
Currently 北九州エクスペリエンスウォークス has no bookable plans

Information on 北九州エクスペリエンスウォークス

Authorization issued by Fukuoka Governor Registered Travel Business No. 3-662
Insurance information Sompo Japan / Disability after death 10 million yen / Daily hospitalization 10,000 yen / Liability 1 Accident 100 million yen (Japan Eco Tourism Center Group Insurance)
License and Qualifications Comprehensive travel business handling manager / Itinerary manager / Wilderness First Aid / Non-life insurance solicitor / Ministry of the Environment commissioned nature park instructor / Nature experience activity promotion council certified risk manager, etc.
Member organizations and associations General Incorporated Association JARTA (Japan Alliance of Responsible Travel Agencies), NPO Japan Ecotourism Center, Japan Footpath Association
Number of staff 1persons
Number of instructors 1persons
Selling points regarding safety A safety management manual that covers multiple items is formulated, documented and operated, and is updated every year / A risk manager is set up (renewal is continued for 3 years) / The guide meets not only years of experience but also various requirements specified in the safety management manual It is essential / Formulation of guide ratios and operating standards and strict operation / Travel business registration business, and from the viewpoint of contractor (consumer) protection, appointment of travel business handling manager as contract manager, and Deposit the business deposit to the Legal Affairs Bureau.

北九州エクスペリエンスウォークス - operating hours

4-6 Higashihatamachi, Wakamatsu-ku, Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture
Operating hours 8: 30-18: 00

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