What is Ishigakijima Starry Sky Farm: Access and best season

for the first time in Japan
starry sky reserve
There is a place certified as
Ishigaki Island
This time, the popular sightseeing spot " Ishigakijima Starry Sky Farm 」を特集." Ishigakijima Starry Sky Farm "We will introduce you to more details about this!
Great value stargazing tour Check it out as well!
table of contents
What is "Ishigakijima Starry Sky Farm"?

" Ishigakijima Starry Sky Farm ” means Superb view spot where you can observe the starry sky is.
Because it is located on a hill, it is attractive that there are no buildings that block the view. There are no streetlights around Stargazing It's perfect for!
360 degree panoramic view & You can fully enjoy the starry sky observation to the last minute of the horizon .
An experience unique to Ishigakijima Starry Sky Farm, where you can observe the starry sky not only from above but also to the sides. is not it!
It's like a natural planetarium! Starry sky bath tour at Ishigaki Island "Starry Sky Farm"! The 360° horizon spreads out and you will be surrounded by a starry sky! ! Would you like to take a starry sky bath at a starry sky spot with a panoramic view? <Points> ・The constellations and stars will be explained by a certified starry sky guide, as well as stories about Yaeyama's star culture and the universe!・Free rental of binoculars and reclining chairs
"Ishigakijima Starry Sky Farm」の場所とアクセス方法
"Ishigakijima Starry Sky Farm" Ishigaki Island from the city of 15 minutes by car is located in
It's easy to access, so it's easy to incorporate into your travel schedule, so it's recommended .
It's easy to get to by rental car or taxi, so stop by when you're sightseeing around Ishigaki Island.
- 5.0
- (1 review)
- Okinawa
- Okinawa (remote islands)
- Ishigaki Island
- night tour
- Astronomical Observation/Starry Sky Observation
Can I go to "Ishigakijima Starry Sky Farm" by myself?

"Ishigakijima Starry Sky Farm"
Private property, you can't go there by yourself
You cannot enter on your own, so you will need to join a tour.
People who want to go to "Ishigakijima Starry Sky Farm" can make a reservation at Activity Japan Stargazing tour Book now!
On the stargazing tour, Learn about the stars, constellations and universe from a certified guide . Rather than just observing the starry sky, you can enjoy it more by listening to stories about the stars!
It's like a natural planetarium! Starry sky bath tour at Ishigaki Island "Starry Sky Farm"! The 360° horizon spreads out and you will be surrounded by a starry sky! ! Would you like to take a starry sky bath at a starry sky spot with a panoramic view? <Points> ・The constellations and stars will be explained by a certified starry sky guide, as well as stories about Yaeyama's star culture and the universe!・Free rental of binoculars and reclining chairs
"Ishigakijima Starry Sky Farm」の口コミ・レビュー
I was impressed! 少し雲が出ていたのですが、本番はラッキーだったのか、雲が流れてくれて、天の川がくっきり見えて大感激でした.ガイドの方の軽妙な説明も大変に面白く、普段プラネタリウムだと飽きてしまう子どもたちも最後まで真剣に話を聞いていました.星空に吸い込まれてしまいそうな非常に神秘的で幻想的な体験ができたと大満足しています. 5.0 ★★★★★ Experience date: August 2023
It's like a natural planetarium! Starry sky bath tour at Ishigaki Island "Starry Sky Farm"! The 360° horizon spreads out and you will be surrounded by a starry sky! ! Would you like to take a starry sky bath at a starry sky spot with a panoramic view? <Points> ・The constellations and stars will be explained by a certified starry sky guide, as well as stories about Yaeyama's star culture and the universe!・Free rental of binoculars and reclining chairs
Starry Sky Observation in Ishigaki Island: When is the Best Season?

Ishigaki Island The best season to enjoy stargazing is July to October with high percentage of fine weather .
The best season for is winter. however,
November to January on Ishigaki Island is the time when the rate of fine weather is low
The tour of "Ishigakijima Starry Sky Farm" that can be booked at Activity Japan is closed from December to January due to the rainy season.
By the way, the constellations that can be observed differ depending on the season, so it is recommended to check in advance before joining the tour.
The Southern Cross can be observed on Ishigaki Island from the end of December to the end of June.
The Milky Way can be observed all year round
However, the season that is clearly visible
May to October
- 5.0
- (1 review and testimonial)
It's like a natural planetarium! Starry sky bath tour at Ishigaki Island "Starry Sky Farm"! The 360° horizon spreads out and you will be surrounded by a starry sky! ! Would you like to take a starry sky bath at a starry sky spot with a panoramic view? <Points> ・The constellations and stars will be explained by a certified starry sky guide, as well as stories about Yaeyama's star culture and the universe!・Free rental of binoculars and reclining chairs
Ishigaki island Cheap stargazing tour popularity ranking

Ishigaki Island There are many attractive tours other than "Ishigakijima Starry Sky Farm".
Participating in a stargazing tour has many benefits!
The guide will tell you about the stars and local information, so there are many advantages over observing by yourself!
based on ranking Ishigaki Island×Stargazing Please enjoy.
【4月ヤシガニ遭遇率100%】星空フォト&ホタル鑑賞&ジャングルnight tour/絶滅危惧種ヤシガニ見れなきゃ全額返金保証有/プロカメラマン撮影
- 4.9
- (98 reviews and experiences)
⭐️Ishigaki Island夜の人気3プランを一つに⭐️【星空フォト】✖︎【ホタル鑑賞】✖︎【ヤシガニ探索ジャングルナイトサファリ】ヤシガニ、ホタル、星空が見たい方当社にお任せください.自信を持って案内できるプランとなっています.ネットに載っていないマル秘ポイントだからこそできる大満足プランis.真っ暗闇にライト1つ
【Ishigaki Island/夜】星空&ジャングルnight tour★天然プラネタリウム×南国のレア生物★当日申し込みOK!スーパーサマーセール2024
- 4.7
- (434 reviews and experiences)
★累計参加人数30万人突破!安心安全なツアー!★初心者にもおすすめのアクティビティ!★備品レンタル無料♪★南国特有の夜行性の生き物に出会える!★天気が良ければ天然プラネタリウムも楽しめる!★参加者特典(飲食店等で利用できるクーポン、穴場スポット情報)付き!夜のIshigaki Islandにくり出し、亜熱帯ならthenの生き物
- 4.8
- (65 reviews and experiences)
Ishigaki Island is less affected by city lights. It is an island where the sky full of stars that cannot be seen in the city shines. In March 2018, part of Ishigaki Island was certified as Japan's first starry sky sanctuary (International Dark Sky Association). While looking at such a beautiful starry sky, why don't you soothe your heart with Okinawa's unique sanshin? Starry sky guidance by a certified starry sky guide and live sanshin performance
スーパーサマーセール2024【Ishigaki Island/約2.5時間】非日常マジックアワー&starry sky reserveの夜空を満喫/1組貸切サンセット&ナイトカヤック
- 5.0
- (20 reviews and testimonials)
★Mysterious sunset & night mangrove exploration★Take memorable photos with a beautiful sunset as a backdrop★A completely private tour limited to one group★Beginners are also welcome, with a thorough safety training and a relaxed atmosphere★Go to a secret place that can only be reached on this tour♪★Hair dryers and hot water showers available★Discounts available for groups of 3 or more! ~~~~~~~At the moment the sun sets, a local guide
【Ishigaki Island・当日予約OK】21時スタート!星空&カヌーでジャングルクルーズ!ご飯の後でも参加OK!
- 4.9
- (41 reviews and testimonials)
予約が空いていれば当日予約OKです!少人数制でご案内♪マングローブの森をカヤックで進んで冒険しよう!ワクワク、ドキドキ度120%のnight tourでIshigaki Islandの夜も楽しんでみませんか? 天気がよければ満天の星もお目見え!カヤックに寝転がり、ゆっくりと自然や星空をを眺める贅沢な時間を過ごせます. Ishigaki Islandの北
【Okinawa・Ishigaki Island】night tour!3歳からOK!夜のジャングル探検、満天の星空の下で亜熱帯の生き物探し&観察をしよう!<1グループ貸切案内>
- 5.0
- (2 reviews and testimonials)
Ishigaki Islandの夜のジャングルを歩いて散策、亜熱帯の生き物探し&観察するツアーis.ジャングルと言っても歩く場所は舗装された林道のため、小さなお子さまや体力が心配な方でも安心して参加できます.3歳のお子さまから参加OK!1グループ貸切案内のため、他の参加者の方を気にすることなく自分たちのペースで楽しむことが
【Okinawa・Ishigaki Island】スーパーサマーセール ”ヤエヤマヒメボタル"観賞ツアー★石垣市公認ガイドによるStargazing付き★(往復送迎付)
- 4.5
- (17 reviews and testimonials)
\"この時期だけ"の幻想的な夜の絶景へ!/ "ヤエヤマヒメボタル観賞ツアー"★3月~5月しか見れない期間限定!★0歳から参加OK!お子様~みんなで楽しめる!★石垣市公認ガイドによるプチStargazing付き!Ishigaki Island・西表島にしか生息していない"ヤエヤマヒメボタル”.八重山の春(3月~5月頃)が訪れると、
- 5.0
- (1 review and testimonial)
It's like a natural planetarium! Starry sky bath tour at Ishigaki Island "Starry Sky Farm"! The 360° horizon spreads out and you will be surrounded by a starry sky! ! Would you like to take a starry sky bath at a starry sky spot with a panoramic view? <Points> ・The constellations and stars will be explained by a certified starry sky guide, as well as stories about Yaeyama's star culture and the universe!・Free rental of binoculars and reclining chairs
【Okinawa・Ishigaki Island】スーパーサマーセール★完全貸切の星空フォト★ プロカメラマンがご案内!レーザーポインターを使った星空解説付き!
- 4.8
- (6 reviews and testimonials)
\\美しい星空を背景に、一生思い出に残るお写真をお撮りします//★1組限定の完全プライベートツアー!★石垣市公認の星空ガイドが、レーザーポインターを使って星空解説!★星空撮影はプロのウエディングカメラマンが担当!ポージングまでこだわる圧倒的クオリティ!Ishigaki Islandは、2018年に”日本初のstarry sky reserve”に認
スーパーサマーセール2024【ナイト/1時間】Ishigaki Islandの夜の生き物探索 ! 短時間で手軽にナイトウォッチング!全額返金保証アリ
- 4.9
- (27 reviews and experiences)
【Ishigaki Islandの夜をサクッと散歩!日中とは一味違うIshigaki Islandの夜を探索してみませんか?】夜にしか見ることができない生き物や南国特有の植物を探しに行こう♪運が良ければ巨大ヤシガニも見ることができるかも!?さらに日本初のstarry sky reserveに認定された星空も一緒に堪能しよう!集合から解散までの所要時間はわずか1時間!市街地
If you go to "Ishigakijima Starry Sky Farm", go to Activity Japan!

Sacred place for stargazing
Ishigakijima Starry Sky Farm
Ishigaki Island
Marine Sports
is popular, but why not try stargazing at the same time?
You can enjoy a perfect starry sky that you can't usually see!