

寺本商店 features

The company was founded in the early Showa period before the war as a wholesaler of mountings and fittings in Sakae, Nagoya. The store was burned down during the war, and after the war it moved to its current location in Kodama, Nishi Ward, Nagoya. Since then, it has expanded from a wholesaler to a mounting store, and continues to operate to this day.

寺本商店 handling plan list

寺本商店 comments・reviews

Information on 寺本商店

Member organizations and associations Iwakura City Chamber of Commerce
Number of staff 3persons
Number of instructors 3persons
Selling points regarding safety Although some tasks require the use of a utility knife when cutting paper or cloth, there is no dangerous or life-threatening nature of the work.

寺本商店 - operating hours

3-16-10 Kodama, Nishi-ku, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture
Operating hours 10: 00-18: 00
Regular holidays Year-end and New Year holidays

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