舞妓に逢いたい.ねっと のギャラリー
舞妓に逢いたい.ねっと のギャラリー
舞妓に逢いたい.ねっと のギャラリー
舞妓に逢いたい.ねっと のギャラリー
舞妓に逢いたい.ねっと のギャラリー
舞妓に逢いたい.ねっと のギャラリー
舞妓に逢いたい.ねっと のギャラリー


舞妓に逢いたい.ねっと features

[I want to meet Maiko.net] offers a variety of plans for those who want to meet Maiko in Gion, Kyoto, and those who want to experience "talking, eating, and playing in a teahouse" with Maiko. First-time visitors are also welcome! Would you like to have a special experience as a memory of your trip to Kyoto?

舞妓に逢いたい.ねっと handling plan list

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舞妓に逢いたい.ねっと recommended points

It is reserved exclusively for groups.

All courses are reserved exclusively for groups. You can leisurely talk and take photos with the maiko without worrying about other customers.

舞妓に逢いたい.ねっと - operating hours

27-2 Oyakokaido-cho, Yamashina-ku, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture
Operating hours 10: 00-17: 00
Regular holidays Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays

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