ゴーシーズサーフ(gosea's surf) のギャラリー

ゴーシーズサーフ(gosea's surf)

ゴーシーズサーフ(gosea's surf) features

Located on the inner sea side of the Miho peninsula, it is a shop facing the beach. There is almost no wave, so even if you are new to windsurfing or SUP, you can enjoy it with confidence.

ゴーシーズサーフ(gosea's surf) comments・reviews

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Information on ゴーシーズサーフ(gosea's surf)

Number of staff 2persons
Number of instructors 2persons
Selling points regarding safety Provision of rescue water bikes (water bike rescue qualifications)
AED deployment

ゴーシーズサーフ(gosea's surf) - operating hours

2718-8 Miho, Shimizu-ku, Shizuoka-shi, Shizuoka
Operating hours 10: 00-18: 00

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