with a guide. Please let us know the boarding location (time) and the drop-off location when making your reservation. This is a packed course that visits the Oe Sakitsu Church, a symbol of Amakusa's Christian culture, which is a component part of the World Heritage Site "Hidden Christian Sites in the Nagasaki and Amakusa Region" (Sakitsu Village in Amakusa), and three museums that convey the history of Christianity to the present. (Varies depending on the ride time)The roadside station Kakashi no Sato on the course is a roadside station that reused the abandoned Miyajidake Elementary School, and is the first of its kind in Western Japan! It is a very rare roadside station. Please have lunch at the roadside station Kakashi no Sato restaurant on your own. (Lunch will be served at Aimura on closed days: 1st and 3rd Wednesdays)There is also a great value "round-trip viewing ticket"! You can purchase it on the day. (Amakusa Christian Museum, Amakusa Collegio Museum, Amakusa Rosario Museum, and Sakitsu Museum Minatoya sell a "round trip ticket" that allows you to visit all four museums at a discount.) Each tourist facility incurs a fee, which must be paid by each customer (round trip tickets are sold on the day for 600 yen) Amakusa Christian Museum: Adults 300 yen, High school students 200 yen, Elementary and junior high school students 150 yen Amakusa Collegio Museum: Adults 300 yen, High school students 200 yen, Elementary and junior high school students 150 yen Amakusa Rosario Museum: Adults 300 yen, High school students 200 yen, Elementary and junior high school students 150 yen Minatoya: 100 yen per person

Enjoy Amakusa on a sightseeing bus

Tour the World Heritage Site "Hidden Christian Sites in the Nagasaki Region" on a guided tour bus.

Christian Culture in Amakusa

Amakusa Collegio Hall: Don't miss the bamboo pipe organ, replica Gutenberg printing press, and model of a Nanban ship. Sakitsu Church, the symbol of the Amakusa Sakitsu community, is a beautiful church with tatami flooring, rare even in Japan. Oe Church: A beautiful church with a Romanesque-style white cathedral. Amakusa Rosario Hall: Don't miss the hidden room of the hidden Christians. Valuable documents can be viewed here.

About fees

Basic fee

Optional fee

※The list price includes tax.
※The above price is a basic fee.
※Fees may vary depending on schedule, please check the fee displayed after selecting the date.

Payment methods
  • Online payment
Display of the Specified Commercial Transactions Act Display of the Specified Commercial Transactions Act
Reservation cancellation fee generation date Cancellation fee will be charged from 10 days before the event date.
About cancellation お客様のご都合でキャンセルされる場合、以下のキャンセル料を申し受けますので、あらかじめご了承ください。
About event termination

Detailed information of this plan

Required minimum number of participants 1 Person(s)
Possible number of bookings 1~
About duration
5~6 hours
Amakusa Sightseeing Bus: Approx. 5 hours / Tour: 1 day
Operating period 2023/10/01〜2025/3/31
Assembly time [Boarding time] ① 09:45 Amakusa Airport ② 10:05 Hondo Bus Center ③ 11:25 Hondo Bus Center ※ After boarding points ① and ②, you can visit the "Amakusa Christian Museum and Christian Cemetery"
Booking deadline until 16:59 5 days before

Changing room Toilet
Shower Parking

Matters require attention 運営会社:産交バス株式会社

Other notifications ★ご注意★

Plan attractions

プランの魅力 﨑津集落(世界文化遺産) の画像

﨑津集落(世界文化遺産) キリスト教の潜伏期から復活期の足跡が残る﨑津集落は、「長崎と天草地方の潜伏キリシタン関連遺産」の構成資産のひとつです。現在の建物は昭和9(1934)年にフランス人宣教師ハルブ神父の時代に建てられたもので、重厚なゴシック様式の教会の堂内は、国内でもめずらしい畳敷きです。鮮やかなステンドグラスから優しい光が差しこむ穏やかな空間となっています。また、穏やかな羊角湾のそばに建つことから「海の教会」とも呼ばれています。 漁港のある崎津集落では、のんびりと時間が流れます。可愛い地元の猫にも遭遇できるかも♪

Time schedule


本渡バスセンター(10分前までに受付) [乗車地]
①09:45 天草空港
②10:05 本渡バスセンター



天草キリシタン館・キリシタン墓地 島原・天草一揆を中心とした天草キリシタン史を、4つのゾーンに分けてわかりやすく展示した資料館。


本渡バスセンター(10分前までに受付) [乗車地]
③11:25 本渡バスセンター


【各自昼食】道の駅 宮地岳かかしの里

【各自昼食】道の駅 宮地岳かかしの里 各自昼食





世界文化遺産崎津集落散策・みなと屋 キリスト教の潜伏期から復活期の足跡が残る﨑津集落は、「長崎と天草地方の潜伏キリシタン関連遺産」の構成資産のひとつです。禁教が解かれて約15年後の1888年、﨑津諏訪神社の下に木造の﨑津協会が完成しました。


天草ロザリオ館 天草でのかくれキリシタンの生活・信仰の様子や文化を今に伝えるのがこの「天草ロザリオ館」です。マリア観音や弔う儀式に用いた聖水壺や県指定重要文化財の「経消しの壺」などの貴重な遺品をはじめ、密かな礼拝のために作られた「かくれ部屋」の再現などが人々の信仰心を物語ります。映像ホールでは天草のキリシタンの歴史、自然・景勝地、天草の人々の生活の様子などを上映しています。


大江教会 キリスト教解禁後、天草で最も早く造られた教会です。現在の建物は昭和8(1933)年、フランス人宣教師・ガルニエ神父が地元信者と力を合わせて建立しました。


本渡バスセンター(降車のみ) [降車地]
①16:30 下田温泉ふれあい館ぷらっと
②17:10 本渡バスセンター
③17:25 天草空港


Access - Map

Hondo Bus Center: 5-1 Minamishinmachi, Amakusa City, Kumamoto Prefecture, 863-0031
Assembly point

Meeting place: ①09:45 Amakusa Airport ②10:05 Hondo Bus Center ③11:25 Hondo Bus Center *If you choose Hondo Bus Center, please let us know the meeting time. *After boarding points ① and ②, you can visit the Amakusa Christian Museum and Christian Cemetery.

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