Sightseeing Spots and Ways to Enjoy on a Rainy Day in Ishigaki Island

You can fully enjoy sightseeing even on bad weather days
Ishigaki Island
This time,
Sightseeing spots on Ishigaki Island that can be enjoyed even in the rain
I'd like to introduce_______
There are many showers in the Okinawa area, and even if it does rain, it often stops quickly. . again, marine activities teeth, If the wind is not strong, you can participate even if it rains There are also things.
with tourist spots Popular experiences in Ishigaki Island I will also introduce you!
table of contents
- 1 Ishigaki Island Sightseeing spot that can be enjoyed even in the rain 1: Ishigaki Island Limestone Cave
- 2 Ishigaki Island Sightseeing spot that can be enjoyed even in the rain 2: Euglena Mall
- 3 Ishigaki Island Sightseeing spot that can be enjoyed even in the rain 3: Ishigaki Island Hoshinoumi Planetarium
- 4 Ishigaki Island Sightseeing spot that can be enjoyed even in the rain 4: Ibaruma Sabichi Cave
- 5 Ishigaki Island Sightseeing spot that can be enjoyed even in the rain 5: Yurateiku Market
- 6 Ishigaki Island raininも楽しめるアクティビティ
- 7 Ishigaki Island Sightseeing spots that can be enjoyed even in the rain Summary
- 8 Editorial department recommended feature articles
Ishigaki Island Sightseeing spot that can be enjoyed even in the rain 1: Ishigaki Island Limestone Cave

" Ishigaki Island Limestone Cave was born over 200,000 years The largest limestone cave on Ishigaki Island is. The limestone cave is a great sightseeing spot even if it rains because there is no weather or temperature to worry about.
Ishigakijima limestone cave Unlike ordinary limestone caves, A rare limestone cave born from a coral reef ! Inside the cave Forest of carvings of the gods is a large hall with a width of about 20m, a length of about 40m, and a height of about 6m. It's as beautiful as a sculpture created by nature!
popular with children totoro stalactite You can take pictures in front of the limestone cave illumination You can enjoy sightseeing even in the rain!
アクティビティジャパンinteeth, rainの日はもちろん,天候に関係なく楽しめる Ishigaki Island There are many activities of . Be sure to check them out below as well!
Ishigaki Island Sightseeing spot that can be enjoyed even in the rain 2: Euglena Mall

Ishigaki Island
located in the city of
Japan's southernmost arcade shopping street "
There is a roof over the shopping district
So you can enjoy shopping even on rainy days!
"Euglena Mall" consists of two streets, "Chuo-dori" and "Ginza-dori",
There are more than 100 shops such as souvenir shops, apparel shops, and restaurants, so you can enjoy shopping.
called the kitchen of the island
Ishigaki City Public Market
” has an eat-in space where you can eat meat, fish, and sweets sold at the shop!
Famous for its wide selection of products,
Ishigaki City Specialty Product Sales Center
” is a place where you can meet the real “Made in Ishigaki Island” as a directly managed store by island producers!
If you're worried about sightseeing on a rainy day in Ishigaki Island, go to Euglena Mall for now. , Rice and souvenirs, you should be able to find something you like.
Ishigaki Island Sightseeing spot that can be enjoyed even in the rain 3: Ishigaki Island Hoshinoumi Planetarium
Ishigaki Island south of, close to "Euglena Mall" Ishigaki Island Hoshinoumi Planetarium "and, A perfect spot for a rainy day!
"Ishigaki Island Hoshinoumi Planetarium" Inclined projection planetarium There are 46 seats in the dome of about 9m. The feature is that you can see 3D images in addition to all-sky images!
The hall is famous for its beautiful starry sky. Iriomote Island (Iriomotejima), An original program focusing on the stars, nature, and culture of Yaeyama is screened, and is worth seeing. . With a live commentary by a guide who loves the island, you can learn more about the nature and culture of the island.
You can see the beautiful stars of the island even on rainy days, and you can learn a lot, so it is recommended for families with children!
Ishigaki Island Sightseeing spot that can be enjoyed even in the rain 4: Ibaruma Sabichi Cave

Located about 20 minutes by car from New Ishigaki Airport (Nannushima Ishigaki Airport) Ibaruma Sabichi Cave ”.
Ibaruma Sabichi Cave has a long history. Ishigaki Island was made A stalactite cave formed by upheaval of the sea floor about 270 million years ago It is said that. The length of the main cave is 237m, and the height of the ceiling varies depending on the location, but the maximum is 12m.
In the limestone cave, you can not only admire stone pillars, stalagmites, icicle stones, cave corals, etc. Fossils of creatures that inhabited ancient seas, such as coral reef fossils can also be seen.

Japan's only limestone cave leading to the sea
Being one of the charms!
When you pass through the exit of the limestone cave, the sea spreads out in front of you!
If you walk along the coastline, Turtle-shaped rock famous as a power spot You can also meet them, so please look for them!
Ishigaki Island Sightseeing spot that can be enjoyed even in the rain 5: Yurateiku Market

" Yurateiku Market ” is about a 10-minute walk from Ishigaki Port. Japan's southernmost farmer's market !
In addition to fresh vegetables and fruits from the Yaeyama area, we also handle meat such as Ishigaki beef and Ima beef. Because it is indoors, you can enjoy shopping without worrying about getting wet in the rain.
Ishigaki Island is famous for pineapple cultivation, so be sure to check it out when you visit Yurateiku Market!
Ishigaki Island raininも楽しめるアクティビティ
next, Ishigaki Island in rainの日inも楽しめるアクティビティ Introducing します.
snorkeling teeth,水に濡れることが前提となるアクティビティのため, rain天inも風or波が高くなければ問題なく開催されるツアーが多い inす.
Ishigaki Islandの 人気パワースポット" Blue Grotto ”に行くツアー or With high probability Sea Turtle A tour where you can swim with Such, Participation from age 2 inきるのin小さな子供も一緒に楽しめます.
Ishigaki Island唯一の海のパワースポットと言っても過言inはないBlue Grotto!青く輝く洞窟の入り口teeth,まさに未知の世界への入り口!そんな神秘的なBlue Grottoin笑顔が絶えない洞窟探検!snorkelinginはたくさんの魚達がお出迎え!Ishigaki Islandの米原ビーチteeth,Blue Grottoがある隠れたビーチ.真っ白な砂浜にはたくさんの星砂.ちょっぴり
スーパーサマーセール2024 当日予約OK Ishigaki Island唯一の海のパワースポットBlue Grottoシュノーケル体験
Ishigaki Island唯一の海のパワースポットと言っても過言inはないBlue Grotto青く輝く洞窟の入り口teeth,まさに未知の世界への入り口!そんな神秘的なBlue Grottoin笑顔が絶えない洞窟探検にたくさんの魚達にお出迎えされるシュノーケルを体験inきるのは マリンショップIshigaki Island笑顔向上請負所だけinすよ!
Introductory Diving
snorkeling同様,rain天inも実施されるツアーが多い" Introductory Diving ”.
Ishigaki Islandteeth,Sea Turtleだけinなく,
High chance of encountering manta rays
A tour that includes introductory diving to find manta rays and sea turtles
Free photo data service plan
Or during breaks
A plan where you can enjoy fishing for free
【Ishigaki Island/半日】スーパーサマーセール2024 ボートクルーズ,絶景珊瑚とマンタとSea Turtle2Introductory Diving,器材・飲み物・タオル付き
◉ ボートクルージング×マンタとSea Turtleと珊瑚のIntroductory DivingOkinawain唯一ミシュランガイド三つ星を獲得した限りなく透明な水と色とりどりの珊瑚に囲まれた極上の海,Ishigaki Island・川平.ここは世界有数のマンタ遭遇率を誇るエリアinもあります.ボートクルージングin水上mosquitoら川平ブルー,水中mosquitoら絶景珊瑚!マンタorSea Turtle
他店にはないtaitaiならinはの盛りだくさんのツアー内容!開業20年の経験を基にWith high probabilityマンタorSea Turtleをご案内しています天候海峡が可能な限り1日inマンタ・Sea Turtle・ニモSuchお魚いっぱいサンゴ礁いっぱいのポイントの3mosquito所を巡り,1Introductory Diving・2mosquito所スノーケル+休憩時間には釣りorジャンプ大会Such
rainの日inもIshigaki Islandの大自然を満喫inきる" マングローブSUP ”" マングローブCanoe/Kayak ”は人気のアクティビティ!
マングローブの木々が生い茂る原生林inteeth, The flow of the river is calm that's why Even beginners and small children can enjoy it. .
SUP mosquito Canoe/Kayak You can choose either のin,自分たちの条件にぴったりのプランを選んin,マングローブの大自然を満喫してくださいね.
【Ishigaki Island•大人気スポット】熱帯rain林の大自然を颯爽♪不思議な森マングローブをSUPorカヤック体験‼️上陸し探索生き物を探そう‼️rain天参加可
Ishigaki Islandの天然記念物in市の文化財にも指定されている吹通川マングローブ群落inのカヤック or SUP体験!川の流れがとても穏ormosquitoin,カヤックorSUP初心者の方or小さなお子様mosquitoら多くの方に楽しんinいただける安全面を重視したツアーinす♪初心者向きコースながら自然味はばっちり!マングローブアーチをくぐる道中in
【Ishigaki Island/半日】天然記念物!マングローブin選べるSUPorカヌー★涼しい川inのアクティビティ【写真データ無料】スーパーサマーセール2024
Ishigaki Island raininも楽しめるアクティビティランキング
Ishigaki Islandのraininも楽しめるアクティビティ In ranking format 紹介しますのin,ぜひ気になるプランを見つけたら参加してくださいね.
【Ishigaki Island】大人気!3大スポット★川平湾+Blue Grotto+回復の滝とSea Turtleシュノーケル!満足度120%★スーパーサマーセール2024 KAS
- 4.8
- (565 reviews and experiences)
◉初日参加がオススメ!(離島行く船・竹富水牛車・系列店お土産品Suchも安くなるクーポン付き!)◉Sea Turtle,クマノミニモ,お魚サンゴも沢山!◉無料駐車場◉クラブハウス施設利用も無料♪(シャワー・鍵付ロッカー・更衣室)◉市街地10分圏内無料送迎◉車移動の中も楽しいガイド◉ビーチエントリーthat's whyIshigaki Islandが初め
【Ishigaki Island•大人気スポット】熱帯rain林の大自然を颯爽♪不思議な森マングローブをSUPorカヤック体験‼️上陸し探索生き物を探そう‼️rain天参加可
- 4.9
- (301 reviews and experiences)
Ishigaki Islandの天然記念物in市の文化財にも指定されている吹通川マングローブ群落inのカヤック or SUP体験!川の流れがとても穏ormosquitoin,カヤックorSUP初心者の方or小さなお子様mosquitoら多くの方に楽しんinいただける安全面を重視したツアーinす♪初心者向きコースながら自然味はばっちり!マングローブアーチをくぐる道中in
【Okinawa・Ishigaki Island】<スーパーサマーセール2024>Ishigaki Island最北部の秘境・絶景オフロード!四輪バギーツアー★リアルジュラシックパークを走行!
- 4.9
- (16 reviews and experiences)
ツアー催行会社名:Riders LighthouseIshigaki Island最北部の秘境・島一絶景なオフロードコース(平久保半島エコロード)を四輪バギーにてご案内致します.西表石垣国立公園に指定されているコースteeth,リアルジュラシックパークとも言われるほどの壮観!自然環境が保全された放牧地帯に
【Ishigaki Island•半日】海を遊び尽くせ✨クリアカヤック&SUP & カヤック遊び放題✨参加者9割が初心者❗️シャワー更衣室完備•写真無料
- 5.0
- (74 reviews and experiences)
島人(しまんちゅ)または島在住ガイドが案内いたします!小さい頃mosquitoら海遊びが大好きな私たちが考えたツアープランinす!Ishigaki Islandの海を僕らガイドと一緒に楽しみませんmosquito?市街地mosquitoら離れた人or建物の少ない北部のポイントin壮大なエメラルドグリーンの海in人ごみもありません.そんなポイントin好きなアクティビティを3種
【Okinawa・Ishigaki Island】高級魚狙いの体験釣り半日ツアー!手ぶら参加OKの初心者船釣りコース!【AM・PMコース】
- 4.6
- (31 reviews and experiences)
本格体験釣りツアー半日コース所要時間約3時間午前コース9:00出港 午後コース13:00出港一度はorってみたい釣り体験!当店のツアーは高級魚狙いの本格体験釣りinす!竿or仕掛け・エサ等はすべて準備されていますのin手ぶらinご参加いただけます.体験釣りコースinも高級魚が釣れる底物釣りはワクワク気分inおもし
Ishigaki Island Sightseeing spots that can be enjoyed even in the rain Summary

Okinawa離島 ・ Ishigaki Island in raininも楽しめるスポットorアクティビティ Introducingしました.
In Ishigaki Island, it rains for a short time like a squall, often stop immediately Therefore, it is recommended to wait for a while.
Introductory Diving
Outdoor tour held even if it rains if the wind is not strong
There are many, so let's check out various plans.
Ishigaki Island
Please also go out for activities and experiences where you can enjoy the great outdoors!