autumn'sKyotoおすすめコース│紅葉light upイベント・特別拝観・祭り・アクティビティ・体験を徹底紹介!

autumn'sKyotoおすすめコース│紅葉light upイベント・特別拝観・祭り・アクティビティ・体験を徹底紹介!
Activity Japan editorial department

On this page autumn's Kyoto Recommended course for travel and sightseeing A big feature!

Fall foliage light-up events, special viewings, festivals, autumn'sKyotoならではのアクティビティ・日本文化体験 Will be thoroughly introduced.

The popularity of travel and sightseeing will increase the most in the year Fully enjoy Kyoto in autumn will do.


autumn'sKyotoおすすめコース│紅葉light upイベント・特別拝観・祭り・アクティビティ・体験を徹底紹介!

A town that conveys the history of Japan that has been spun from ancient times to the present day Kyoto ".

Kiyomizu Templeや金閣寺(鹿苑寺)などをはじめとした歴史的建造物の数々、祇園の街並みや鴨川沿い景観など Japan's representative tourist destination where you can enjoy the scenery of good old Japan is.

Autumn in pleasant weather A season where you can enjoy the beautiful contrast between the autumn leaves and the cityscape with a Japanese atmosphere. .

Dotted throughout Kyoto, including historical buildings such as temples and shrines Numerous classic sightseeing spots transformed into “autumn foliage spots” to pick up.

また、October15日から23日の間に開催されるKyoto三大祭りの一つ"時代祭」など各所で開催される秋祭りや特別拝観・一般公開など イベントが豊富なこともautumn'sKyotoの魅力 is.

Strolling, gourmet food, experiencing Japanese culture, activities, etc... Experiences unique to autumn in Kyoto Please enjoy going out such as traveling and dating through ".


1 Rank

"Super Summer Sale in progress" [Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto] Japanese sweets making experience [Welcome to the world of traditional Japanese sweets and Neri-kiri! ] 1 minute walk from Gojo Station

Japanese culture experience hermitage an Kyoto
Around Kyoto Station
1,570 circle 1,491 Yen ~ (tax included)
Discount campaign in progress!
  • 4.1
  • (36 reviews and experiences)

Kyoto烏丸五条にある日本文化体験 庵an(あん)Kyotoでは、どなたでも楽しく日本文化を体験いただけます.日本文化への第一歩を庵anKyotoで踏み出してみませんか?楽しい+学べる体験プログラムを多数用意してお待ちしております.Japanese sweets making experienceでは、おひとり様2個季節に合わせた和菓子を作っていただきます.Kyotoの老

2 Rank

[Kyoto / Shimizu] Beginners are welcome! Make your favorite shape! Potter's wheel experience standard plan (30 minutes)

Zuikou Kiln Kyoto Shimizu Store (zuikougama)
Around Gion, Higashiyama, Kitashirakawa
3,600 Yen ~ (tax included)
  • 4.8
  • (52 reviews and testimonials)


3 Rank


KyoYuzen Workshop Marumasu Nishimuraya
Kawaramachi / Karasuma / Omiya area
3,500 Yen ~ (tax included)
  • 4.9
  • (8 reviews / experiences)

当たりが柔らかく、香りの良い"Kyoto銘木 北山杉」のお箸作りと、型紙を使って絵柄を染める友禅のお箸入れ作りのセットis.さくっ、さくっと軽快に木を削り出すたびにほのかな香りが辺りに広がります.そんな空気が流れる京町家の一室でお箸作りに興じてみませんか?

Featured Articles

Experiences and activities unique to Kyoto│Recommended for girls' trips, couples, and families with children! Leisure/Activity/Cultural Experience Popularity Ranking Images
Experience / play unique to Kyoto │ Recommended for girls traveling, couples, and families with children! Leisure / Activity / Cultural Experience Popularity Ranking
Updated 2023/04/17
A special feature on "experiences and activities unique to Kyoto" that you can enjoy while traveling and sightseeing in Kyoto. Introducing the popularity ranking of recommended experiences, leisure, play, and activities for families with children, including girls' trips, dates, family trips, school trips, and company trips.
Kinki (Kansai) Kyoto Making sweets and Japanese sweets


autumn'sKyotoおすすめコース│紅葉light upイベント・特別拝観・祭り・アクティビティ・体験を徹底紹介!

" autumn's Kyoto is it hot? cold? "or" autumn'sKyoto旅行はどんな服装を着ていけばいい? 」など気温に関する疑問をお持ちの方も少なくありません.

Below is the usual autumn season (September to December) Appropriate clothing guidelines based on average temperature data をまとめていきます.


September 29°C 20°C
October 23°C 13°C
November 17°C 7°C
December 11°C 2°C
According to Activity Japan

Although the warmth still remains in October, it is the best time to see the autumn leaves. November is the season when the temperature starts to drop and you feel chilly になります.

When enjoying the autumn leaves light-up event at night, Prepare outerwear with high heat retention for long-sleeved tops such as knits and hoodies will do.

Also, the difference in temperature between daytime and morning and evening is intense. It is recommended to wear layers that are easy to put on and take off. されます.


autumn'sKyotoおすすめコース│紅葉light upイベント・特別拝観・祭り・アクティビティ・体験を徹底紹介!

Kyoto in the prefecture There are many famous spots as "famous spots for autumn leaves" To do.

Until the leaves of Japanese maple (Acer palmatum) and ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) fall For about a month, the leaves of the trees turn red in various places. You can enjoy.

Although the difference in altitude varies depending on the region, Kyotoの紅葉の見頃時期は例年おおよそNovember上旬からDecember上旬 to.

during the period A light-up event will be held などautumn'sKyoto観光における代名詞的存在となっています.

Recommended experience plan

【Kyoto】ここへ行けば間違いないKyoto街歩き鉄板コース ~ガイドといく八坂・高台寺・Kiyomizu Temple絶品の景色を探して~

888 (Triple Eight) Tour
Kawaramachi / Karasuma / Omiya area
4,980 Yen ~ (tax included)



spot Estimated best time to see light up
Arashiyama (Togetsukyo Bridge) Late November to early December none
Sagano Truck Mid-November to early December To be held
Tenryu temple Mid-November to early December none
Daikakuji Temple Mid-November to early December Friday, November 17, 2023 to Sunday, December 3, 2023
Kiyomizu Temple Late November to early December Saturday, November 18, 2023 to Thursday, November 30, 2023
Nanzenji Temple Mid-November to early December none
Tofukuji Temple Mid-November to early December To be held
Eikando Mid-November to late November November 3, 2023 (Friday/holiday) to December 3 (Sunday)
Toji Late November to early December To be held
Ninnaji Temple Mid-November to late November To be held
According to Activity Japan



autumn'sKyotoおすすめコース│紅葉light upイベント・特別拝観・祭り・アクティビティ・体験を徹底紹介!

temples and shrines that are registered as World Heritage Sites, as well as gardens and museums. Kyoto is dotted with many historical and cultural heritage sites doing.

What are special visits and public openings? An event where you can enter these facilities, which are normally prohibited from entering, and see hidden Buddhist statues and handicrafts on display. is.

overlaps with the autumn leaves season Light-up events are held at night in autumn. It is especially popular because you can enjoy a view that cannot be seen in other seasons.

Below is the autumn foliage season. Introducing carefully selected special admission and general information for the fall of 2023 To do.

Flower Ceiling Autumn special viewing

place period time price
Hiraoka Hachimangu September 15th (Friday) to December 3rd (Sunday), 2023 10:00-16:00 (Reception closes at 15:30)
10/1・10/8・10/9 Closed
拝観料 800circle


place period time price
Heian Shrine Tuesday, September 19, 2023 8:30-16:30 (end of reception) free

Toji Treasure Museum Autumn Special Opening

place period time price
Toji September 20 (Wednesday) to November 25 (Saturday), 2023 9:00-17:00 (Reception closes at 16:30) 大人 500circle(宝物館のみ)

Shokokuji Autumn Special Visit

place period time price
Shokokuji Temple September 26th (Tue) to December 10th (Sun), 2023 16:00 reception closes 16:30 gate closes
October18日(火)〜21日(金)は開山忌法要のため拝観を休止いたTo do.
一般 800circle 65歳以上・中高生 700circle 小学生 400 yen 身体障がい者及介護者1名まで  free

Daitokuji Sub-temple Korin-in Special Opening

place period time price
Korin-in Temple Saturday, September 30, 2023 to Sunday, December 17, 2023 110:00-16:30 reception end
*Reception closes at 16:00 after December 1st
600 yen

Seiryoji Temple 霊宝館 秋期特別公開

place period time price
Seiryoji Temple Sunday, October 1, 2023 to Thursday, November 30, 2023 9:00-16:00 400 yen

Ginkakuji autumn special opening

place period time price
Ginkakuji Temple Sunday, October 1, 2023 to Sunday, December 3, 2023 10:00/11:00/12:00/13:30/14:30/15:30(特別拝観はガイドが案内※自由に入ることはできません.) 入山料 高校生以上500circle、小中学生300circle
特別拝観料(ご希望の方のみ本堂前にて要申込) 2,000circle (入山料別途)※特別御朱印付き

Rurikoin autumn's特別拝観

place period time price
Rurikoin Sunday, October 1, 2023 to Sunday, December 10, 2023 10:00-17:00 (gate closes at 16:30)
一般 2,000circle

Yamashina/Anshoji Autumn special viewing

place period time price
Anshoji Temple October 7-9, 21-22, November 3-5, 18-25, 2023 9:00-17:00(最終受付16:00 500circle(大人・小人共通 *小人未満 free)

Tahoto pagoda Five Great Kokuzo Bodhisattva Statues Revealed

place period time price
Jingoji Temple October 7th (Sat) to 9th (Mon), 2023 10:00-15:00 拝観料 500circle(別途通常拝観料必要 600 yen)

Daitokuji sub-temple Sokenin autumn special opening

place period time price
Sokenin Saturday, October 7, 2023 to Thursday, November 30, 2023 10:00-16:00 reception end
Closed on October 12th, November 21st and 22nd
Reception starts from 11:30 on November 5th
*Due to legal reasons, closed days may increase.
大人600 yen 中学高校生400 yen 小学生以下free(保護者同伴)

Daitokuji Sub-temple Oubai-in Autumn special opening

place period time price
Oubai-in Temple Saturday, October 7, 2023 to Sunday, December 3, 2023 110:00-16:00 reception end
Closed on October 28th
*Due to legal reasons, closed days may increase.
大人800circle 中学高校生400 yen 小学生以下free(保護者同伴)

Hogon-in Autumn Special Visit

place period time price
Hogon-in Saturday, October 7, 2023 to Sunday, December 10, 2023 9:00-17:00
* Reception closes (main hall) 16:30 (garden) 16:45
700circle/本堂参拝(襖絵) 別途参拝志納料(500circle)



autumn'sKyotoおすすめコース│紅葉light upイベント・特別拝観・祭り・アクティビティ・体験を徹底紹介!

" autumn's Kyoto What kind of games are popular? 」あるいは" Kyotoの秋を満喫する方法は? 」などの情報をリサーチされている方も多いと思います.

ここからは、Based on activity Japan reservation data" autumn'sKyotoアクティビティ・レジャー・体験・遊び人気ランキング ” will be introduced.


Making sweets and Japanese sweets
Ceramic art experience / ceramic art class
Braid experience / braid classroom
Maiko experience
Tea ceremony experience / tea ceremony class
Kimono rental
Aroma experience, perfumer, incense making
Soba making experience / soba making class
Glasswork / glass studio
Based on activity Japan reservation data

Japanese culture experience leisure is popular!

autumn'sKyotoおすすめコース│紅葉light upイベント・特別拝観・祭り・アクティビティ・体験を徹底紹介!

autumn'sKyotoでは、古き良き時代から受け継がれる Japanese culture experience leisure の数々が高い人気を誇ります.

中でも" Japanese sweets making experience "or" Pottery experience / pottery class 」など、子供から大人まで誰もが楽しめる体験が人気を集めています.

また、" Braid experience / braid classroom "or" Maiko experience 」などの日本文化体験もKyotoならではの人気種目is.

Featured Articles

[Kyoto Japanese sweets making experience] Gion, Kawaramachi, Arashiyama, around Kyoto station etc... Check popular experience plans & word-of-mouth reputation! Image of
[Kyoto / Japanese sweets making experience] Gion / Kawaramachi / Arashiyama / Kyoto station area etc ... Check popular experience plans & word-of-mouth reputation!
Updated 2021/06/30
A special feature on the popular Japanese culture experience of traveling to Kyoto, “Japanese sweets making experience / sweets making experience”. In addition to information on popular experience plans and recommended shops held around Gion, Kawaramachi, Arashiyama, Kyoto Station, etc., we thoroughly provide information on reservations that are worrisome, such as plans with low prices, reputation based on reviews and word-of-mouth experiences, and whether reservations can be made on the day or the day before. I will introduce you. Recommended for Kyoto sightseeing such as couples, families with children, school trips, and girls' trips!
Kinki (Kansai) Kyoto Making sweets and Japanese sweets Food culture experience
Kyoto Pottery Experience Class│Recommended/Popular/Reservation Plan Ranking Images
Kyoto / Ceramics Experience Class │ Recommended / Popular / Reservation Plan Ranking
2021/07/02 update
A special feature on “Pottery Experience / Pottery Class”, which is extremely popular as a sightseeing leisure and Japanese cultural experience for traveling to Kyoto. We will introduce popular experience plans and recommended shops and workshop information, focusing on Gion, Kawaramachi, Higashiyama, and around Kyoto Station, which are easily accessible from Kiyomizu Temple and Yasaka Shrine. Please use it as a reference to compare and consider plan selection based on reviews and word-of-mouth experiences, as well as the types of pottery experiences and the characteristics of Kyoto pottery experience classes.
Kinki (Kansai) Kyoto Ceramic art experience / ceramic art class

Kimono rentalでSNS映え抜群!

autumn'sKyotoおすすめコース│紅葉light upイベント・特別拝観・祭り・アクティビティ・体験を徹底紹介!

autumn'sみならず一年を通してKyoto旅行・観光の大定番となっている" Kimono rental(夏は浴衣) ".

特にoverlaps with the autumn leaves season 秋は、Kyoto散策の写真・動画をより一層フォトジェニックに 残せる絶好のチャンス.

For various occasions such as couple dates, girls' trips, family trips, etc. Kimono rentalを利用する方が増えるシーズン is.

Featured Articles

KyotoKimono rental予約人気ランキングの画像
KyotoKimono rental予約人気ランキング
2022/09/09 update
KyotoのKimono rental予約人気ランキングを大発表!ヘアセット込みのプラン、安いプラン、当日・前日予約可能プラン、割引(学割・カップル割など)情報などKyotoKimono rentalの情報を徹底紹介.Kiyomizu Temple、祇園、嵐山etc…古き良き日本の風景・文化を感じられるKyoto旅行を美しい着物姿に着替えて艶やかにお楽しみください.
Kinki (Kansai) Kyoto Around Kyoto Station Kimono rental

KyotoActivity/Cultural Experience Popularity Ranking

Finally, based on Activity Japan's latest reservation data " Kyoto Activity/Cultural Experience Popularity Ranking ” will be introduced.


土日祝日やautumn's行楽シーズンperiodなどは各プラン多くの予約・お問い合わせが予想されます.スケジュールの空き状況をご確認の上早めの予約手配をおすすめTo do.
1 Rank

"Super Summer Sale in progress" [Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto] Japanese sweets making experience [Welcome to the world of traditional Japanese sweets and Neri-kiri! ] 1 minute walk from Gojo Station

Japanese culture experience hermitage an Kyoto
Around Kyoto Station
1,570 circle 1,491 Yen ~ (tax included)
Discount campaign in progress!
  • 4.1
  • (36 reviews and experiences)

Kyoto烏丸五条にある日本文化体験 庵an(あん)Kyotoでは、どなたでも楽しく日本文化を体験いただけます.日本文化への第一歩を庵anKyotoで踏み出してみませんか?楽しい+学べる体験プログラムを多数用意してお待ちしております.Japanese sweets making experienceでは、おひとり様2個季節に合わせた和菓子を作っていただきます.Kyotoの老

2 Rank

[Kyoto / Shimizu] Beginners are welcome! Make your favorite shape! Potter's wheel experience standard plan (30 minutes)

Zuikou Kiln Kyoto Shimizu Store (zuikougama)
Around Gion, Higashiyama, Kitashirakawa
3,600 Yen ~ (tax included)
  • 4.8
  • (52 reviews and testimonials)


3 Rank


KyoYuzen Workshop Marumasu Nishimuraya
Kawaramachi / Karasuma / Omiya area
3,500 Yen ~ (tax included)
  • 4.9
  • (8 reviews / experiences)

当たりが柔らかく、香りの良い"Kyoto銘木 北山杉」のお箸作りと、型紙を使って絵柄を染める友禅のお箸入れ作りのセットis.さくっ、さくっと軽快に木を削り出すたびにほのかな香りが辺りに広がります.そんな空気が流れる京町家の一室でお箸作りに興じてみませんか?

4 Rank

"Super Summer Sale in progress" [Kyoto / Shimogyo Ward] Matcha & Neri-kiri making experience! Welcome to the wonderful world of tea! 1 minute walk from Gojo station

Japanese culture experience hermitage an Kyoto
Around Kyoto Station
2,570 circle 2,441 Yen ~ (tax included)
Discount campaign in progress!
  • 4.1
  • (14 reviews and experiences)

Kyoto烏丸五条にある日本文化体験 庵an(あん)Kyotoでは、どなたでも楽しく日本文化を体験いただけます.日本文化への第一歩を庵anKyotoで踏み出してみませんか?楽しい+学べる体験プログラムを多数用意してお待ちしております.練り切りは上生菓子の一つis.カラフルな餡を使って、季節の花やくだものなどを形作って

5 Rank


Kameoka / Kyotamba
38,000 Yen ~ (tax included)
  • 5.0
  • (1 review / experience)


6 Rank

[Kyoto / Higashiyama] Kiyomizudera-6 minutes walk! A 20-minute easy potter's wheel experience at a popular spot with plenty of Kyoto atmosphere

Kashogama Ceramics Class
Around Gion, Higashiyama, Kitashirakawa
2,500 Yen ~ (tax included)
  • 4.7
  • (53 reviews and testimonials)

A classic course for dates and girls' trips, Ninen-zaka to Sannen-zaka ♪ Let's easily enjoy the pottery you wanted to try at a popular spot that everyone feels "Kyoto-like!"

7 Rank

[Kyoto / Kameoka] Paragliding experience 470m "Tandem flight course" beginners welcome! Free transfer available!

Birds Paraglider School
Kameoka / Kyotamba
10,200 Yen ~ (tax included)
  • 4.9
  • (36 reviews and experiences)

Experience a dynamic flight from Parapark Kyoto (altitude difference 470m) with a professional instructor. You can take a leisurely walk in the air by leaving all the maneuvers to the instructor behind you. * It may be changed to Yagi tandem (West Kyoto paraglider practice field 200m or 130m) depending on the weather conditions. ※Man

8 Rank

[Kyoto, Nijo Johoku] Experience making key chains for Kyo twisted bunch (Yorifusa) and Kumihimo (braided cord)!

Experience studio Yusai
Kawaramachi / Karasuma / Omiya area
2,500 Yen ~ (tax included)
  • 4.8
  • (49 reviews and testimonials)


9 Rank

[Kyoto / Shimizu] Beginners are welcome! Easily make cups between sightseeing trips! Potter's wheel experience light plan (20 minutes)

Zuikou Kiln Kyoto Shimizu Store (zuikougama)
Around Gion, Higashiyama, Kitashirakawa
2,500 Yen ~ (tax included)
  • 4.7
  • (26 reviews and experiences)


10 Rank


Experience Workshop Temple Space
Around Kyoto Station
2,500 Yen ~ (tax included)
  • 4.8
  • (18 reviews and experiences)



Editorial department recommended feature articles

Experiences and activities unique to Kyoto│Recommended for girls' trips, couples, and families with children! Leisure/Activity/Cultural Experience Popularity Ranking Images
Experience / play unique to Kyoto │ Recommended for girls traveling, couples, and families with children! Leisure / Activity / Cultural Experience Popularity Ranking
Updated 2023/04/17
A special feature on "experiences and activities unique to Kyoto" that you can enjoy while traveling and sightseeing in Kyoto. Introducing the popularity ranking of recommended experiences, leisure, play, and activities for families with children, including girls' trips, dates, family trips, school trips, and company trips.
Kinki (Kansai) Kyoto Making sweets and Japanese sweets
[Kyoto Japanese sweets making experience] Gion, Kawaramachi, Arashiyama, around Kyoto station etc... Check popular experience plans & word-of-mouth reputation! Image of
[Kyoto / Japanese sweets making experience] Gion / Kawaramachi / Arashiyama / Kyoto station area etc ... Check popular experience plans & word-of-mouth reputation!
Updated 2021/06/30
A special feature on the popular Japanese culture experience of traveling to Kyoto, “Japanese sweets making experience / sweets making experience”. In addition to information on popular experience plans and recommended shops held around Gion, Kawaramachi, Arashiyama, Kyoto Station, etc., we thoroughly provide information on reservations that are worrisome, such as plans with low prices, reputation based on reviews and word-of-mouth experiences, and whether reservations can be made on the day or the day before. I will introduce you. Recommended for Kyoto sightseeing such as couples, families with children, school trips, and girls' trips!
Kinki (Kansai) Kyoto Making sweets and Japanese sweets Food culture experience
KyotoKimono rental予約人気ランキングの画像
KyotoKimono rental予約人気ランキング
2022/09/09 update
KyotoのKimono rental予約人気ランキングを大発表!ヘアセット込みのプラン、安いプラン、当日・前日予約可能プラン、割引(学割・カップル割など)情報などKyotoKimono rentalの情報を徹底紹介.Kiyomizu Temple、祇園、嵐山etc…古き良き日本の風景・文化を感じられるKyoto旅行を美しい着物姿に着替えて艶やかにお楽しみください.
Kinki (Kansai) Kyoto Around Kyoto Station Kimono rental
Kyoto Pottery Experience Class│Recommended/Popular/Reservation Plan Ranking Images
Kyoto / Ceramics Experience Class │ Recommended / Popular / Reservation Plan Ranking
2021/07/02 update
A special feature on “Pottery Experience / Pottery Class”, which is extremely popular as a sightseeing leisure and Japanese cultural experience for traveling to Kyoto. We will introduce popular experience plans and recommended shops and workshop information, focusing on Gion, Kawaramachi, Higashiyama, and around Kyoto Station, which are easily accessible from Kiyomizu Temple and Yasaka Shrine. Please use it as a reference to compare and consider plan selection based on reviews and word-of-mouth experiences, as well as the types of pottery experiences and the characteristics of Kyoto pottery experience classes.
Kinki (Kansai) Kyoto Ceramic art experience / ceramic art class
2023/03/07 update
Kyotoで楽しめる食べ歩きspotを解説.今回は観光に人気のエリアごとに食べ歩きspotをピックアップしました.あわせて、周辺で楽しむアクティビティやグルメプランについても紹介To do.食べ歩きとあわせて、Kyoto観光の思い出を作りも満喫will do.
Kansai Kyoto Making sweets and Japanese sweets
Search by activity / experience