Outfit list for playing in the snow! Thorough introduction of recommended clothing and belongings by age group, from children to adults!

Outfit list for playing in the snow! Thorough introduction of recommended clothing and belongings by age group, from children to adults!
Date updated:
Activity Japan Editorial Department

On this page, you can fully enjoy winter in Japan. Recommended clothing and items for playing in the snow A large survey by age from children to adults!

Necessary other than ski wear and snowboard wear "Outfits for playing in the snow" and "useful goods" Thoroughly introduce.

In addition to the cold protection that can withstand the cold and the functionality that allows you to stay comfortable even when wet, Clothes and belongings for playing in the snow that are also cute as fashion Let's check it out together.

Basic clothes for playing in the snow

Outfit list for playing in the snow! Thorough introduction of recommended clothing and belongings by age group, from children to adults!

Unless you have a hobby of skiing or snowboarding, What should I wear when playing in the snow? I think there are many people who are worried about it.

Naturally, from the viewpoint of cold protection, waterproofness, safety, etc. Playing in the snow in casual clothes is not recommended. .

First of all, Basic clothes and goods for enjoying playing in the snow I'll take a look.

  • Ski wear (snowboard wear)
  • snow boots
  • knit hat
  • glove
  • Goggles/Sunglasses
  • neck warmer

To enjoy playing in the snow comfortably, Ski wear (snowboard wear) that is both waterproof and windproof is a required item.

made of nylon In some cases, it can be substituted with a mountain jacket, etc. Yes, but in that case, it would be better to prepare not only tops but also pants.

again, Gloves (gloves) are waterproof instead of wool, and knitted hats are deep enough to cover the ears is recommended.

Choose flashy snowwear

red, blue, yellow, green, etc. Ski wear and snowboard wear often come in flashy colors and designs. It is characterized by

The reason is not only cuteness as fashion, but also " To stand out in a world of pure white silver There is a side called ".

with other groups To prevent accidents and make it easier for rescue teams to find you in the event of an accident. There is an advantage.

Related article

Layering of snow wear

Outfit list for playing in the snow! Thorough introduction of recommended clothing and belongings by age group, from children to adults!

How to wear snow wear when enjoying playing in the snow “Layering” is the basic is.

What is layering outer layer, middle layer, inner layer "Layered clothing" that consists of three main layers.

Not only for playing in the snow, but also for reasons such as heat retention, moisture permeability, and ease of putting on and taking off. Basic ways to wear outdoor wear that is also used for mountain climbing and trekking is.

Below, The roles of the three layers and the materials and functions to be selected are summarized.

outer layer

The outer layer is the snow wear top shell jacket etc.

The outer layer is made of nylon that is waterproof, windproof, and breathable. Ski wear, snowboard wear, mountain jackets, etc. is recommended.

middle layer

What is middle layer A middle garment that is sandwiched between an undergarment and a jacket Therefore, it is also called "second layer" in the outdoor industry.

Humidity can escape while keeping warm, and body temperature can be adjusted smoothly. Fleece or inner down is recommended It has been.

inner layer

The inner layer is also called "base layer" or "first layer". Underwear that touches the skin directly is.

The inner layer is not made of cotton (cotton) material, but it dries quickly even if it absorbs sweat. "Quick-drying, moisture-absorbing" items made of polyester, etc. Let's choose

Useful items for playing in the snow

Outfit list for playing in the snow! Thorough introduction of recommended clothing and belongings by age group, from children to adults!

Next, in addition to clothing Goods to have when playing in the snow I will check.

These goods are designed to keep both hands free. It is convenient to carry in a backpack (rucksack) etc. is.

  • Sunscreen
  • towel
  • tissue
  • Plastic bag
  • change clothes
  • sweets
  • drink
  • coin purse
  • Health insurance card

Many of you may be wondering, "Do you need sunscreen in winter?" Sunlight reflects off the snow, making it easy to get sunburned It is characterized by

Especially on sunny days Sunscreen to prevent goggle burn and enjoy playing in the snow.

Also, playing in the snow can lead to unexpected accidents and injuries (especially children). Bring your health insurance card We recommend that you keep it.

Clothes for playing in the snow (children/infants)

Outfit list for playing in the snow! Thorough introduction of recommended clothing and belongings by age group, from children to adults!

When preschool children (0 to 5 years old) play in the snow, "Tie type" snow wear is recommended is.

Because it is a one-piece type with a front zip There are no gaps in the stomach area, preventing snow and water from entering. That is the advantage.

What is sold as snow wear, It is made of waterproof and windproof material, and the warmth is guaranteed by filling and down. They will do it for you.

In addition, at the children's clothing shop, Water-repellent snow boots are also on sale, so be sure to have them ready. I guess.

Clothes for playing in the snow (children, elementary school students and older)

Outfit list for playing in the snow! Thorough introduction of recommended clothing and belongings by age group, from children to adults!

Children above elementary school age (7 years old) are the same as adults "Separate type" in which tops and pants are separated of snow wear can be worn.

At ski and snowboard stores and online shops, Many types of children's size snow wear are on sale It has been.

In addition, inner down to increase heat retention Some fast fashion brands can substitute It is also possible to arrange cheaply.

In addition to water repellency and heat retention, Try to choose snow wear that emphasizes ease of movement recommended.

Clothes for playing in the snow (for adults)

Outfit list for playing in the snow! Thorough introduction of recommended clothing and belongings by age group, from children to adults!

When adults enjoy playing in the snow, such as accompanying children, Full-fledged "Ski wear / snowboard wear" is recommended is.

Because the clothing sold by each snow brand is made with the assumption that you will play with the snow. Benefit from excellent functionality is.

On the other hand, these days A lot of goods that can be substituted from work clothes, workwear and fast fashion brands are sold It has been.

Various viewpoints such as price, function, lightness, fashionability, etc. Choose snow goods at and enjoy playing in the snow in style.

Snow Activity Reservation Popularity Ranking

Finally, based on Activity Japan's latest reservation data " Winter sports (snow activities) reservation popularity ranking ” will be introduced.

"Smelt fishing" and "snow shoes/snow trekking" Many snow activities other than skiing and snowboarding also ranked in doing.

Including the venue and experience fee (price), Based on reviews and word-of-mouth experiences Please use it for comparison examination of plan selection.

Many reservations and inquiries are expected for each plan during long vacation seasons such as weekends and holidays, winter vacation, and New Year holidays. We recommend that you check the availability of the schedule and make early reservations.
1 rank


Raft&Crew Outdoor Company.
5,300 Yen~ (tax included)
  • 4.9
  • (7 reviews and testimonials)


2 rank

【山梨・山中湖】2〜3時間で手ぶら体験!ピカピカで綺麗なドーム船でSmelt fishingをしよう!竿・仕掛け・エサ・持ち帰り込み

boat house main
Lake Yamanaka/Oshino
4,000 Yen~ (tax included)
  • 4.3
  • (3 reviews/testimonials)

山中湖で新規にSmelt fishingドーム船を導入いたしました.ピカピカで綺麗なドーム船でSmelt fishingしよう!2〜3時間で気軽に体験できる、竿・仕掛け・エサ・持ち帰りなどが全てセットになった手ぶらプランis.持ち帰りの氷やジップロックも無料でお渡ししますので、お気軽にご参加ください.

3 rank

[Yamanashi/Lake Yamanaka] Charter a small dome boat with a small number of people! Smelt fishing! Children OK! 2 people ~ family charter

Fishing Plaza Maruiso
Lake Yamanaka/Oshino
8,600 Yen~ (tax included)
  • 4.7
  • (77 reviews/testimonials)

船舶免許不要の小型ドーム船で、Smelt fishingはいかが?少人数での貸切ができ、自分たちのペースでゆったりと楽しめます.小型ドーム船は、エンジン付きなので移動も自由に楽々!好きなポイントで釣りをすることができます.風雨や雪をしのげ快適に釣りが楽しめます.最終帰着14時となります.結氷中のエンジン使用はでき

4 rank

【Hokkaido・Sapporo近郊】1組1テント催行確約・密を避けて楽しむSmelt fishing+more 1日体験2023~24

HORTO Sapporo
8,800 Yen~ (tax included)
  • 5.0
  • (11 reviews and testimonials)

About 50 minutes from the center of Sapporo city, you can experience smelt fishing in the ponds and lakes of the Ishikari River system. In the era of with corona, it is necessary to avoid fishing methods that are crowded in tents of about 1 tsubo with shared seating, and to follow the new Hokkaido guidelines and Go To Travel, while at the same time providing the pleasures of winter without worry. increase. So, on the ice with the customer

5 rank

[Yamanashi/Lake Yamanaka] Smelt fishing experience plan on a dome ship! (Pole and rig charge included)

boat house main
Lake Yamanaka/Oshino
4,300 Yen~ (tax included)
  • 4.4
  • (28 reviews/testimonials)

山中湖でSmelt fishingしよう!手巻きレンタル竿、仕掛け込みのコースis.(オプションにて電動レンタル竿も可能)※エサ代が別途100Circle現地にてかかります.7:00~13:00まで最大6時間お楽しみいただけます.予約の際にご希望の乗船時間にてお申込みください(現地にて好きなお時間で下船できます).下記コロ

6 rank

[Hokkaido Furano] Snowmobile experience! ! ★10km course★

Leisure Guide Asobiya Furano
9,000 Yen~ (tax included)
  • 4.8
  • (3 reviews/testimonials)

Is snowmobiling difficult? looks scary? That's not true! The guide will give a thorough lecture and then lead the way, so even those who are worried about driving or women can participate with peace of mind. Would you like to take on the challenge of traveling to a snowy world that no one knows about, such as forest roads, mountains, and snowfields that can only be reached by snowmobile?

7 rank

[Hokkaido/Sapporo area] With pick-up! Comfortable with a chartered fishing spot and a hut with a stove! Genghis Khan & smelt tempura tasting included! Half Day Premium Smelt Fishing Tour

Cycling Frontier Hokkaido/Frontier Fishing Tours (Cycling Frontier Co., Ltd.)
7,500 Yen~ (tax included)
  • 4.8
  • (13 reviews/testimonials)

This is a smelt fishing experience tour delivered by the leading smelt fishing guide who has guided the most customers in Hokkaido. It is a luxurious plan to charter the south fishing spot, which is known as one of the best spots in Shinshinotsu Lake Shinotsu, which is one of Hokkaido's leading smelt fishing spots. The location of the smelt fishing of a famous variety program from Hokkaido and

8 rank

【Hokkaido・南富良野】金山湖で冬の風物詩で氷上Smelt fishing~釣った後の天ぷら付き!6才からOK

FUN outdoor activities
5,500 Yen~ (tax included)
  • 4.6
  • (8 reviews and testimonials)

Drill a hole in the frozen lake and set a device! With just this, all you have to do is pull the string after biting. Leave the troublesome drilling, baiting, setting of gimmicks, etc. to the guide! If you learn a little trick, even beginners and children can feel free to experience it! After catching it, fry it on the spot and make it into tempura! Freshly fried and piping hot on the spot you caught is the best!

9 rank

【Hokkaido・Sapporo近郊】ウィンターセール実施中!5歳から楽しめる☆釣り仙人と行くSmelt fishing体験☆★写真・動画無料サービス付き★

n.s ride
9,900 Circle 7,000 Yen~ (tax included)
Discount campaign in progress!

【穴あけ〜釣って天ぷらまでチャレンジ!】★Smelt fishing仙人のミッションをクリアできるか!!?★3つのミッションを楽しむ☆小さなお子様から大人の皆様まで釣り仙人との思い出が作れる、どんな方でも遊べるプランです♪ミッションを達成しながら、本来のSmelt fishingを一から体験できます!遊びを通して学ぶもモットー

10 rank

【Hokkaido・Sapporosnowshoe】ウィンターセール実施!雪の妖精シマエナガやエゾリスが潜む粉雪の森 or 日本三大夜景「煌めく宝石箱」を臨む雪の丘

n.s ride
9,900 Circle 7,000 Yen~ (tax included)
Discount campaign in progress!
  • 4.5
  • (2 reviews and testimonials)

==================================■ 昼と夜、お好きなプランをお選びいただけます!■ ふわふわな雪の上を楽に歩ける「snowshoeセット」無料レンタル有り!■(昼)シマエナガやエゾリスなど、小動物たちが生息する森で開催!■(夜)日本三大夜景を一望できる雪の丘で開催!■

11 rank

[Niigata/Naeba] Snowmobile tour (Let's dive into nature! 60 minutes course!)

Kappa CLUB
12,000 Yen~ (tax included)
  • 5.0
  • (2 reviews and testimonials)

雪上でのレクチャー後、整備された体験コースで練習走行します.運転に慣れてきたら、コース外の大自然へLet's go!非圧雪エリアなので、パウダーランを思う存分、楽しみましょう!*日本語と英語のみ対応をしております.

12 rank

[Hokkaido/ Hakodate] Winter classic experience! Wakasagi fishing on ice at Onuma Quasi-National Park-5 minutes walk from the station! Empty-handed OK!

Onuma boat
2,500 Yen~ (tax included)
  • 3.8
  • (12 reviews/testimonials)

A complete set of rods and bait is available, so you can enjoy unlimited fishing. Please come empty-handed. Access is good as it is a 5-minute walk from the station. Caught smelt is cooked deliciously with tempura! Freshly made tempura is exceptional! *We will cook tempura for 600 yen per plate (around 15 fish)! (Payment on site)

13 rank

ウィンターセール実施中【平日限定割引有】【山梨・山中湖】暖かいドーム船でSmelt fishing(3時間通常プラン)手ぶらでOK!お子様・初心者歓迎!

Yamanakako Marine House Momo
Lake Yamanaka/Oshino
5,300 Circle 5,000 Yen~ (tax included)
Discount campaign in progress!
  • 3.9
  • (62 reviews/testimonials)

★Fishing gear and bait are also included! Why don't you enjoy smelt fishing without bringing anything on a comfortable dome boat equipped with heating and a toilet? * From September 1, 2022, there is a notification from the Dome Ship Council, and the return time will be until 14:00. If you would like to cook the smelt you caught, we will introduce you to a nearby restaurant where you can cook it.

14 rank

【Hokkaido・富良野】氷上Smelt fishinginかなやま湖(半日コース)

white koala rental ski
5,500 Yen~ (tax included)

手ぶらでOK!レンタルもあり!わかさぎ釣り半日コース♪♪全面凍結した湖上でSmelt fishing専用テントで、楽しいひと時を過ごしてみませんか?釣りが初めての方でもガイドが竿の使い方や餌の付け方指導いたしますので安心してお楽しみいただけます♪♪綺麗な水の中のわかさぎをは、その場で天ぷらで揚げたてが最高に美味い

15 rank

【Hokkaido・南富良野】かなやま湖で氷結Smelt fishing!半日体験コース

かなやま湖キャンプ場前 Smelt fishing体験
6,000 Yen~ (tax included)
  • 5.0
  • (1 review and testimonial)

真冬の氷結Smelt fishingをHokkaidoの真ん中、南富良野町かなやま湖で体験できます.かなやま湖キャンプ場前からソリに乗って湖上の温かいテントまでご案内します.経験豊富なガイドが釣り方のコツを伝授しますので、初心者でも安心して釣ることができますよ.

16 rank

[Tochigi/Nikko] Mysterious adventure experience for a limited time! Unryu Valley Icefall Trekking Tour (1 day) Suitable for good walkers!

Nikko, Kirifuri Kogen, Oku-Nikko, Lake Chuzenji, Imaichi
9,500 Yen~ (tax included)
  • 4.9
  • (17 reviews/testimonials)

Adventure trekking in the world of snow and ice in the Nikko Omote Mountain Range, the foot of Mt. Nyoho, and the valley along the Inari River! Wear crampons and walk with a guide aiming for Unryu Valley with complete winter mountain equipment. (About 6 hours round trip, suitable for good walkers) When you get there, you will see an icefall with a drop of 120m frozen in the freezing cold, a group of icicles and ice walls with a width of 100m! You should see this! ! winter days

17 rank

【Hokkaido・Sapporo近郊】 新篠津しのつ湖南釣り場集合!Sapporo近郊エコノミーSmelt fishing体験半日ツアー(ストーブ付きテント釣り、ライトガイドプラン)

Cycling Frontier Hokkaido/Frontier Fishing Tours (Cycling Frontier Co., Ltd.)
5,000 Yen~ (tax included)
  • 4.6
  • (5 reviews/testimonials)

This is a smelt fishing experience tour delivered by the leading smelt fishing guide who has guided the most customers in Hokkaido. It is a luxurious plan to charter the south fishing spot, which is known as one of the best spots in Shinshinotsu Lake Shinotsu, which is one of Hokkaido's leading smelt fishing spots. The location of the smelt fishing of a famous variety program from Hokkaido and

18 rank

初心者・経験者どちらも歓迎!冬の snowshoeで雪の森へ!2024~アクティブに!?のんびり!?冬の自然を満喫しよう!~【栃木・奥日光】

Nikko Natural Museum Co., Ltd.
Nikko, Kirifuri Kogen, Oku-Nikko, Lake Chuzenji, Imaichi
3,000 Yen~ (tax included)
  • 4.9
  • (15 reviews and testimonials)


19 rank

[Yamanashi/Lake Yamanaka] Smelt fishing for up to 7 hours on a dome boat with a capacity of 10 people! Tempura set is also available as an option!

Lake Yamanaka/Oshino
4,300 Yen~ (tax included)
  • 4.1
  • (43 reviews/testimonials)

冬と言えばこれ!Smelt fishingを富士山を見ながら体験してみませんか?ドーム船なので寒さもヘッチャラ!楽しんで体験することができます!ワカサギをたくさん釣るなら朝がオススメです!ワカサギは朝が一番釣れるので朝から来て頂ければより一層楽しめます!もちろん集合時間はご都合に合わせて7時から14時の間でお好き

20 rank

Very popular! Spectacular views with a local guide! Iori Falls/Ice Waterfall Trekking [Tochigi Prefecture/Oku-Nikko]

Nikko Natural Museum Co., Ltd.
Nikko, Kirifuri Kogen, Oku-Nikko, Lake Chuzenji, Imaichi
10,000 Yen~ (tax included)
  • 4.8
  • (36 reviews/testimonials)

We will walk through the snowfields of Oku-Nikko with its superb view and visit the secret waterfall "Antaki" in the depths of the valley. Iori Falls is about 30 meters high and is completely frozen, making it a splendid ice waterfall. Located in the shade, the ice grows slowly and is known for its beautiful blue ice. In this tour, it is a plan to visit Iori Falls with the guidance of a nature guide who knows the local area well. deer

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