
Currently 横浜ドローンウォーカー has no bookable plans

Information on 横浜ドローンウォーカー

Authorization issued by Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism certified training organization
Insurance information Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance
License and Qualifications First Class Unmanned Aerial Pilot, Second Class Unmanned Aerial Pilot, Drone Walker License
Member organizations and associations Drone Walker, Ishikawa Energy Research
Number of staff 8persons
Number of instructors 7persons
Selling points regarding safety Corona measures, wearing a helmet when operating a drone

横浜ドローンウォーカー - operating hours

2-14-8 Shin-Yokohama, Kohoku-ku Office Shin-Yokohama 709 Yokohama Drone Walker Shin-Yokohama Classroom
Operating hours 09: 00-17: 00

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