着物レンタル Keit(ケイト) のギャラリー
着物レンタル Keit(ケイト) のギャラリー
着物レンタル Keit(ケイト) のギャラリー

着物レンタル Keit(ケイト)

Currently 着物レンタル Keit(ケイト) has no bookable plans

Information on 着物レンタル Keit(ケイト)

Authorization issued by Notification of establishment of Kyoto City Medical Hygiene Center/Beauty Salon
Number of staff 7persons
Number of instructors 5persons
Selling points regarding safety ◇In order to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus, we thoroughly measure the temperature and disinfect when visiting the store. ◇For safety reasons, we ask that pregnant women refrain from renting a kimono, considering the impact on the mother's body and the burden on the child's belly due to the tightening of the kimono.

着物レンタル Keit(ケイト) - operating hours

Kyoto Prefecture Kyoto City Fushimi Ward Fukakusa Ichinotsubocho 34-1 Kanoko Building 2F South Side
Operating hours 10: 00-17: 00
Regular holidays No scheduled holidays

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