
Currently にいかっぷホロシリ乗馬クラブ has no bookable plans

Information on にいかっぷホロシリ乗馬クラブ

Authorization issued by Animal handling business registration
Insurance information Chubb Limited Insurance Co., Ltd. Group Comprehensive Compensation System Cost Insurance
License and Qualifications Our club's instructors judge horse riding skills
Number of staff 6persons
Number of instructors 4persons
Selling points regarding safety Horse trekking such as "Experience forest course (50 minutes)" is intended for people over 10 years old (approximate) because they ride horses by themselves. In addition, in order to protect yourself from accidents such as falling horses, it is mandatory to wear a riding helmet and riding boots, and a riding body protector is also available.

にいかっぷホロシリ乗馬クラブ - operating hours

26 Nishihakutsu, Niikappu-cho, Niikappu-gun, Hokkaido
Operating hours Reception hours: 8:45 to 17:00 Business hours: 9:00 to 17:00 Visiting hours: 10:00 to 16:00 (10:00 to 15:00 in winter) * May be in the rangeland in the afternoon
Regular holidays None (Closed only from December 26th to January 7th)

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