マリンスポーツショップ順風 のギャラリー



マリンスポーツショップ順風 features

"Marine sports shop favorable wind" is born also at home shop raised in the brother of Ishigaki Island are open. "1 set limited charter" experience plan is popular with families and college students. Many customers we are available as a repeater. Naka good brothers, supports safe fun making memories with full force.

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マリンスポーツショップ順風 staff introduction

  • Junya Shimo(シモジ ジュンヤ)

    Born in Ishigaki Island and raised in Ishigaki Island. We will do our utmost to support our customers so that they can enjoy Ishigaki Island and the sea with peace of mind.

  • Groundwork Ryo(シモジ リョウ)

    Born in Ishigaki Island and raised in Ishigaki Island. We will do our best to make the time spent in "smooth wind" the best memory for our customers.

マリンスポーツショップ順風 - operating hours

6-11 Shineicho, Ishigaki City, Okinawa Prefecture
Operating hours 9:00 to 20:00
Regular holidays No scheduled holidays

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