
株式会社縁 features

Kofu Kofu offers dressing and rental kimono services. I'm interested in kimonos, but I can't wear them myself. If you are here for sightseeing and would like to wear a kimono while sightseeing, please use our service. Would you like to wear a kimono and create your special feelings?

株式会社縁 handling plan list

株式会社縁 comments・reviews

Information on 株式会社縁

Authorization issued by Antique dealer Hakata police station notification
Insurance information Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance General Insurance for Business Activities 100 million yen

株式会社縁 - operating hours

7-3-1 Reizeicho, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture
Operating hours Weekdays 10:00-18:00 Sundays and holidays 12:00-17:00
Regular holidays No scheduled holidays

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