Alpha Ocean Art Studio


Alpha Ocean Art Studio features

This is an art studio where you can experience the currently popular ocean resin art. People who are unfamiliar with art and first-timers are also welcome. The lessons are aimed at beginners and will teach you how to handle resin, preparation, coloring, and expressing waves. You can choose a course that suits your purpose, whether you've always wanted to try it, want to display your own work in your room, or want to create a gift. All materials are provided here, so please feel free to join us. Why not create a unique piece that is unique to you?

Alpha Ocean Art Studio handling plan list

Alpha Ocean Art Studio comments・reviews

Information on Alpha Ocean Art Studio

Number of staff 1persons
Number of instructors 1persons

Alpha Ocean Art Studio - operating hours

3-7-20 Sugamo, Toshima-ku, Tokyo
Operating hours Tuesday, Saturday, Sunday, and public holidays 10:00-16:00 Wednesday 10:00-21:00
Regular holidays mon, thursday, friday

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