Tsukiji sightseeing model course Eating map & walking course

Tsukiji tourism featured ! Also popular as the town of Uogashi. Tsukiji .周辺には観光に最適なスポットも多く,デートor散策に最適is.
Tsukijiを満喫したいけどどこにおinかけしようかわからない人,迷っている人に向けて, Model course for sightseeing in Tsukiji on foot We suggest .
あわせて, Activity Japan Editorial Departmentが厳選した Gourmet Spots もご紹介します!
table of contents
- 1 Tsukiji sightseeing recommended model course Eating map & walking course
- 2 Tsukiji sightseeing model course Eating and walking course: Tsukiji Honganji Temple
- 3 Tsukiji tourism Model itinerary Eating out&散歩コース:Tsukiji outer market
- 4 Tsukiji sightseeing model course Eating and walking course: Kachidoki Bridge Museum
- 5 Tsukiji sightseeing model course Eating and walking course: Kachidoki Bridge
- 6 Tsukiji sightseeing model course Eating and walking course: Sumida River Terrace
- 7 Tsukiji sightseeing model course Eating and walking course: Tsukiji Kocho
- 8 Enjoy sightseeing in Tsukiji with a model course!
- 9 Feature articles recommended by the editorial department
Tsukiji sightseeing recommended model course Eating map & walking course
Model itineraryteeth,あくまin一例is.コースを順序通り全て回らなくても楽しめます.
Only your favorite spots
Change the order of courses
Tsukiji sightseeing model course Eating and walking course: Tsukiji Honganji Temple

Tsukiji Honganji Temple
Built in Asakusa
Over 400 years of history
Jodo Shinshu Honganji sect temple
animal stone statue
Stained glass
Different from ordinary temples
original building
National important cultural property
specified in
It has been.
1657(明暦3)年に起こった大火事"明暦の大火(めいれきのたいか)”in焼失し,浅草から現在の場所に移転して再建されましたが,1923(大正12)年に起こったKanto大震災による火災in再び焼失.1934(昭和9)年に,建築家の伊東忠太(いとう ちゅうた)が設計し,現在の姿になりました.

Asian Buddhist architecture を模した外観or,本堂入り口にある stained glass decoration , pipe organ ,いたる所に配置されている animal sculpture Such, Full of architectural beauty that you'll want to see in person is.
On the premises Cafe or,お土産も購入inきる shop And more Yes, we have it.
Tsukiji tourism Model itinerary Eating out&散歩コース:Tsukiji outer market

Tsukiji outer market
Tsukiji Honganji Templeから徒歩約4分
Inner Market
Professional Purchasing
Of course
General public
It is also crowded with many visitors.
"Tsukiji outer market”
.Tsukiji tourismには外せないスポットinす!
Business days |
(Tokyo都中央卸売市場休業の水,日は原則休業) |
Opening times |
6:00 - 9:00 Mainly for business purchases Normal sales hours: 9:00 - 14:00 *Open from 14:00 (varies by store) |
New year holiday season |
Closed from December 31st to January 4th
*Some years may differ depending on the calendar order, etc. |
Closed on Sundays ,ということもあり, 土曜日のTsukiji市場は年間を通じて混雑 There is a tendency to .
New year holiday seasonteeth, Tokyo都中央卸売市場の休市に合わせ, Closed from December 31st to January 4th Many stores do ようis.ただし,Tsukiji outer marketは各店舗の判断in営業する "自由営業”を基本 としていますのin,お出かけの際には Official website of each store などを確認してくださいね.
気軽に食べられるものを店頭in販売している店舗も多いのbut, Please be careful. "歩き食べ”はNG! マナーを守り,イートインスペースなど Places where you can eat and drink in食べる ようにしましょう.
Maguroya Kurogin Tsukiji Outer Market Main Branch
Tsukiji in Exquisite tuna If you want to eat 3 minutes walk from Tsukiji Honganji Temple Located in a moderate location. Maguroya Kurogin Tsukiji Outer Market Main Branch ” is recommended. Bluefin tuna from Oma, Aomori をはじめ, A specialty store where you can eat tuna from all over Japan is.
中inも, Tuna is luxuriously rolled into a roll. mag roll ” が人気.ほかにも店頭in Choose your favorite tuna and make it into a bowl or sushi and, Eat it however you like がinきます.
卵焼き専門店の" Marutake "teeth,職人が丁寧に手作りする卵焼きin人気のお店is. Egg rolls with plenty of dashi stock teeth,口に入れた瞬間, It melts softly. .
Classic Thick omelet 以外にも,ねぎが入った Onion and egg など味のバリエーションも豊富. Late Taisho period A traditional taste that continues from teeth,Tsukijiに来たらぜひ味わいたいグルメのひとつis.
Tsukiji Yamacho
" Yamacho ”も,人気の卵焼き専門店is. One by one Hand-cracked eggs I took it politely. Bonito broth を加えた,シンプルな味わいin知られています.
プレーンな卵焼きOf course,味の違いが楽しめるよう複数の種類が One Pack became set がおすすめ. 贈答orお土産 For Gift Box もYes, we have it.
Saito Fisheries
創業から50年を超える,魚の目利きに絶対の自信have鮮魚店"Saito Fisheries”. "美味しくないものは売るな”という Founder's Commitment が,今も受け継がれています.
産地にこだわらず, By season All over Japan in旬を迎える Delicious fish We are purchasing そう. Sea urchin or Raw oysters , Tuna Assorted sashimi などが,店頭in気軽に味わえることin人気is.
Grilled eel on rice ・ Grilled eel on rice or Hitsumabushi Reasonably priced に楽しめることin人気の" Tsukijiうなぎ食堂 ”.eelをもっと身近なものにしてもらうため " Every day is Doyo-Ushi Day ”をモットー に努力しているそう.
店頭in, eel Of course it's fresh Seafood skewers Also sold しています.少しずつたくさんの種類のグルメを楽しみたい人にもおすすめyou know.
Tsukiji tourism おすすめツアー

街のシンボルともいえるTsukiji Honganji Templeからスタートする
Walking tour of Tsukiji Outer Market
People who want to know the market in depth
A lively market scene
Even now that the wholesale market has been relocated, the outside market remains vibrant. Why not try your hand at Tsukiji in the morning while listening to the guide's stories? ★Make your reservation early! ! -----------------------------------------●Fee: 4,527 yen *Free for children under 2 years old ●Departure time 08:00
【朝食付きプラン】Tsukijide朝活WALK!~Tsukiji Honganji Templein朝食を~
You can enjoy a limited quantity of breakfast at the cafe inside Tsukiji Honganji Temple! Why not try your hand at Tsukiji in the morning while listening to the guide's stories? ★Make your reservation early! ! -----------------------------------------●Price 7,596 yen *Free for children under 2 years old ●Departure time 8:0
Tsukiji sightseeing model course Eating and walking course: Kachidoki Bridge Museum

" Kachidoki Bridge Museum "teeth, Tsukiji outer marketから徒歩約7分 A museum located at.
Kachidoki Bridge
Japan's first movable bridge
It was built in June 1940 (Showa 15).
used to open bridges
A museum built using a substation
In addition to Kachidoki Bridge,
Valuable materials related to Sumida River bridges are on display
It has been.
Admission is free
You can view the
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday only
.おinかけの際teeth,開館日を事前にチェックしておくと安心you know.
実際にKachidoki Bridgeへ行く前に, あらかじめ資料館in情報を知っておく and,また違った視点inKachidoki Bridgeを楽しめます .
Tsukiji sightseeing model course Eating and walking course: Kachidoki Bridge

About 1 minute walk from Kachidoki Bridge Museum
With a total length of 246m,
Kachidoki Bridge
there is.
Kachidoki Bridge is
The main gate of the World's Fair scheduled for 1940 (Showa 15)
It was a bridge built using the most advanced technology of the time.
The exhibition was forced to be canceled due to the Sino-Japanese War.
Kachidoki Bridge that opens and closes in the center
The best bascule bridge in the East
As such, it plays an active role in the passage of large ships.
However, as the number of ships sailing decreased,
It has not been opened or closed since November 29, 1970.

In June 2007,
National important cultural property
Even now
Used as a location for dramas,
Also popular as a night view spot
Lighting that changes depending on the season or Cityscape of skyscrapers seen from the promenade Such, Recommended for dates as you can enjoy the romantic atmosphere you know.
Tsukiji sightseeing model course Eating and walking course: Sumida River Terrace

Sumida River Terrace
It was created by maintaining both banks of the Sumida River.
An area that is one level higher than the waterfront
Usually the role of the park
It also serves as
The sidewalks are greened, Stroll while enjoying the pleasant riverside breeze and scenery People who do, enjoy running 人たちにとっての憩いの場is.

Beautiful spot for cherry blossoms in spring
Also popular
There are also many restaurants and cafes in the surrounding area.
Tsukiji sightseeing model course Eating and walking course: Tsukiji Kocho
Approximately 7 minutes walk from Sumida River Terrace (Kachidoki Bridge)
Tsukiji Phalaenopsis
Opened in June 2020 at Tsukiji Outer Market
A hidden sweet shop in Tsukiji
A secluded place in a back alley
Tsukiji outer marketから少し離れて
People who want to take a leisurely break
Inside the Japanese-style calm shop,
Ice cream middle
A wide variety of Japanese sweets such as
You can enjoy it mainly.
Open from 6:30am しているのin,朝活にもぴったりis.
Enjoy sightseeing in Tsukiji with a model course!

Tsukiji Recommended by Tourist attractions or A spot where you can enjoy eating while walking , can be enjoyed in the surrounding area Popular activities We introduced them together.
Tsukijiteeth,Inner Marketが豊洲に移転した後も,
Eating outor観光を存分に楽しめる街
今回ご紹介したModel itineraryを参考に,
Historical Exploration
Gourmet tour
が充実のTsukiji tourism